900字范文 > 宣传工具 Means of publicity; mass media; the media英语短句 例句大全

宣传工具 Means of publicity; mass media; the media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-23 13:04:31


宣传工具 Means of publicity; mass media; the media英语短句 例句大全

宣传工具,Means of publicity; mass media; the media

1)Means of publicity; mass media; the media宣传工具


1.mass media宣传工具(尤指广播、电视)

2.Consumer media销售方面的宣传工具

3.The time for which a particular advertisement should run depends on the media used.专项广告宣传的时间取决于采用的宣传工具。

4.The Nazi government had used both for its propaganda.那些曾被纳粹用作宣传工具的。

5.A newspaper is a powerful propaganda vehicle.报纸是强有力的宣传工具。

6.The media are to blame for starting the rumours.出现这些谣言, 大众宣传工具难辞其咎.

7.media advertising报刊等宣传工具上的广告

mercial television is an effective medium for advertising.商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具.

9.Gordon Reece working closely alongside her, they had the media well under control.戈登?里斯同她密切合作,宣传工具也都掌握在他们的手里。

10.For the Nazi Germany that Hitler built up, the journalism was only a tool of the propaganda.对于希特勒所建立的纳粹德国而言,新闻就是宣传工具。

11.I now want to discuss the ways subjectivism and sectarianism use stereotyped Party writing (or the Party "eight-legged essay") as their instrument of propaganda or form of expression.我现在想讲的是:主观主义和宗派主义怎样拿党八股做它们的宣传工具,或表现形式。

12.Television and radio are medium for propaganda.电视和无线电是宣传的工具。

13." Chinese traditional painting is done with a soft brush, absorbent Xuan paper, and ink, which is why it is sometimes called ink-and-wash painting."中国传统绘画工具有毛笔,宣纸和墨,因此,中国传统绘画又叫水墨画。

14.Functions Shift from the Propaganda Work to the Propaganda Culture--On the propaganda in the field of the communication sciences;从“宣传工作”到“宣传文化”——传播学视野中的宣传刍议

15.project/programme support communications项目/方案宣传工作

16.spreading the gospel of hard work宣传努力工作的原则

17.III The work of propaganda teams三 关于宣传队工作

18.A national conference on publicizing China overseas全国对外宣传工作会议


partisan propaganda organ党派宣传工具

3)a powerful propaganda weapon强有力的宣传工具

4)propaganda work宣传工作

1.The article discussed the strategies and methods of hospitalpropaganda work from news, advertisement, publicrelation and event marketing.从新闻、广告、公关和事件行销4个方面论述了医院宣传工作的主要策略和方法。

2.The present situation ofpropaganda work for construction project of large and medium size hydroelectric power station was analyzed.分析了大中型水电基建项目的宣传工作现状、,并从黄龙滩电厂扩建工程宣传工作的切身感受出发,提出了做好大中型水电基建项目宣传工作的对策。

3.Public libraries have long showed no focus onpropaganda work.公共图书馆历来对宣传工作重视不过,通过分析原因,阐述了用各种途径来加强图书馆宣传工作的力度。


1.Principal Roles of Publicity in Institution of Higher Learning in Building A New Countryside;高校宣传工作在新农村建设中的主体作用

2.Hospitalpublicity could improve condensation within hospital and improve reputation and develop better imageoutside the hospital; provide information to public; keep good relationship with public.医院宣传工作对内能够增强凝聚力,形成医院发展的合力;对外能够提升医院知名度,塑造医院良好形象;为公众提供信息,引导患者到医院就医;融洽医院与社会的关系,争取社会对医院的理解和支持。

3.This article talks about the significance and methods ofpublicity for libraries of higher in- stitutes in the new environment in multiple perspectives.本文从多角度论述新环境下高校图书馆宣传工作的重要性及其方式、方法。

6)publicity work宣传工作

1.A discussion ofpublicity work in the libraries of institutions of higher learning;论高校图书馆的宣传工作

2.This article explains the importance of thepublicity work of university libraries under network conditions.网络条件下的高校图书馆必须重视宣传工作,利用网络技术宣传馆藏资源和网络资源,增强用户的网络意识和网络检索能力,并且发挥新闻媒体的宣传作用,扩大图书馆的社会影响。

3.To realize the function of actively promoting the popularization of Marxism,we must pay attention to the following four points in thepublicity work of the Party.党的宣传工作要起到积极推动马克思主义大众化的作用,必须注意以下四个方面的问题:一是宣传工作必须重视对马克思主义创新理论的宣传,这是马克思主义能够实现大众化的重要保证;二是对马克思主义理论的宣传,一定要注重宣传方式的时代性、简洁性,考虑到宣传对象的接受程度;三是在宣传马克思主义创新理论时,要充分注意策略性,努力防止庸俗化现象;四是要注意研究与宣传的结合,要把对马克思主义最新成果的宣传建立在理论界和学术界系统研究的基础之上。


党派1.派别。 2.各政党或政党中各派别的统称。
