900字范文 > 政策科学化 scientific policy英语短句 例句大全

政策科学化 scientific policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-23 01:27:16


政策科学化 scientific policy英语短句 例句大全

政策科学化,scientific policy

1)scientific policy政策科学化

2)administrative decision scientization行政决策科学化


1.On the Condition to Make the Government s AdministrationDecision Scientific in New Time;论新时期政府行政决策科学化的条件

2.The Economy Society and Administration Decision-Making Scientifically and Democratically;节约型社会与行政决策科学化民主化

3.Develop Electronic Government By Putting Decision-makingon a More Scientific and Democratic Basis;大力发展电子政务 促进行政决策科学化民主化

4.Investigation and Integration of Executive Decision Model;行政决策科学化的原则分析及制度设计

5.On Democratization and Scienzation of Administrative Decision;我国行政决策民主化和科学化的思考

6.The Harmonious Society and Administration Decision-making Scientifically and Democratically;“和谐社会”与行政决策的科学化、民主化

7.On Scientific Administrative Decision-Making;行政决策制度的结构与决策途径科学化

8.Optimal Application of Simon′s Theory of Policy Decision--On Realizing Scientific and Democratic Policy Decision in China;西蒙决策理论的优化运用——兼论我国行政决策的科学化与民主化

9.On the Construction of Democratic and Scientific Administrative Policy-making System;论我国行政决策民主化和科学化的制度建设

10.The Negative Effects Of Traditional Administrative Culture On Scientific and Democratic Decision-making;传统行政文化对决策科学化与民主化的负面影响

11.Discussion on democratic and scientific management in rural administration;农村基层民主决策与科学行政的探讨

12.To make administrative decision serve for society and economic construction, we must make policy scientifically.要使行政决策为社会和经济建设服务,就必须要走决策科学化的道路。

13.On the Perspective of the Scientific Concept of Development and Environment Administrative Decision论科学发展观视野下环境行政决策之因应

14.Orientation of Democratic and Scientific Values in Administrative Decision Making in Modern China浅谈当代中国行政决策的民主科学价值取向

15.behavioral scientific decision model行为科学的决策模式

16.behavioral scientific decision rule行为科学的决策规则

17.China s Current Local Government Decision-making Process More Scientific Research;当前我国地方政府决策程序科学化研究

18.Influence of Scientific Development Concept on Environment Administrative Decision-making and the Countermeasures论科学发展观对环境行政决策的影响及因应对策


administrative decision scientization行政决策科学化

3)policy science政策科学

1.On the Nature of the Subject of Policy Science;关于政策科学学科性质的辨析

2.The Dilemmas Restricting Development of Policy Science;我国政策科学发展的困顿和突破口

3.From the late 1970s, traditional methodology ofpolicy science based on the positivism has gradually undergone serious criticism.20世纪70年代末期以来,以实证主义方法论为基础的传统政策科学方法论受到了越来越严厉的批评。

4)science policy科学政策

1.The legal and historical basis of USscience policy;美国科学政策的法律和历史基础

2.By using the theory of triggering mechanisms,it analyzes the three strategic readjustments of federalscience policy: The Morrill Land-Grant Act,the arrangements of national R&D system at the eve of World War Ⅱ and the changes after the National Defense Education Act.运用公共政策理论中的“触发机制”原理对《莫雷尔法案》、二战前夕科研事业安排的变化和《国防教育法》颁布之后联邦科学政策的变化这三次科学政策的重大战略性调整进行分析,认为科学政策调整背后的触发机制是为维护国家利益而采取的相应措施,科学政策成为国家利益的聚焦点。

3.From a perspective on the nationalscience policy and its historical development in the United States, this article introduces the life and role of Vannevar Bush as the framer of the post WWII Americanscience policy, and as the harbinger of the information age.本文从美国国家科学政策及其历史发展的角度,简要介绍了V。

5)policy sciences政策科学

1.A new system scheme of modernpolicy sciences based on the model of technological sciences;基于技术科学视角的现代政策科学体系新架构

2.This paper has looked back on the progress ofpolicy sciences and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of its two basic paradigms systematically.本文在回顾现代政策科学发展历程、系统分析其两个基本范式得失利弊的基础上,借鉴我们关于技术科学体系结构的最新研究成果,提出了现代政策科学学科体系新架构的基本设想,并初步探讨了这一工作的重要意义,展望了政策科学未来的主要发展方向。

6)scientific public policy decision making公共政策决策科学化


