900字范文 > 海外中国留学生 Chinese international students英语短句 例句大全

海外中国留学生 Chinese international students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-01 00:51:13


海外中国留学生 Chinese international students英语短句 例句大全

海外中国留学生,Chinese international students

1)Chinese international students海外中国留学生


1.It pictures the life of overseas Chinese students.它描绘海外中国留学生的生活。

2.The Intercultural Adjustment of Chinese International Students from the Perspective of Social Networking从人际圈的角度分析海外中国留学生的跨文化适应

3.Tens of thousands of Chinese students are now enrolled in universities abroad.数以万计的中国学生被送去海外留学。

4.On the Writing Phenomenon of Overseas Students in Early Chinese New Poetry;中国早期新诗中的“留学生海外写作现象”论

5.Application Form for Study at Shanghai University of Foreign Trade上海对外贸易学院外国留学生申请表

6.Spring Festival is drawing near.The Chinese students abroad sigh for home and friends.春节将至,海外的中国留学生思念家乡和朋友。

7.Implication for College English Teaching in China──Review on Chinese Student s USA Campus Life Experiences;中国大学英语教学误区折射──中国留学生海外生活调查

8.Major selection of Chinese Mainland high school students for overseas higher education and its affecting factors中国大陆高中生海外留学高等教育的专业选择及其影响因素

9.On Chinese Overseas Student Literature during the Transformation Period;论转型期海峡两岸的中国留学生文学

10.A Report of Students-Studying-Abroad and Returned Overseas;中国海外留学人员和“海归派”的状况调研报告

11.Studying and Li(?) (?) in Nottingham全国中小学优秀外语教师出国留学奖学金获奖教师 海外学习、 生活点滴(4)

12.Looking Back the Work of Winning over the Students Studying Abroad Return to Our Own Country in the Early Period of the Peoples Republic of China;建国初期争取海外留学生归国工作的回顾

13.I have been teaching Chinese to foreign students at Chinese Training Center of Institute of Foreign language as Shanghai University for over four years.我在上海大学外语学汉语培训中心教外国留学生的汉语已经4年多了

14.overseas students in Britain在英国的外国留学生.

15.The Comparison of Overseas Student Education between China and Korea since the 21st Century;21世纪以来中韩外国留学生教育比较

16.Chinese Foreign-Educated Students and Foreign Language Education during the Period between the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican China;中国留学生与清末民初外语教育初探

17.Integrating Foreign Students into Mainstream Chinese Universities "Beyond the Foreign Student Building";外国留学生在中国主流大学的文化适应——超越留学生公寓

18.The European Missionaryin Chinaand the Early Overseas Chinese Students in early Qing Dynasty;清初在华欧洲传教士与中国早期的海外留学


Shanghai overseas students上海外国留学生

1.Then on the basement of processing the onsite questionnaire, the analysis of theShanghai overseas students as a stratum has the intercommunity of their preference in to本文通过对上海外国留学生旅游消费偏好的研究来探究其旅游消费的心理动机、旅游方式选择、旅游消费特点等有关方而因素,以便在此基础上对现今旅游产品、旅游营销方式进行相应的改进和新产品的设计,促进留学生旅游市场的发展。

3)overseas students海外留学生

1.Taking the recruitment and administration ofoverseas students as the focus of research, this study explores the development of Australia s international education and the evolution of the education system, with the aim to shed light on the reasons behind the success of Australia s international education and its meaning to Australia.本论文以二战后澳大利亚国际教育的发展为背景,海外留学生的招收和管理为切入点,探讨澳大利亚国际教育发展的历程及政策,体制的变化和特点,旨在深入了解其国际教育成功的原因,以及成功的国际教育对于澳大利亚的意义。

4)Foreign student外国留学生

1.This paper analyses the actual and problems in computer teaching for foreign students in medical university,bring forward some ideas and opinions to teaching process and teaching method.本文对医学院校外国留学生的现状和教学中遇到的问题进行分析,对教学过程和教学方法提出一些意见和主张。

2.As for the writing of Chinese graduation thesis by foreign students for a four-year college program,they have their strong and weak points,interests and features while compared with the Chinese students at the same level.汉语本科专业的外国留学生在毕业论文写作上具有自身的优势和不足,表现出与中国语言文学专业的本科生不甚相同的兴趣和特点。

3.The quality education of foreign students should be included as an important element into the higher educational reform in our country.外国留学生素质教育应当成为我国高等教育改革的重要组成部分。

5)foreign students外国留学生

1.Study of Chinese Music Pedagogy for Foreign Students;针对外国留学生的“中国音乐”课教学探究

2.A Survey of Acculturation of Foreign Students in China and Some Suggestions在华外国留学生的文化适应现状调查及建议

3.Theforeign students in China are a special group of readers who might have some particular demands in using the university libraries.外国留学生是高校图书馆读者群体中的一个特殊群体,对图书馆的信息需求具有一定特殊性,目前高校图书馆在对外国留学生信息服务中存在着诸多问题,应该结合实际从加强文献资源建设、提高馆员整体素质及提高参考咨询工作质量等方面进行改进。

6)Overseas Chinese Students中国留学生

1.The Improvement outside System and the Instruction inside System:On the Relationship between Policy onOverseas Chinese Students and the Policy on Chinese Emigrants Abroad from the View of Identification;“体制外”增长与“体制内”导向:从身份认定看中国留学生政策与侨务政策的关系


