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基本技能 basic skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-04 00:42:10


基本技能 basic skills英语短句 例句大全

基本技能,basic skills

1)basic skills基本技能

1.Based on it,it has put forword somebasic skills about medium and long-term financing plan.文章从基础层面对中长期理财规划进行了探讨,对其理论基础和原则进行了充分的阐述,在此基础上,提出了中长期理财规划的一些基本技能。

2.This paper proposes that there are four stages in training two-year digit control talents, which includes learning basic theory, emulation training,basic skills field training, and on-the-job training, and expounds the training focus and training equipments in each stage.文章提出将两年制数控技术人才培养过程分为基础知识学习、模拟仿真实训、基本技能实训、生产顶岗实训4个阶段的培养模式,并阐述每一阶段的培养重点及实验实训设备配备。

3.With a view to train students to master thebasic skills of distinguishing different botanic categories through experi ments,the experiment teaching system of systematic botany was reconstruced.以使学生通过实验学习顺利掌握"鉴别植物种类所需的基本技能"的训练为出发点,来对植物分类学实验教学体系进行重新构建,并根据新体系对实验教学方法和考核方法进行改革和调整,从而提高了教学效果,促进了学生综合素质的提高。


1.Iowa Test of Basic Skill衣阿华基本技能测验

2.as well as to enhance their basic skills.和增强他们的基本技能。

3.McCraw Hill Basic Skills System麦希二氏基本技能系统

4.How to Master the Basic English Listening Skills and Techniques如何掌握英语听力的基本技能和技巧

5.On the reform of teachers basic skill course in higher teachers college of vocation and technology;浅谈职技高师教师基本技能课程改革

6.which is an essential skill for market analysis.这是市场分析所需的一种基本技能。

7.Construction of Chinese Basic Skill Test for 3~4 Grades;3~4年级语文基本技能测验的编制

8.Lesson Introduction--a Basic Skill for Teachers of Clinical Medicine;说课——医学临床课教师必备的基本技能

9.Fostering Basic Skills and Improving Test Ability for CET Listening Comprehension;CET-4听力理解基本技能的培养

10.The operation teaching of the basic skill of laparoscope;腹腔镜手术基本技能的实验教学研究

11.Teaching Strategies of Improving Basic Skills of Aerobics;提高现代健美操基本技能的教学策略

12.On the Training Method of College English Writing Skills;浅谈大学英语写作基本技能训练方法

13.The Research on the Basic Skills Applied in Orienteering Competition;定向运动比赛中基本技能的运用研究

14.The Teaching Research on Basic Skills of Zoology Experiment Train动物学实验基本技能训练的教学研究

15.This course deals with all basic language skills: aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.本课程涉及了听,说,读,写这四项语言的基本技能。

16.Emphasizing training of basic skills and improving students ability in clinical practice;注重基本技能训练 提高学生临床实践能力

17.skill infrastructure有关技能的基本设施

18.Basic english skill& driving skill is perferment.具有基本的英语技能和驾驶技能。


basic skill基本技能

1.Emphasizing training ofbasic skills and improving students ability in clinical practice;注重基本技能训练 提高学生临床实践能力

2.The former is to improve the abilities ofbasic skill in laboratory and the later is to promote the level of professional skill in practice .基础实验课教学要注重学生基本技能的训练,专业实验课教学要注重学生职业技能的训练。

3.It is very necessary and effective to train thebasic skills of doctors of general surgery with special emphasis.外科学的基础是普通外科,而临床基本技能又是普通外科的基础。

3)basic ability基本技能

1.Professional ability for students in Law Service is an integrated ability,including special ability,basic ability and innovative ability.法律服务专业的学生职业能力是一种综合能力,包括专业能力、基本技能、创新能力三部分。

4)basic technique基本技能

1.Somebasic techniques in manipulative training, especially some preclinical ones, are gradually neglected along with the development of medical technology and application of modern machine.基本技能是护理训练中重要的组成部分 ,随着医学高科技的发展、现代仪器的应用 ,护理技术操作中的基本技能项目 ,尤其是一些基础护理项目已逐渐被人们所忽视。

5)clinical basic skills临床基本技能

1.Present situation and thought ofclinical basic skills teaching in medical education;医学教育临床基本技能教学的现状与思考

6)basic skill training基本技能训练


衣阿华基本技能测验衣阿华基本技能测验Iowa Test of Basic Skill衣阿华基本技能测验(I。wa Test ofBasie Skill)美国衣阿华大学编制的成就测验。由词抓、阅读、语言、数学、学习技能五个分测验组成,适用于1一8年级的学生。一般采用团体施测,用百分等级和年级当量来表示成绩。(郑日昌撰林传戚审)
