900字范文 > 古典美 classical beauty英语短句 例句大全

古典美 classical beauty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-10 06:39:04


古典美 classical beauty英语短句 例句大全

古典美,classical beauty

1)classical beauty古典美

1.Traditional opera is a kind of natural music,constantly keeping its traditionalclassical beauty and owing its own melodious feature.传统戏曲音乐是一种自然流变的河流,它始终保持着传统的古典美,保持着本身固有的旋律特征。

2.With a vivid description of the unparalleledclassical beauty of goddess of Luo, the poetic prose is a masterpiece in Chinese literature history, which carries forward the cause and forge ahead into the future.洛神的古典美无与伦比,但它是流,不是源,此前已有诗、骚、赋开其先河。

3.Strong tragic colour made the artistic figure of Xu Shu in the story appear full of life with vividness andclassical beauty.浓厚的悲剧色彩,使徐庶这个艺术形象呈现出一种古典美,给读者留下的印象比历史人物徐庶丰满得多,生动得多,这大概是艺术魅力之所在吧


1.On the Aesthetical Implicature of"Beauty"in Classical Chinese Aesthetics;论中国古典美学中“美人”的审美意蕴

2.Critique of Chinese & Western Classical aesthetics From the Ken of Cultural Aesthetics文化美学视野与中西方古典美学批判

3.That appreciation of the beauty of "gas" realizes;“气”之审美视域——中国古典美学范畴研究

4.On the Aesthetic Intension and Aesthstic Character in the "li" Category of Chinese Classical Aesthetics试论古典美学“丽”范畴的审美内涵与美学特征

5.Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature.古典美学信奉古希腊和古罗马艺术和文学体现的美学价值

6.(fine arts) not classical.(美术)不是古典的。

7.Art of Aestheticism:The Aesthetic Mainstream in Chinese Classic Poetry;唯美的艺术:中国古典诗歌的审美主流

8.Profound Beauty,Flowing Rhythm--Analysis on the Splendid "Qupen" Used in Chinese Classical Novels;典丽深曲 跌宕多姿——浅论中国古典小说的曲笔美

9.Aesthetic Ideal on the Phenomenon of the Confucian Restoring Ancient Ways of the Chinese Classical Literature;中国古典文学中儒家复古论者的审美理想

10.these perfectly straight pillars represent classical beauty.这些直溜的柱子体现着古典之美。

11.There is profound implication in Chinese classical poetry.古典诗歌富有深厚的意蕴美。

12.This book can sustain comparison with the classics.这本书可以和古典文学比美。

13.The tremolo is one of the most beautiful techniques of the classical guitar.轮指是古典吉他最美的技巧之一。

14.After Reading 《From Changan to Athens--Travel Notes about Art Archaeology at Home and Abroad》《从长安到雅典——中外美术考古游记》读后

15.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Theories of Oriental & Occidental Classical Literatures试论东、西方古典文论中的美学理论

16.On Eastern Aesthetic Characteristic of Korean Notes on Classical Poetry Theory论朝鲜古典诗话理论的东方美学特征

17."Harmony between Human Being and Nature" and Aesthetic Pursuit in China Classical Garden;“天人合一”与中国古典园林的审美追求

18.Fashion and Classic Coexisting, Romance and Estheticism Merging;时尚与古典并存 浪漫与唯美同在


classical esthetics古典美学

3)classic aesthetics古典美学

1.This paper studies Chinese traditional thoughts from the cultural perspective and summarizes its characteristics as follows: strong Confucian influence; emphasis on practical skill; relating closely to Chineseclassic aesthetics.从文化视角考察中国传统翻译思想,其主要特点有三:儒学色彩浓厚;强调实践技能;与中国古典美学范畴紧密相关。

2."Qing" is an important category in Chinese classic Aesthetics.“清”是中国古典美学中的一个重要范畴,目前学术界对它的研究无论从广度和深度来说都显得很不够。

4)Classical aesthetics古典美学

1.On the "Li" Category of Chinese Classical Aesthetics in the Qin-Han Dynasty;先秦两汉时期古典美学“丽”范畴论

2.The disciplinary construction of contemporary Chinese aesthetics needs classical aesthetics to be swept and transformed properly.当代中国美学的学科化建设,要求对古典美学进行恰当的清理与转换,摆脱中国古典美学在理论形态上的失语失范,就应从根本上抛却传统实用理性的学术史观,并在源头上舍弃研究中僵固的概念分析及逻辑归纳方法,展开特定时期或领域的历史情境重构,进行具体文本或问题的整体文化解读,或可为古典美学脱离学科困境、取得理论突破,提供新的探究维度和思想生长点。

3."Li(Beauty)"is one of the most important categories of Chinese classical aesthetics,It runs through the whole course of Chinese classical aesthetics.“丽”是中国古典美学的重要审美范畴,贯穿于中国古典美学的整个历程。

5)classical art古典美术

6)aesthetics of ancient poetry古典诗美


