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经书 confucian classics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-30 11:09:48


经书 confucian classics英语短句 例句大全

经书,confucian classics

1)confucian classics经书

1.In the Chinese phylogeny of ancient book, the Confucian classics became one especially eye-striking kind.在中国古籍图书的发展史上,儒家经书成为格外醒目的一类。


1.The Function and Influence ofShu-jing and Book of Mutation in the History of the Chinese-French Academic Communication in the 18th Century;《书经》、《易经》与十八世纪中法学术交流


1.The Five Classics: Book Of Songs, Book Of History Book Of Change, Book Of Rites, and Spring and Autumn Annals五经:易经、书经、诗经、礼记、春秋

2.Statistical Papers统计丛书(经社会报告书)

3.The Book takes its title from the Bible.该书书名得自于《圣经》

4.On Sundays I often spend some time reading in the library.星期天我经常在图书馆里看些书。

5.They have catalogued any and every book in the library.他们已经把图书馆里的藏书全部编目。

6.This bookstore doesn"t handle medical books.这家书店不经销医学类书藉。

7.reissue library books after stocktaking经清点后重新出借图书馆的书.

8.Q.5 Which books in Bible are in the catalog of Pastoral Letters?问题5.教牧书信包括圣经的哪几卷书?

9.The Comparison of"Hanshu Yiwenzhi" and "Suishu Jingjizhi";《隋书·经籍志》与《汉书·艺文志》之比较

10.Books not Recorded in the JingJiZhi of JiuTangShu;《旧唐书·经籍志》史部脱漏书钩沉

11.On Chinese Standard Script in Calligraphy of Tao Te Ching Written by Tian Yongzhao门外楷书谈——读《田永昭书〈道德经〉》摭言

12.Discussed on the Unearthed Medical Books from Ma Wang Dui Tomb of the Han Dynasty and the Times of Huang Di Nei Jing Compiled马王堆出土医书与《黄帝内经》成书上限

13.The manager dictated a letter to his secretary.经理向秘书口授一封信。

14.The manager was dictating a letter to the secretary.经理在向秘书口授信稿。

15.A tablet has been found.已经发现了一块书板。

16.He was idly leafing through a book.他漫不经心翻着一本书。

17.The books we ordered have come .我们订购的书已经来了。

18.We have experienced secretary.我们有经验丰富的秘书。



1.The Function and Influence ofShu-jing and Book of Mutation in the History of the Chinese-French Academic Communication in the 18th Century;《书经》、《易经》与十八世纪中法学术交流

3)library funds图书经费

1.By analyzing thelibrary funds,book resources,and librarians in colleges and universities,this paper points out the disadvantages of traditional model for running libraries and puts forward establishing modern libraries and implementing the management modle of library-reading room integration.通过对传统高校图书馆的图书经费、图书资源、资料员等情况分析,指出传统办馆模式的弊端,提出建立现代图书馆馆室一体化的管理模式。

4)study experience读书经验

5)book-purchasing funds购书经费

6)Shu Ching Eclipse书经食


