900字范文 > 水土流失因子 soil and water loss factors英语短句 例句大全

水土流失因子 soil and water loss factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-29 23:09:56


水土流失因子 soil and water loss factors英语短句 例句大全

水土流失因子,soil and water loss factors

1)soil and water loss factors水土流失因子

1.Gradation calibration and Information extraction ofsoil and water loss factors based on RS and GIS-The case of Panzhihua city;基于遥感和GIS的水土流失因子信息提取与分级定标研究——以攀枝花市为例


1.Soil and Water Conservation Factors of Longmengkou Monitoring Sites in Yangpai River Watersheds洋派河小流域龙门口水保监测点水土流失因子分析

2.Analysis and Extraction of Soil and Water Loss Factors Based on RS and GIS--The Case of Panzhihua City;基于RS和GIS的水土流失因子提取与分析——以攀枝花市为例

3.Study on relationship of soil erosion based on small watershed小流域降雨径流水土流失三因子关系

4.Study on Influencing Factors of Soil Erosion & Prevention Measures in Panzhihua Urban District;攀枝花城区水土流失影响因子及防治措施研究

5.Study on Quatitative Mornitoring of Soil Erosion: Rainfall Erosivity Factor;水土流失定量监测中降雨侵蚀力因子的研究

6.A Research on 1:50000 Regional Soil and Water Loss Topographic Factors Based on DEM;基于DEM的1:50000区域尺度水土流失地形因子研究

7.Grey Theory Analysis of Main Natural Factors in Xiaoliang Soil and Water Loss;小良水土流失中主要自然因子影响的灰色分析

8.Extraction of Structured Vegetation Factor Index in Regional Soil Erosion Based on Remote Sensing区域水土流失结构性植被因子遥感提取研究

9.Quantitative analysis of influencing factors on soil erosion and water loss for sloping cropland of earth rocky mountain areas in Shandong Province山东土石山区坡耕地水土流失影响因子定量分析

10.Study of the Soil Erosions Hazard in Agro-pastoral Zigzag Zone and Its Cause --A Case Study on Siziwangqi of Inner Mongolia;农牧交错带水土流失的危害及其成因——以内蒙古四子王旗为例

11.The Cause of Formation and the Conservation of the Water and Soil Erosion of the Four Rivers in Hunan Province;湖南四水流域水土流失成因与防治对策

12.Heilongjiang reclamation area s present conditions of water loss and soil erosion、 reasons and managing countermeasures;黑龙江垦区水土流失成因与治理对策

13.Cause and Preventive Measures of Water and Soil Erosion in Expressway高速公路水土流失的原因及防治措施

14.The relationship Between the Loess Landform and Its Bedrock Type and the Impact of the structure on Erosion in Shaanbei;陕北黄土地貌南北纵向分异与基底古样式及水土流失构造因子研究

15.Soil Erosion Risk Assessment Based on the Research of Impact Factors:Taking Anxi County as an Example土壤侵蚀危险度的计算与影响因子分析——以福建安溪红壤水土流失区为例

16.Study on Impact Factors and Potential Evaluation Index of Soil P Loss in Runoff;土壤磷素流失影响因子及流失潜力评价指标研究

17.The main cause of soil erosion is deforestation for farmland reclamation and cultivation on steep slopes.水土流失的主要原因是毁林开垦,陡坡种植。

18.Major Causes of Soil Erosion in the Upper Yangtze River Valley and the Control Countermeasures.长江上游水土流失主要成因与防治对策


factors of soil and water loss水土流失因素

3)soil erosion水土流失

1.Current status and comprehensive countermeasures ofsoil erosion for Karst rocky desertification areas in the Southwestern China;西南岩溶石漠化区水土流失现状与综合防治对策

2.The Study and Countermeas urs to the Effect of the Soil Erosion on the Ecological Environment around the Bailian River;水土流失对白莲河库区生态环境的影响及对策

3.The elementary study that tourist industry"s development effect onsoil erosion in Northwesten region of Yunnan Province;旅游业开发对滇西北地区水土流失的影响初探——以香格里拉县三坝乡为例

4)soil and water loss水土流失

1.Forecast ofsoil and water loss in construction period of water power station;水电站施工期水土流失预测

2.The main control factors of desertification ,soil and water loss in north of Shaanxi Province;陕北地区土地沙化、水土流失的主控因素

3.Application of Cs-137 to monitoring background value ofsoil and water loss in Zhejiang;Cs-137在浙江省水土流失背景值监测中的应用

5)water and soil loss水土流失

1.The influence ofwater and soil loss in ecological environment and prevention;水土流失对生态环境的影响及防治

2.Forcast ofwater and soil loss by strip mining and control measures in Muli region Tianjun county Qinghai province;木里露天煤矿水土流失量预测及防治对策

3.Analysis of affection ofwater and soil loss on river s flood conveying ability in Weihe river basin in Shaanxi Province;水土流失对渭河行洪能力影响浅析

6)soil and water erosion水土流失

1.Measure for causation ofsoil and water erosion in Yanshou County;延寿县水土流失成因及治理措施

2.Present situation of thesoil and water erosion and the prevention counter measures in Guyuan of Ningxia;宁南山区人为水土流失现状及其防治对策研究

3.Effects of biological coverage on controllingsoil and water erosion in slope orchard land in Baise;百色坡地果园水土流失的生物覆盖治理研究


