900字范文 > 知识竞争力 knowledge competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

知识竞争力 knowledge competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-05 20:44:39


知识竞争力 knowledge competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

知识竞争力,knowledge competitiveness

1)knowledge competitiveness知识竞争力

1.A Research on Evolutional Path and Inherent Mechanism of Knowledge Competitiveness;知识竞争力演化路径及内在机理研究

2.Based on the current situation of Shanghaiknowledge competitiveness and the concept of knowledge management,a system framework was put forward by means of knowledge management to improve Shanghaiknowledge competitiveness.基于上海知识竞争力的发展现状,结合知识管理思想,提出了以知识管理提升上海知识竞争力的基本思路,并设计了知识管理系统框架。


1.Research on the Formation Mechanism and Transformation Model of Knowledge Competiveness;知识竞争力形成机理及转化模型研究

2.A Research on Evolutional Path and Inherent Mechanism of Knowledge Competitiveness;知识竞争力演化路径及内在机理研究

3.Empirical Evaluation of National Knowledge Competence from 2000 to 2000~国家知识竞争力实证评价研究

4.Importance of Intellectual Property and Competition Capability for Ceramic Enterprise;强化知识产权意识 提升陶企竞争能力

5.Knowledge is the precondition of profession competitive power, and competitive power is transformed from knowledge.知识是职业竞争能力的前提条件,竞争能力是由知识转化而来的。

6.On Relationships between Knowledge Management, Core Competence and Competitive Advantage;知识管理、核心竞争力与竞争优势三者关系研究

7.Strengthening knowledge innovation to improve competitive abilityof enterprises in China;大力开展知识创新 提高企业竞争能力

8.Core Knowledge,Knowledge-Operational Capability and Enterprise Sustainable Competitive Advantage;核心知识、知识运作能力与企业可持续竞争优势

9.Discussion on Promoting the Core Competitive Competence of DNMC by Knowledge Management;以知识管理提升DNMC核心竞争力的探讨

10.The Relationship between Enterprise Knowledge Management and Competitiveness;企业知识管理与竞争力相互关系研究

11.Research on the Forming of Enterprise Core Competence Based on Knowledge Management;基于知识管理的企业核心竞争力研究

12.A Research of the Construction of the Core Competence of Enterprise Based on Knowledge;基于知识的企业核心竞争力构建研究

13.Improvement of the Core Competence of Manufacturing Enterprises by Means of Knowledge Management;以知识管理提升制造业的核心竞争力

14.Analysis on the University Core Competence Based on Tacit Knowledge;基于隐性知识的高校核心竞争力分析

15.Analyzing Knowledge Management and Innovation of Company in the Core Competence of the Corporation;核心竞争力与企业的知识管理和创新

16.Construct Core Competence Through Owned Intellectual Property Standards;以自主知识产权标准形成核心竞争力

17.The Intellectual Property Rights Strategy of Enterprise and It s Core Competency;企业知识产权战略设计与核心竞争力

18.Mechanism of Knowledge Creating for Core Competence;企业核心竞争力的知识创造机理分析


knowledge competence知识竞争力

1.The thinking of cultivatingknowledge competence of China;关于我国培育知识竞争力的思考

2.Reviewed from research achievements ofknowledge competence,knowledge competence framework model is put forward and ontology evaluation index system is constructed.首先,回顾了知识竞争力的研究成果,提出了评价知识竞争力的框架模型,并构建了本体评价指标体系;然后,收集了~我国31个省市的面板数据,利用熵权PrometheeⅡ方法对我国地区知识竞争力进行了本体评价,得到了~我国31个省市的知识竞争力优越系数与等级;最后,得出了我国地区知识竞争力趋于均衡但发展乏力的结论。

3.After the conception is defined,the measurement model ofknowledge competence is constructed based on knowledge integration,organization learning,network structure,strategic flexibility and organization climate.在定义知识竞争力内涵的基础上,基于知识整合、组织学习、网络结构、战略柔性和组织氛围5个维度构建了企业知识竞争力的关键影响因素模型,问卷调查表明:该模型具有较好的建构效度,也指出了研究局限性与未来方向。

3)core knowledge competence核心知识竞争力

1.Based on the concept ofcore knowledge competence, this paper presents a evaluated standard ofcore knowledge competence, including four dimensions of the valuable, the collective, the unique, and the flexible.在阐明企业核心知识竞争力概念的基础上,提出了核心知识竞争力的价值性、延展性、独特性和动态性的评判标准,给出了一种基于“核心知识竞争力”的企业多元化战略划分方法,并结合实例阐述了基于核心知识竞争力的企业多元化战略选择过程。

4)national knowledge competitiveness国家知识竞争力

1.This paper introduces the concept ofnational knowledge competitiveness, and probes into the components ofnational knowledge competitiveness evaluation system from five aspects of the knowledge economy outputs, human capital, knowledge capital, knowledge financial capital and knowledge infrastructure.介绍了国家知识竞争力的概念,从知识经济产出、人力资本、知识资本、知识性金融资本、知识基础设施5个方面探讨了国家知识竞争力评价体系的构成。

2.In the era of knowledge economy, a nation’s comparative advantage and competitive advantage were determined bynational knowledge competitiveness.所谓国家知识竞争力,是指一国建立在知识和信息的生产、分配、传播、管理及应用的基础上,以知识创新和技术创新为依托,以知识产业为支柱,实现经济可持续发展的能力。

5)competitive knowledge竞争知识

1.The research objects ofcompetitive knowledge management science include thecompetitive knowledge collection, thecompetitive knowledge organization, thecompetitive knowledge service and its related social system.提出情报作为一种具有竞争性和知识性的普遍存在的社会现象,其本质既不是information,又不是情报,而是竞争知识的观点。

6)World Knowledge competition index世界知识竞争力指数


