900字范文 > 接近权 the Right of Access to Mass Media英语短句 例句大全

接近权 the Right of Access to Mass Media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-14 18:42:44


接近权 the Right of Access to Mass Media英语短句 例句大全

接近权,the Right of Access to Mass Media

1)the Right of Access to Mass Media接近权

1.The Study ofthe Right of Access to Mass Media in Contemporary China;当代中国受众接近权问题研究


1.Faced with the strong Nazi movement, Strauss in his old age started to curry favor with those in power.在强大的纳粹运动面前,年迈的施特劳斯也开始接近权贵。

2.Access to Justice and Legitimate Growth on Jurisdiction Competence in the Present Age;接近司法与当代司法权能的正当扩张

3.This letter is to inform you that we have lately obtained a patent for an improved method of aluminum soldering.我们改进的铝焊接法最近获得专利权,特此函告。

4.The limit of cold is reached at approximately minus -273℃.冷限接近273℃。

5.In overall judicial process, every citizen should be entitled to the right of access to justice, the right of impartial jurisdiction and the right of due process.任何公民在整个司法过程均享有接近司法正义的权利、获得公正审判的权利以及正当程序权利。

6.To control a structure, you must be within 15km of the control tower and have the Starbase Defense Operator role.你必须拥有母星防御操作权并接近到控制塔15公里内。

7.The system should be located so that is readily accessible to delivery equipment and to authorized personnel.系统应坐落在传输设备和经过授权的人员容易接近的地方。

8.The Era of Procrastination, of Half-Measures, of Soothing and Baffling Expedients, of Delays, is Coming to its Close.继续拖延、衷和自我安慰实的权益之计的时代已经接近尾声。

9.The Era of Procrastination, of half-Measures, of Soothing an Baffling Expedients, of Delays, is Coming to Close.继续拖延,折中和自我安慰式的权益之计的时代已经接近尾声.

10.As to the right(s) of women, the recent issue of residency for the wives is a very good example.5接下来,就妇女的权利来说,最近有人提出妻子的居住权问题,就是很好的例子。

11.Being near in time, place, or relationship; close.接近的在地点、时间或关系方面接近的;接近的

12.be under (a) taboo禁止接触 [接近,说] 的

13.direct radiation proximity indicator直接辐射接近指示器

14.The act, process, or result of approximating.接近接近的行为,过程或结果

15.Being near in space or time.接近的在时间或空间接近

e near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character.与……接近或者近乎,象,在品质上或者性格上接近。

17.At InterContinental Hotels Group, we own, operate and franchise more than3600 hotels, offering close to half a million guest rooms in nearly100 countries.洲际酒店集团拥有,经营或授权3600酒店,在接近100个国家提供大约50万的客房。

18.Their wars became less and less the holy wars of freedom, and more and more like the aggressive wars of the ancient regime.他们的战争离自由圣战越来越远,相反倒越来越接近针对旧政权的侵略战争。


right of closing to the media传媒接近权

1.On theright of closing to the media in Internet Age;论网络时代公众的传媒接近权

3)media close right媒介接近权

4)Kwon Kun权近

1.Kwon Kun"s Ideas and Works: Worshipping Chinese Cultures and Korea"s Submission When Emergencies Occurred论权近的尊周事大思想及其使行诗

5)Asymptotically approach渐近接近



