900字范文 > 第三党 the Third Party英语短句 例句大全

第三党 the Third Party英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-24 00:53:40


第三党 the Third Party英语短句 例句大全

第三党,the Third Party

1)the Third Party第三党

1.He put forward the theory when the Chinese Revolutionary Party (The Third Party) was founded,but it was strongly objected and criticized by the left-leading central committee of the CCP.他将自己对革命的认识形成“平民革命”的理论主张,在中华革命党(第三党)成立时提了出来,却遭到左倾中共中央的强烈反对和批判。


1.Two parties will combine to defeat the third.两党派将联合一起以击败第三党。

2.These people splintered off to form a third party.这些人分裂出来组成第三党。

3.A third party is forme by the fusion of independent republican and democrats.一个第三党由共和党和民主党之独立份子联合而组成。

4.Cooperation between KMT,CPC and other Parties in Yu Hanmou s army in Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期国民党、共产党、第三党成员在余汉谋部的合作

5.Third, the Party should do everything possible to institute the three-thirds system.第三,党要切实保证三三制。

6.and third, it must be based on self-criticism.第三,这个党必须是建立在自我批评基础上的党。

7.and third, upholding and improving leadership by the Communist Party.第三部分,讲一讲坚持党的领导,改善党的领导。

8.The third topic I want to talk about is upholding and improving Party leadership.第三部分,讲讲坚持党的领导,改善党的领导。

9.The Third Generation of Central Collective Leadership s Contribution to the Multi-party Cooperation System;党的第三代中央领导集体与多党合作制度

10.The New Contributions to the Multi-Party Cooperation System by the Third Generation of the Party s Collective Leadership;党的第三代领导人对多党合作制度的新贡献

11.The characteristics of the Party style construction by the Party s leading-body of the third generation;党的第三代领导集体加强党风建设的突出特点

12.and third, the provisions concerning disciplinary measures applicable to Party members have been simplified.第三,简化了关于对党员的处分的规定。

13.the official emblem of the Nazi Party and the German Third Reich.纳粹党和德意志第三帝国的正式徽章。

14.Third, we have elected the leading body of the Party -- the Central Committee.第三,选举了党的领导机关——中央委员会。

15.Third, we must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party.第三条,我们必须坚持共产党的领导。

16.3. We must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party.第三,必须坚持共产党的领导;

17.An Analysis of the Labour Party s Value View of the Third Way;英国工党“第三条道路”价值观探析

18.The Third Way:New Reform of British New Labor Party;“第三条道路”:英国新工党的新变革


the third generation of the CCP"s leadership党的第三代领导

1.According to China′s basic situations during the preliminary phase of socialism and the global circumstance,the third generation of the CCP′s leadership makes the strategy that development is the key to all the problems to be resolved in China.建立“发展是解决中国所有问题的关键”的战略思想,是我们党的第三代领导深刻把握中国国情,洞察世界形势所做出的重大科学决策和战略抉择。

3)The third KKK Movement第三次三K党运动

1.The third KKK Movement has been started from the end of the World War Two and still continues in today\"s America.第三次三K党运动开始于二战结束,持续至今。

4)the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second,third)generation党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体

5)The third generation of the central leading of the Communist Party党的第三代领导核心

6)the third leading group of the CCP党的第三代领导集体


