900字范文 > 良种补贴 Improved varieties subsidy英语短句 例句大全

良种补贴 Improved varieties subsidy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-22 02:59:12


良种补贴 Improved varieties subsidy英语短句 例句大全

良种补贴,Improved varieties subsidy

1)Improved varieties subsidy良种补贴

1.Improved Varieties subsidy is a kind of fund subsidy which is given to the peasant household whom use Improved Varieties by the government according to the Improved Varieties planting area.良种补贴是指政府对使用优良品种的农户按其种植良种面积给予一定标准的资金补助。


1.Impact of Improved Varieties Subsidy Policy of Rice and Wheat on Protected Varieties in Jiangsu Province;江苏稻麦良种补贴对保护品种的影响探析

2.Practice and Reflection on Seed Subsidies of Special Wheat with Goodquality in Henan Province河南省优质专用小麦良种补贴的实践与思考

3.The Problems and Countermeasures on the Implementation of Improved Cotton Seed Subsidy;棉花良种补贴实施中存在的问题分析与对策建议

4.Reforming and consummating the present improved seed variety subsidy-a positive analysis on Jiangsu Province;改革完善现行良种补贴方式的探讨——基于江苏省的实证分析

5.Analysis on the Promoting Effects of Improved Seeds Subsidy Policy on the Grain Production in He"nan Province河南省良种补贴政策对粮食生产的促进作用分析

6.We will increase direct subsidies to grain farmers for producing grain, subsidies for growing superior seed varieties and purchasing agricultural machinery and tools and general subsidies for agricultural production supplies.增加对种粮农民的直接补贴、种补贴、机具购置补贴和农业生产资料综合补贴。

7.We will further increase direct subsidies to grain producers, subsidies for growing superior grain cultivars, and subsidies for agricultural machinery and tools as well as increase transfer payments to major grain-producing counties and financially strapped counties.进一步增加对农民的种粮直接补贴、种补贴、机具补贴,增加对产粮大县和财政困难县的转移支付。

8.There are three circumstances violating actionable subsidy system: injury to the domestic industry of another Member;有三种补贴情形违反可申诉补贴制度:损害另一成员国内产业;


mittee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures补贴和反补贴委员会

11.Political Control,Fiscal Subsidy and Moral Hazard:A General Model of Bad Assets in State Banks政治控制、财政补贴与道德风险:国有银行不良资产的理论模型

12.The mechanics for claiming this income tax allowance were developed by the District.该保护区发展了索取这种所得税补贴费的技巧。

13.There are always been some skepticism about the usefulness of subsidies on fertilizers.一直有人对化肥补贴的效用持某种怀疑态度。

14.The benefit is not contingent on National Insurance Contributions.这种补贴并不是由国民保险分担额决定的。

15.Infringe upon the Kind of Direct Grain Peasant Allowance Money Corporal Punishment Counter Measure;对侵犯种粮农民直接补贴款的刑法对策

16.Calculation and Analysis of Policy Premium Subsidy Demand for Planting Industry in China种植业政策性保险补贴需求测算与分析

17.Research on Actionable Subsidies in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures《补贴与反补贴协议》下可申诉补贴之研究

18.The Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of WTO and the Countervailing System of China;论WTO补贴与反补贴规定及我国反补贴制度


high-quality seed subsidy良种推广补贴

1.Based on the implementation ofhigh-quality seed subsidy, several features are confirm.近年来,国家为稳定粮食生产和增加农民收入先后采取了粮食直补、减免农业税、良种推广补贴、生产资料综合补贴等一系列支农惠农政策。

3)direct allowance for the foodstuff growing种粮直接补贴

1.It is highly recommended to utilize the experience of the developed countries on the intermediate policies for foodstuff price,to improve the current policies between the lowest purchase price of foodstuff and thedirect allowance for the foodstuff growing.我国现行粮食价格政策面临许多问题,应借鉴主要发达国家与地区对粮食价格干预政策的经验,完善粮食最低收购价格与种粮直接补贴政策,增加种粮农民收入,推进粮食产区新农村建设。


1.A discussion on the countermeasures against foreignsubsidy-countervailing policies;浅谈我国应对国外反补贴的对策

2.Looks at the formation mechanism of private forestsubsidy system from the Industrial Revolution;从工业革命看私有林补贴制度的形成机制

3.The Evolutionary Game for Chinese Enterprises Against Foreign Subsidy and Anti-subsidy;中国企业面对外国补贴与反补贴的进化博弈分析

5)patch bonded repair贴补

1.Thereinto,patch bonded repair and flush repair are the two most important methods.其中 ,贴补法和挖补法是两种基本的修理方法。


1.The item of national agricultural machinery purchaseallowance is a good policy for "agriculture, country and farmer"."国家农机购置补贴项目"是一项惠及"三农"的好政策。

2.Introduced the actualizing of agricultural machineryallowance in Shandong Dingtao, conclude that bring social benefit, economy benefit and zoology benefit.介绍了山东省定陶县实施农机购置补贴政策的情况和实施效果,认为购机补贴政策的实施,对农机化发展产生了积极而深远的影响,充分发挥了农机对农业生产的作用,取得了显著的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益。

3.Theallowance of medium-sized and small enterprises in public finance is the rectification made by the government on the external positive effect of medium-sized and small enterprises,which abides by the international practices and benefits the development of medium-sized and small enterprises.公共财政中小企业补贴是政府对中小企业的外部正效应的矫正,补贴遵循了国际惯例,有利于中小企业的发展。


WTO补贴和反补贴措施协议WTO补贴和反补贴措施协议(Agreement on Subsidies and Counter-vailling Measures),由11个部分、32个条款、7个附件组成,涉及总则、被禁止的补贴、可控告的补贴、不可控告的补贴、反补贴措施、对发展中国家成员方的特殊待遇、过渡期安排与争端解决等内容。
