900字范文 > 干扰来源 interference sources英语短句 例句大全

干扰来源 interference sources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-02 17:53:24


干扰来源 interference sources英语短句 例句大全

干扰来源,interference sources

1)interference sources干扰来源

1.This paper emphatically probes into theinterference sources of the secondary system of power system s substation,and puts forward some preventive measures for providing some experiences against interference for safe production of power.着重探讨了电力系统变电站中二次系统的干扰来源,提出了防范措施,以期为电力安全生产提供抗干扰经验。


1.The Source of Electromagnetic Interference and Compatible Design;电磁干扰来源及电磁兼容设计的探讨

2.image interference图像干扰;镜像干扰;镜像干扰;影频干扰;虚源干涉

3.Analysis of Powers for SAR Active Coherent Jamming and Incoherent JammingSAR有源相干干扰和非相干干扰功率分析

4.Jammers Tracked by Azimuth Crossings方位交叉跟踪干扰源

5.Effects of STI571, IFN-α on the Development of Dendritic Cells from Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia;STI571、干扰素-α对慢性粒细胞白血病来源树突状细胞作用的研究

6.Interferon-β induction and related signaling pathways in human hepatocyte cell lines不同来源人肝细胞系β干扰素诱生及其信号通路的比较

7.interference from foreign broadcasting stations外来广播电台的干扰.

8.Multi-band disturbing technique based on foam interfering screen基于泡沫型干扰幕的多波段无源干扰技术

9.Research on Coordinated Operational Application between Confusion Jamming and Active Jamming in Ship Formation编队迷惑干扰与有源干扰协同使用研究

10.Efficiency evaluation of multi-jamming sources on stand-off jamming based on the exposed range基于最小干扰距离的多点源支援干扰效果评估

11.Research on Least Jamming Distance of Shipborne Radar in Some Factors舰载雷达有源压制干扰最小干扰距离研究

12.The Allocation of Jamming Resource for Phased Array Jammer to Air-Defence Radar Nets相控阵干扰机干扰防空雷达网资源分配

13.An analysis on interference source and anti-interference measures for DCS system in paper enterprices造纸企业DCS系统干扰源分析与抗干扰措施

14.Mess up the enemy radar by jamming利用人为干扰来扰乱敌人的雷达

15.There will inevitably be interference from various directions, including both the Right and the "Left".一定会有来自多方面的干扰,有“左”的干扰,也有右的干扰。

16.The effects of disturbances can be offset by reactions to the disturbance.干扰的影响可以通过对干扰的反作用来弥补。

17.Adaptive output power minimizes interference.可变的电源输出使干扰减小到最

18.Capacitor for electromagnetic interference suppression of AC power supply抑制电源电磁干扰用电容器


free stream disturbance来流干扰

1.The effects offree stream disturbance on micro air vehicle(MAV) aerodynamics was investigated using delta wings with disturbance introduced by an upstream cylinder in wind tunnel.通过在三角翼上游加入干扰圆柱的风洞实验方法,研究了来流干扰对微小型飞行器MAV(Micro Air Vehicle)气动特性的影响。

3)outside interference外来干扰

4)conducted interference自电源线来的干扰,传导来的干扰,馈电线感应干扰

5)interference source干扰源

1.Identification and countermeasures forinterference source at site of partial discharge test;现场局部放电试验中干扰源的识别和采取的对策

2.LEO satellite aided positioning ofinterference source;低轨卫星辅助的干扰源位置确定

3.This paper analyzes the maininterference sources in the practice application of PLC control system and analyzes in detail the effect ofinterference sources on PLC control system during the normal operation.文章简要分析了PLC控制系统在实际应用中受到的主要干扰源,详细地介绍了其对PLC控制系统正常工作产生的影响,提出了抗干扰措施。

6)passive countermeasure无源干扰


摆放式干扰机(见通信干扰设备)摆放式干扰机(见通信干扰设备)hand-emplaced jammerbaifongshi gQnraoii摆放式干扰机(hand一emplaeed jam;ner)见通信干扰设备。
