900字范文 > 人为水土流失 artificial soil and water loss英语短句 例句大全

人为水土流失 artificial soil and water loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-03 23:40:55


人为水土流失 artificial soil and water loss英语短句 例句大全

人为水土流失,artificial soil and water loss

1)artificial soil and water loss人为水土流失

2)soil erosion水土流失

1.Current status and comprehensive countermeasures ofsoil erosion for Karst rocky desertification areas in the Southwestern China;西南岩溶石漠化区水土流失现状与综合防治对策

2.The Study and Countermeas urs to the Effect of the Soil Erosion on the Ecological Environment around the Bailian River;水土流失对白莲河库区生态环境的影响及对策

3.The elementary study that tourist industry"s development effect onsoil erosion in Northwesten region of Yunnan Province;旅游业开发对滇西北地区水土流失的影响初探——以香格里拉县三坝乡为例


1.It helps stop the wind from blowing the early away.它有助于防止水土流失。

2.They can keep the water from flowing away.它们能防止水土流失。

3.Removal or erosion of soil by the action of moving water.水蚀流水引起的水土流失或侵蚀

4.Characteristic and Countermeasures of Soil and Water Loss in Xinjiang;新疆水土流失的特点及水土保持对策

5.Study on relationship of soil erosion based on small watershed小流域降雨径流水土流失三因子关系

6.Economical Cost Evaluation of Ecological Environment Degradation in China中国水土流失经济损失的货币化评价

7.Effects of Soil Loss under the Different Scales in the Purple Soil不同尺度下紫色土水土流失效应分析

8.Research on Eco-construction and Control Measures of Soil and Water Loss in the Loess Plateau黄土高原水土流失治理进展及其对策

9.Influence of different land utilization ways on soil-water loss不同土地利用方式对水土流失的影响

10.Calculation method for soil erosion of embankment slopes路堤边坡土体水土流失计算方法探讨

11.Temporal and spatial variability of sediment yield on the Loess Plateau in the past 50 years近50年黄土高原水土流失的时空变化

12.On soil Eros ion of the Yellow River Valley in Sanmenxia Area and its Harnessing三门峡市黄河流域水土流失及其治理

13.The state of soil erosion and the countermeasure of prevent and cure in the Fei-Yellow River basin;废黄河流域水土流失状况与防治对策

14.Exploration and practice on management of water and soil loss in Daling river region大凌河流域水土流失治理探索与实践

15.Models of Soil and Water Loss and Soil Leakage in Puding Karst Area普定岩溶区水土流失与土壤漏失模式研究


17.The Soil Erosion is Prevented and Cured in the Construction Project of Water Conservancy水利工程建设项目中的水土流失防治

18.Research on Environmental Economic Costs of Soil Erosion in Chaohu Basin;巢湖流域水土流失的环境经济损失研究


soil erosion水土流失

1.Current status and comprehensive countermeasures ofsoil erosion for Karst rocky desertification areas in the Southwestern China;西南岩溶石漠化区水土流失现状与综合防治对策

2.The Study and Countermeas urs to the Effect of the Soil Erosion on the Ecological Environment around the Bailian River;水土流失对白莲河库区生态环境的影响及对策

3.The elementary study that tourist industry"s development effect onsoil erosion in Northwesten region of Yunnan Province;旅游业开发对滇西北地区水土流失的影响初探——以香格里拉县三坝乡为例

3)soil and water loss水土流失

1.Forecast ofsoil and water loss in construction period of water power station;水电站施工期水土流失预测

2.The main control factors of desertification ,soil and water loss in north of Shaanxi Province;陕北地区土地沙化、水土流失的主控因素

3.Application of Cs-137 to monitoring background value ofsoil and water loss in Zhejiang;Cs-137在浙江省水土流失背景值监测中的应用

4)water and soil loss水土流失

1.The influence ofwater and soil loss in ecological environment and prevention;水土流失对生态环境的影响及防治

2.Forcast ofwater and soil loss by strip mining and control measures in Muli region Tianjun county Qinghai province;木里露天煤矿水土流失量预测及防治对策

3.Analysis of affection ofwater and soil loss on river s flood conveying ability in Weihe river basin in Shaanxi Province;水土流失对渭河行洪能力影响浅析

5)soil and water erosion水土流失

1.Measure for causation ofsoil and water erosion in Yanshou County;延寿县水土流失成因及治理措施

2.Present situation of thesoil and water erosion and the prevention counter measures in Guyuan of Ningxia;宁南山区人为水土流失现状及其防治对策研究

3.Effects of biological coverage on controllingsoil and water erosion in slope orchard land in Baise;百色坡地果园水土流失的生物覆盖治理研究

6)water and soil erosion水土流失

1.Causes and countermeasures forwater and soil erosion in sand area of old river course of the Yellow River;黄河故道风沙区水土流失成因及对策

2.Countermeasures and genesis ofwater and soil erosion at Emuer River Valley;额木尔河流域水土流失成因及其防治对策

3.Study on the seabuckthorn effect on protectionwater and soil erosion in Longjiang County;沙棘在龙江县水土流失治理中的作用


