900字范文 > 法律科学化 scientific of law英语短句 例句大全

法律科学化 scientific of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-01 12:29:57


法律科学化 scientific of law英语短句 例句大全

法律科学化,scientific of law

1)scientific of law法律科学化

1.Although the idea of legal knowledge is diverse,but in a overall look,it inherited the mantle of postmodern jurisprudence,adheres to the following key points: the legal knowledge is summed up by three entities logic dimension of philosophy of law,scientific of law and popularization of law.尽管法律知识化的主张是多元的,但从其整体看,它承袭了后现代法学的衣钵,坚持以下核心观点:即将法律知识化概括为法律哲学化、法律科学化和法律平民化三个实体逻辑贯通的维度。

2)Science of Law法律科学


1.Treate the Law Seriously-Reading The Antinomy Between the Growth of Law and the Legal Science;认真对待法律——解读《法律的成长·法律科学的悖论》

2.On The Legal Intellectualization & Legal Science Development From Intellectual Social Angle;知识社会视角下的法律知识化与法律科学成长

3.relating to the science or philosophy of law or a system of laws.与法律或法律体系科学、哲学有关。

4.technical,legal,scientific,etc terms技术、法律、科学等的术语.

5.artistic, legal, scientific values艺术、 法律、 科学标准

6.Moral and legal collision--Conformity of Scientists’ Autonomy and Heteronomy;道德与法律的碰撞——科学家自律与他律的整合

7.My brother is studying law; he is a law student.我弟弟(或哥哥)在学法律;他是法科学生。

8.Human-centered Legal Outlook: Jurisprudential Interpretation of Scientific Development Outlook人本法律观——科学发展观的法学解读

9.fourth, to formulate a set of scientific regulations and laws on legal aid;(4)建立一套科学的法律援助法律法规体系;

10.The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science.城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。

11.Legal Skill and the Training of Legal Student s Practical Ability;法律技术与法科学生实践能力的培养

12.Legal Appreciation of the Freedom of Scientific Research Activities;科学研究自由的法律评价──兼议“法律应否对科学研究设置禁区?”

13.Bachelor degree or above, major in law.大学本科以上学历,法律专业毕业。

14.The scientific, legal, medical, etc view is that...科学的、 法律上的、 医学上的...解释是...

15.Strengthening Course Construction, Improving the Legal Qualityof College Students;加强学科建设,提高大学生法律素质

16.Bachelor degree in related disciplines( information system, Law and Commercial, etc).信息系统,法律以及商务相关学科本科以上学历。

17.A Review of Studies of Legal Methodology in ;法律方法论学科意识的觉醒——度中国法律方法论研究学术报告

18.Forensic medicine: Science of applying medical knowledge to legal questions.法医学:应用医学知识解决法律问题的科学。


Science of Law法律科学

3)forensic chemistry法律化学

4)legal scientism法律科学主义

1.With the practice of judicial activities,the attention of the justice should be changed from the macroscopic legislation to the legal hermeneutics,from thelegal scientism to the legal practical reasoning.随着司法实践理性的逐步展开,刑事司法诠释应当实现从宏观立法叙事到微观司法论证的转变以及由法律科学主义向法律实践理性的回归。

5)law as a science法律作为科学

6)a prelaw student法律预科学生


国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technologyguomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
