900字范文 > 参芪片 Shenqi Tablets英语短句 例句大全

参芪片 Shenqi Tablets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-16 02:49:58


参芪片 Shenqi Tablets英语短句 例句大全

参芪片,Shenqi Tablets

1)Shenqi Tablets参芪片

1.Determination of Astragaloside inShenqi Tablets by HPLC-ELSD;HPLC-ELSD法测定参芪片中黄芪甲苷的含量

2.Determination of Gastrodin in Shenqi tablets by RP-HPLC;HPLC法测定参芪片中天麻素的含量


1.Immune Modulatory and Therapeutical Effect of Shenqi Tablet Accessory Therapy in Treating Recurrent Genital Herpes参芪片辅助治疗复发性生殖器疱疹的临床疗效及其免疫调节作用

2.Clinical observation on curative effect with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer treated by the combined using Eleven Shenqi tablets with paclitexal and CBP.十一味参芪片联合紫杉醇加卡铂治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌临床观察

3.Essential components: American ginseng, Bezoar, Astragalus root, Leech, Earthworm, Antelope horn, Whole worm, Centipede, Corneol, Notoginseng, Pseudo-ginseng and so on.主要成份:西洋参、牛黄、黄芪、水蛭、地龙、羚羊角、全虫、蜈蚣、冰片、天麻、三七等。

4.Effects of dietary supplemented with Astragalus membranaceus and Astragalus polysaccharides on growth performance in sea cucumber饲喂黄芪和黄芪多糖对刺参生长性能的影响

5.Study on the purification of total saponin in Huangqi and Dangshen of Shenqi Fuzheng injection参芪扶正注射液中黄芪和党参总皂苷的纯化工艺

6.HPLC determination of astragaloside Ⅳ in Danggui Buxue tabletsHPLC测定当归补血片中黄芪甲苷的含量

7.The Experimental Study of the Theory of Meridian Tropism about Pilose Asiabell Root and Astragalus Root Based on NEI Network;基于NEI网络的党参、黄芪归经研究

8.Ginseng & Astragalus decoction treatment of children with 48 cases of viral myocarditis参芪汤治疗小儿病毒性心肌炎48例

9.OBJECTIVE To establish the method of determination of the content of astragalus glycoside in Tongsaimai Tablet.目的建立通塞脉片中黄芪甲苷含量的测定方法。

10.Two-ways Regulation of QDTMT on VEGF and Its Protective Effects on HUVECs芪丹通脉片干预VEGF的内皮双向作用的机制研究

11.Qitao Tablet Treating the Distbetic Retinopathy on Clinical Observation芪桃片治疗糖尿病视网膜病变的临床观察

12.Content Determination of Astragaloside Ⅳ in Qingshen Jianfei Tablets by HPLC-ELSDHPLC-ELSD法测定轻身减肥片中黄芪甲苷的含量

13.Protective effects of qidantongmai tablets on anoxic human umbilical vein endothelial cells芪丹通脉片保护缺氧内皮细胞的实验研究

14.Determination of chlorogenic acid content inFlos lonicerae and Jinqi Jiangtang Tablet by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定金银花及金芪降糖片中的绿原酸

15.Study on Protective Effects of Qidantongmai Tablet in Anoxic Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells芪丹通脉片对缺氧内皮细胞保护作用研究

16.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.吃党参和黄芪等草本植物也对这有好处。

17.Study on the Molecular Mechanism of the Components of Milkvitch-Red Sage Compound Elevating Placenta Blood Supply黄芪丹参复方成分提高胎盘血供分子机理研究

18.Effect of San - Qi - Shen San on Adenine - induced chronic tubulointerstitial damage in rats三芪参散防治慢性肾小管-间质病变的实验研究


Shenqi tablet参芪片

1.Effect ofShenqi tablet on palindromia of aging paroxysmal isolation atrial fibrillation;参芪片对老年阵发性孤立性房颤复发的影响

2.Objective: To observe the immune modulatory and therapeutical effect ofShenqi tablet (SQT) in treating recurrent genital herpes.目的 :观察参芪片对复发性生殖器疱疹 (GH)的疗效及免疫调节作用。

3)Shenqi Guanxin Pill参芪冠心片

1.Treating Coronary Artery Disease and Angina Cordis by TakingShenqi Guanxin Pill;参芪冠心片治疗冠心病心 绞痛40例

4)Shenqi Gankang Tablets参芪肝康片

1.Study on Quality Standards forShenqi Gankang Tablets;参芪肝康片质量标准研究

5)Shenqishenli Tablet参芪神力片

1.Objective: To establish quality standard onShenqishenli Tablet.目的:对参芪神力片建立质量控制标准。

6)Renshen Beiqi Tablets人参北芪片

1.Study on Quality Standard forRenshen Beiqi Tablets人参北芪片质量标准的研究


参芪片药物名称:参芪片汉语拼音:Shenqi Pian主要成分:人参、黄芪、当归、熟地黄、鹿角等.性状:糖衣片,除去糖衣后呈棕褐色;气芳香,味微苦。药理作用:功能与主治:补气养血,健脾益肾。适用于癌症应用放、化疗所致白细胞减少及因放、化疗引起头晕头昏、倦怠乏力、消瘦、恶心呕吐等症。用法与用量:口服。一次4片,一日3次。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项:规格: 0.25g/片贮藏:密闭,防潮。有效期:处方药:是
