900字范文 > 育才 cultivate talents英语短句 例句大全

育才 cultivate talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-29 19:47:26


育才 cultivate talents英语短句 例句大全

育才,cultivate talents

1)cultivate talents育才

1.As ideological foundation of Gaogong official administration reform,his thoughts on talents can be induced from four perspectives as follows: tocultivate talents in order to employ;to search for wits in order to employ the intelligences;to entitle talents according to their capability in order to value;to choose talents in order to assign them suitable jobs.高拱的人才思想作为其吏治改革的思想基础,大致可归约为四项意涵:即"用人必先养人"的育才思想、"人有当用之才"的识才思想、"有才皆得其用"的用才思想和"推贤让能"的爱才思想。

2)training of bright people人才培育

1.This paper deals with new thought and new measures opening up market by geological exploration units,including emancipating the mind,scienfific decision,training of bright people and action with caution based on "development-a strong truth".从解放思想、科学决策、人才培育、谨慎运作等方面 ,紧紧围绕’发展才是硬道理”的理论 ,论述了地质勘探企业创市场的新思路、新举

3)General education通才教育

1.Upon MEI Yi-qi s General Education Idea;梅贻琦通才教育思想引论

2.Exploration reformation of the teaching method of inorganic chemistry on the background of general education on university;大学“通才教育”背景下《无机化学》教学改革探讨

3.During his seventeen years as President of Tsinghua University,Mei Yiqi,carried out a series of reform with general education as the guideline and created a "golden era" in the history of Tsinghua University.通才教育思想是梅贻琦教育思想的核心,也是对清华大学产生深远影响的指导思想之一。


1.The Argument on The General Education and Special Education in Social Work Field of China;社会工作“通才教育”与“专才教育”刍议

2.Dialectical Thinking on General Education and Special Education--On Changing Special Education to General Education;专才教育与通才教育的辩证思考——关于“从专才教育转向通才教育”的讨论

3.Many educators advocate a liberal education.很多教育家提倡通才教育。

4.Higer Education of China in the 20th Century:Tension Between General Education and Specialist Education;20世纪中国的高等教育:通才教育与专才教育的张力


6.Development and Practical Significance of All - rounder Education in the History of Higher Education;通才教育在高等教育史上的演变及现实意义

7.Ancient Mode for Education of General Talents--Education Practice in Ancient Athens通才教育的古代范式——古典时代雅典的教育实践

8.An Elementary Introduction to the Cultural Value of Mei Yiqi s Thinking of Generalist Development;浅论梅贻琦通才教育思想的文化取向

9.On Mei Yiqi s General Education Idea;梅贻琦大学理念之通才教育思想探析

10.A Right Role for General Education to Play--"Discussion with Professor Zhang Ru-lun";通才教育要寻求合理定位——与张汝伦教授商榷

11.On the Ideal and Reality of All-round Quality-oriented Education of Social Work in China;论我国社会工作通才教育的理想和现实

12.On the vocational undergraduates and the versatility education;本科高职实施通才教育的必要性与基本途径

13.The Development of "Generalist" and "Professionals" in Public Security Higher Education公安教育要“通才”与“专才”教育并重

14.Study on General Education of Colleges and Universities and Cultivation of Innovative Talents;高校通识教育与创新型人才培养研究

15.Positioning of Talent Training of Nantong Higher Vocational Education;南通高等职业教育人才培养定位思考

16.On the Cultivating Strategies of the Education of Master of Engineering and Local Transportation Human Resources;论工程硕士教育与地方交通人才资源培育策略

17.Study on the Cultivation of College P.E.Students and Quality Education;普通高校体育专业人才素质教育的研究

18.On Cultivation of the General Talents for Both Military and Local Use by Taking Advantage of National Education Resources;发挥国民教育资源优势,培育军地通用型人才


training of bright people人才培育

1.This paper deals with new thought and new measures opening up market by geological exploration units,including emancipating the mind,scienfific decision,training of bright people and action with caution based on "development-a strong truth".从解放思想、科学决策、人才培育、谨慎运作等方面 ,紧紧围绕’发展才是硬道理”的理论 ,论述了地质勘探企业创市场的新思路、新举

3)General education通才教育

1.Upon MEI Yi-qi s General Education Idea;梅贻琦通才教育思想引论

2.Exploration reformation of the teaching method of inorganic chemistry on the background of general education on university;大学“通才教育”背景下《无机化学》教学改革探讨

3.During his seventeen years as President of Tsinghua University,Mei Yiqi,carried out a series of reform with general education as the guideline and created a "golden era" in the history of Tsinghua University.通才教育思想是梅贻琦教育思想的核心,也是对清华大学产生深远影响的指导思想之一。

4)generalist education通才教育

1.Some considerations ongeneralist education of Chinese medicine;中医药通才教育的几点看法

5)liberal education通才教育

1.Based on the analysis on strengthening the advantages of university students inliberal education for university students,this paper expounds how university library to build a solid platform for the employment of university students.在分析高校图书馆加强大学生通才教育优势的基础上,论述了高校图书馆如何为大学生就业搭建一个坚实的平台。

2.Based on China s educational reality,the normal universities should adopt the talent-training model,which combinesliberal education and specialty education withliberal education as its basis.根据我国的教育实际,高师院校宜采取以通才教育为基础、通才教育与专才教育相结合的专业教育培养模式,并通过提升教师素质、优化课程结构、革新教学方法等措施加以落实。

3.It can also optimize the external environment of music education,enable the students to expase themselves to much moreliberal education,strengthen their artistic practice and their adaptability in societ.在高师音乐教育中开设“室内乐”课不但可以提高学生对多声部音乐的感受和表演能力、全面提高学生艺术修养、优化高师音乐教育的外部环境、增强艺术实践环节 ,而且可以使学生接受更多的通才教育 ,从而增强适应社会的能力。

6)elitist education英才教育

1.The process is restropected fromelitist education to pupulace education gradully about higher education , elistist education should be heeded in developing populace higher education ,the mothods about intensifyingelitist education are brought forward.回顾了高等教育由英才教育逐步发展到大众化教育的历程,指出大众化教育下不可忽视英才教育,对大众化教育下如何加强英才教育提出了自己的看法。


育才1.亦作"育材"。 2.培养人才。
