900字范文 > 医学留学生 medical international student英语短句 例句大全

医学留学生 medical international student英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-25 01:46:40


医学留学生 medical international student英语短句 例句大全

医学留学生,medical international student

1)medical international student医学留学生

1.Learning ability evaluation ofmedical international students in our university;医学留学生入学学习能力评价


1.Elementary introduction of the art of communication in clinical teaching for medical foreign students浅谈医学留学生临床教学的沟通艺术

2.Discussion of the Lasting Development of Foreign Medical Students Abroad Education in Our School;论我校医学留学生教育的可持续发展

3.Practice and experience of clinical anesthesiology teaching for medical foreign students医学留学生临床麻醉学教学实践与体会

4.Exploration on teaching and management for international students of preclinical medicine基础医学留学生教学管理的探索与实践

5.Practice and exploration of learning acquisition evaluation methods for overseas medical students医学留学生学习效果评价方法实践与探索

6.Characteristics of International Medical Students Speaking Rare Languages and Reform of Clinical Teaching少见语种医学留学生的特点和临床教学改革

7.Exploration on Medical Microbiology and Immunology Teaching Practice for Oversea Students留学生医学微生物学与免疫学实验教学实践

8.The Red Surgeon had studied in Europe and knew his business这位红军医生曾留学欧洲,精通医道

9.On the Educational Reform and Practice of Experimental Teaching of Exchange Medical Students;留学生医学生理学实验教学改革和探索

10.How to Conduct Medical Microbiology Teaching for International Students浅谈如何做好留学生医学微生物学教学

11.Talking about international students"biochemistry laboratory teaching in medical school浅谈医学院校留学生生物化学实验教学

12.Application of English language in the teaching of medicine microbiology for foreign students留学生医学微生物学教学中英语语言的应用

13.Investigate on Biochemistry Teaching of Abroad Student in College of traditional Chinese medicine中医院校留学生《生物化学》教学的探索和体会

14.On the Returned Medical Students from America and Modern China Public Health Cause;留美医学生与近代中国公共卫生事业

15.Broadening Mind,Focusing on Humanism and Improving Management--Practice And Study of Management about Foreign Students in Xinxiang Medical University;留学生管理质量探析——新乡医学院留学生教育管理实践探讨

16.Research on the Development Trend of International Students who Pursue their Degree in Medicine;来华医学学历留学生教育发展趋势初探

17.Advocating bilingual teaching conduces to the development of the enterprise of foreign student education in medical higher education;高等医学教育中提倡双语教学发展留学生事业

18.Practice and Exploring on Foreign Teaching of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine;对外国留学生讲授《中医内科学》教学实践与探索


medical students to Japan留日医学生

3)The returned medical students from America留美医学生

1.The returned medical students from America had played a decisive role in the course of modernization of public health cause .留美医学生是公共卫生事业近代化举足轻重的推动力。

4)International medical students医学外国留学生

5)overseas education in medicine医学留学生教育

6)International students majoring in medicine医学留学研究生


