900字范文 > 出口商品 Export commodities英语短句 例句大全

出口商品 Export commodities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-21 01:06:33


出口商品 Export commodities英语短句 例句大全

出口商品,Export commodities

1)Export commodities出口商品

1.In Yuan Dynasty, the Chinese seagoing vessel sailed from two ports in Quanzhou,Guangzhou to Indian trade mainly, the export commodities relied mainly on handicraft articles, such as porcelain, textile,etc.元朝时,中国海船主要从泉州、广州两个港口出航到印度贸易,出口商品以瓷器、纺织等手工业品为主;停泊交易地主要是沿马拉八儿海岸的几个港口;不仅与印度进行直接贸易,而且也在印度的古里佛等待波斯、阿拉伯商人进行交易,进口商品主要以香药为主;元代的中印贸易,是当时国际贸易中的重要环节。

2.However, the situation of the structure of our export commodities is not reasonable, it also has a great deal of contradictions and problems.然而在总量增长的背后,我国出口商品结构状况并不合理,严重制约了我国对外贸易利益的改善。


1.port unit value index出口商品单位价值指数

2.Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation进出口商品检验公司

3.The import and export commodity inspection bureau of the people"s republic of china.中国进出口商品检验局。

4.Shanghai Strives for Better Exports上海加强出口商品生产

5.Chapter III Inspection of Export Commodities第三章出口商品的检验

6.To optimize the structure of the export commodities优化出口商品结构。

7.Tea is an Indian export.茶叶是印度的出口商品。

8.China National Export Commodities Packaging Corporation中国出口商品包装公司

9.Chinese Export Commodities Fair中国出口商品交易会

10.the chief exports of China中国的主要出口商品

11.purchasing price of products for export出口商品外贸收购价格

12.optimal structure of imports and exports最优化进出口商品结构

13.On the Principles and Methods in Translating Trademarks from Chinese into English;浅谈出口商品商标英译的原则及方法

14.FDI and the Current Situation of Trade Structure in China;外商直接投资与我国进出口商品结构

15.On display are more than 40, 000 samples of export commodities.陈列的出口商品样品有4万多种。

16.On display are more than 40,000 samples of export commodities.陈列的出口商品的样品共四万多种。

17.China in the export commodity the independent brand question discussion;中国出口商品中自主品牌问题的探讨

18.at China"s Trading ExhiBition of Import and Export Commodities, there are famous Brands of all items you"d expect to find.中国进出口商品贸易展销会,名牌商品,应有尽有。


Export commodity出口商品

1.Export commodity and fixed price are two key problems to be solved for a foreign trade company to open up the international markets vigorously and safely.本系统是出口商品与定价方面的一个决策支持系统,它从数据分析入手,提取系统模型,采用模型驱动和数据驱动相结合的交互式设计法,经人机对话,参数选择,为决策者提供可行的决策参考方案,从而达到决策支持的目的。

2.It pointed out that bilateral trade volume,trade balance and trade interdependence between two countries have increased dramatically,in addition the level of export commodity to US has improved a lot.分析中美两国自建交以来双边贸易发展的主要特点,指出中美双边贸易规模不断扩大,贸易差额明显上升,中国对美国的贸易依存度不断提高,中国对美国出口商品结构进一步优化。

3)Export goods出口商品

1.Some Considerations of Governing the Behavior of Selling China s Export Goods at Low Price;关于治理我国出口商品低价竞销行为的思考

4)commodity exports商品出口

1.Based on the researches on Chinese mainland after her opening up to outside world, this paper draws the conclusion that China s labor exports help greatly accelerate the growth ofcommodity exports.本文以改革开放后的中国大陆作为研究案例,实证发现:我国对外劳务输出有力地推动了我国出口贸易的增长;虽然我国1994年的汇率调整导致出现了一次劳务人数波动率与商品出口波动率相背离的现象,但这并未影响到我国劳务输出与出口贸易之间的关系发生结构性的变化。

5)merchandise export商品出口

1.On the Comparison of the Economic Growth Contributive Efficiency to Merchandise Export and Foreign Investment;商品出口与对外投资对经济增长贡献效率之比较



