900字范文 > 行业竞争力 industry competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

行业竞争力 industry competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-18 06:23:21


行业竞争力 industry competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

行业竞争力,industry competitiveness

1)industry competitiveness行业竞争力

1.Finally,the author suggests a strategy to build a regional,well-known brand of equipment in order to promoteindustry competitiveness.阐述了品牌对我国木工机械行业持续、健康发展的重要意义,提出了打造区域品牌、提升行业竞争力的战略措施,并介绍了“中国木工机械重镇”评审情况。


1.Understanding the Comparative Analysis of Competitiveness Scientifically and Working Hard To Improve the Competitiveness of Chinese Banking Industry;科学认识竞争力比较分析 努力提升中国银行业竞争力

2.System Change Theory-And Discussion on Chinese Banking Competition;体制变化原理—兼论中国银行业竞争力

3.Discussion about Competitive Force and Core Competitive Force of Chinese Commercial Banks;我国商业银行竞争力与核心竞争力的探讨

petitiveness Evaluation on International Travel Agencies in Fujian Province;竞争力评价与福建省国际旅行社业竞争力

5.The Research on Industry Clusters" Competitive Behaviors and Competitiveness Promotion产业集群竞合行为及竞争力提升研究

6.The relativity between enterprise comprtition compelence and execution capacity;企业竞争力、企业执行力及其相关性

7.The Impact of a Company s IT Capability and Competitive Actions on its Competitive Advantages;IT能力和竞争行动对企业竞争优势的影响

8.An Analysis on Competitive Power of Auto mobile Industry Based on National Competitive;从国家竞争优势理论看我国汽车行业的竞争力

9.Developing Off Balance Sheet Activities and StrengtheningBanks’ Competitiveness;大力发展表外业务,提升银行竞争力

10.Forceful Weapon of Commercial Bank Competition: ebank;商业银行竞争的有力武器:网上银行

11.Chinese paint industry dynamics in which enterprise competitiveness?行业动态中国涂料企业竞争力在哪?

12.ii.The Competitiveness Analysis of the NGEs in Different Industries(二)民营企业在各个行业的竞争力分析

13.Off-sheet Business Standing for Core Competition Force of Commercial Banks;中间业务——商业银行的核心竞争力所在

14.Carry Out the Activity-Based Managemen and Improve the Competition Competence of the Enterprise;推行作业管理 增强企业竞争能力

15.Market Competition,Competitive Phases and Industrial International Competitiveness;市场竞争、竞争阶段与产业国际竞争力

16.ii.The Industrial Organized Degree and the Competitiveness(二)行业组织程度与竞争力

17.Research on Promotion of Marketing Competitiveness for China s Commercial Banks;我国商业银行营销竞争力的提升研究

18.The Research on Our County s International Competitiveness of Inbound Travel Industry;我国入境旅游行业的国际竞争力研究


industrial trades competitive abilities行业竞争力

1.This paper applies the main factor analysis method to evaluate theindustrial trades competitive abilities of H province with fifteen variables.应用多元统计分析方法——主成份分析方法,选择行业竞争力的15大指标对工业行业综合竞争力进行评价。

3)industrial competitiveness行业竞争力

1.By analyzingindustrial competitiveness of Transnational Corporations in Pudong New Zone, this paper finds out the disparity inindustrial competitiveness of Transnational Corporations.本文通过分析浦东新区跨国公司投资企业的行业竞争力特征 ,发现跨国公司在不同行业中的竞争力强弱不同 ,在所统计的 30个工业行业中 ,跨国公司在绝大多数行业中具有竞争优势 ,在部分行业中具有超强优势。

4)competitive power of auto mobile industry汽车行业竞争力

1.The paper points out that in order to improvecompetitive power of auto mobile industry, China should push the industry from cap.运用波特的竞争优势理论,从微观、中观、宏观竞争机制三个方面,根据近年我国汽车产业发展实际,结合TC指数、国际市场份额、劳动生产率三项主要指标,分析我国汽车产业的竞争力状况,有针对性的提出提高汽车行业竞争力应将产业由投资推进阶段过渡到创新推进阶段,培养无形资产和建立先进营销体系,调整政府的政策行为。

5)competitiveness of banking industry银行业竞争力

6)commercial bank competence商业银行竞争力


