900字范文 > 第三方电子支付 the Third Party Electronic Payments英语短句 例句大全

第三方电子支付 the Third Party Electronic Payments英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-19 00:45:49


第三方电子支付 the Third Party Electronic Payments英语短句 例句大全

第三方电子支付,the Third Party Electronic Payments

1)the Third Party Electronic Payments第三方电子支付

1.Research on Business Model ofthe Third Party Electronic Payments;第三方电子支付企业在新形势下的经营模式研究


1.Application and Comparison of the Third-Party Payment Platform at Home and Abroad;国内外第三方电子支付平台的应用与比较

2.Research on Business Model of the Third Party Electronic Payments;第三方电子支付企业在新形势下的经营模式研究

3.Generation Mechanism of Third-party Electronic Payment Based on Asymmetric Information Theory;基于不对称信息理论的第三方电子支付产生机制研究

4.Research on the Third Party Payment in E-Business;电子商务中第三方支付法律问题探究

5.The Research on Operation and Supervision of E-commerce s the Third Party Payment;电子商务第三方支付运行与监管研究

6.The Third-Party Payment--the New Development of Online-payment in Chinese E-Commerce;第三方支付——中国电子商务网上支付手段的新发展

7.An Analysis on the Platform of Third-party Payments of China s E-commerce;我国电子商务中的第三方支付平台分析

8.Fairness analysis of electronic payment protocol based on offline TTP基于离线可信第三方的电子支付协议公平性分析

9.For those Electronic Business firms, it is easy to implement online payment based on the third-party payment platform.对于电子商务企业,借助于第三方支付平台可以轻松解决在线支付的难题。

10.Escrow Service:An Evolutionary Steady Strategy Online Payment;第三方支付——在线支付的一个进化稳定策略

petition and Cooperation Between the Third-Party Payment Platform Such as Alipay and Banks支付宝等第三方支付平台与银行的竞争与合作

12.Learn from the Foreign Experience and Promote the Development of the Third-party Payment of China借鉴国外第三方支付经验 促进我国第三方支付发展

13.Research of Alibay Capital Payment Based on Inland the 3~(rd) Online Payment Platform;关于国内第三方网上支付平台之支付宝资金支付的研究

14.Research on Problems of the Third Party Payment under C2C E-Commerce of Our Country;我国C2C模式下第三方支付问题研究

15.The Third Party Payment of e-Finance and Its Legal Normalization;网络金融中第三方支付及其法律规范

16.J2EE-Based B2B Third Party Payment Platform Research and Implementation;基于J2EE B2B第三方支付平台研究与实现

17.Analysis on the Third Network Payment of B2B,B2C and C2C;基于B2B、B2C、C2C的第三方网上支付研究

18.Analysis on Strategies of Third Party Collaborative Payment Based on C2C;基于C2C第三方协同支付的策略分析


Third-party payment第三方支付

1.An Analysis on the Platform of Third-party Payments of China s E-commerce;我国电子商务中的第三方支付平台分析

2.It is also put forward that the third-party payment should be improved in such aspects as managing way,social credit system and technology,and so on.在用博弈论的原理对各种方法进行分析后,结合当前网上支付发展的具体情况,比较了各解决途径的成本收益,得出第三方支付是一种比较好的解决办法的结论。

3.As a new business tool in the Internet and an intermediary credit, the third-party payment platform not only has the function of capital transmission, but also can constrain and supervise both sides in business, which can reduce the risk in the Internet payment.第三方支付方式作为一种新的网络交易手段和信用中介,不仅具备资金传递电子支付功能,而且能对交易双方进行约束和监督,大大减少了网上支付的风险性。

3)the third party payment第三方支付

1.The Third Party Payment of e-Finance and Its Legal Normalization;网络金融中第三方支付及其法律规范

2.The rapid growth in the scale of the Third Party Payment market is rising quickly,so the competition among enterprises in the Third Party Payment market becomes incrasingly fierce.随着电子商务在国内的快速发展,电子商务对电子支付的需求增强,第三方支付平台市场规模增长极其迅速。

3.Such enormous market causes the quick development ofthe third party payment corporations.如此庞大的市场规模催生出了第三方支付企业的蓬勃发展,第三方支付企业特别是网上支付企业成为人们关注的焦点,但是在表面繁荣的背后,第三方支付企业却面临内外交困的市场和政策等环境压力,同质化的无序竞争和即将面临政策和金融管制的洗牌的局面,第三方网上企业将何去何从?目前我国有50多家第三方网上支付企业,领跑市场的如支付宝、快钱,贝宝等企业积极推出自己的创新产品,也取得了可观的市场效益。

4)the third-party payment第三方支付

1.This paper introduces the developing history of Chinese E-commerce payment platform,and based on this,expounds the classification,advantages and operation flow ofthe third-party payment platform,and looks forward to the prospect of online-payment platform.简要介绍了我国电子商务支付平台的发展历程,在此基础上阐述了第三方支付平台的分类、优点以及工作流程,并对网上支付平台的发展前景进行了展望。

2.By analyzing the present situations and the future development tendency ofthe third-party payment platform applied in the E-commerce at home and abroad,this paper sums up three different management modals ofthe third-party payment.本文分析了国内外电子商务应用中第三方支付平台的现状与发展趋势,归纳了当前第三方支付平台三种不同的经营模式,然后从国内、国外二个角度对主要的第三方电子支付平台的应用进行详细研究,同时进一步提出第三方支付平台未来发展面临的问题与相关对策。

3.Online payment mode ofthe third-party payment is leaded into in this dissertation to solve the problems of credit and payment in the transaction in e-commerce.本文研究的第三方支付的网上支付方式,就是为了有效地解决电子商务交易中信用和支付问题而产生的。

5)third party payment第三方支付

1.Elementary discussion on marketing strategy ofthird party payment;第三方支付营销策略初探

2.Development of internet has led to unprecedented upsurge of electronic-commerce and thethird party payment market.互联网在国内的回暖升温,带动了电子商务的空前高涨,同时也催生了一种新型的在线支付市场——第三方支付市场。

3.Third party payment,as a kind of the biggest means of payment in present e-payment,its development had faced many opportunities and adjustment.第三方支付作为目前电子支付所占比例最大的一种支付手段,它的发展还面临着许多的机遇和调整。

6)the third-payment第三方支付

1.Safe problem is the key to network payment theory,the third-payment theory and collaborative E-commerce theory.安全问题是网上支付理论、第三方支付理论以及协同电子商务理论的关键。


方石岭战斗(见中央苏区第三次反“围剿”)方石岭战斗(见中央苏区第三次反“围剿”)Fangshiling, Battle offQngsh盛1主ng Zhandou方石岭战斗(Fangshiling Battl。。f)土地革命战争时期,红军第一方面军主力在江西省兴国县方石岭地区对国民党军的追击战,歼其1个师、1个炮兵团又1个营,俘5000余人。见中央苏区第三次反“围剿”。
