900字范文 > 多元心态 multiple state of mind英语短句 例句大全

多元心态 multiple state of mind英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 17:53:06


多元心态 multiple state of mind英语短句 例句大全

多元心态,multiple state of mind

1)multiple state of mind多元心态


1.The culturalpluralism of science and technology is the basic element and internal power for its own development.科技文化的多元形态是自身发展的基本要素和内在动力。


1.Various Shapes of University Academy Power and Ideal Appeal;大学学术权力的多元形态及理想诉求

2.Diversity Graphic Design of Contemporary Affected by Postmodernism后现代主义影响下当代平面设计的多元形态

3.Multi-formity of Gatha in Chinese Localization Process and the Split of Literal and Implied Meaning of Affish Gatha;禅诗中国化的多元形态及宫体禅诗内涵的表实分离

4.The Developing Tendancy of Polybasication and Diversification of Image Embodiment and Trad. Ch. painting;意象形态与国画多元化多样性发展态势

5.Ideological Diversity in Chinese Television Culture in New Period;新时期中国电视文化的多元意识形态

6.Knowledge Economy and diversification of Audit Pattern;第三讲 知识经济与审计形态多元化

7.On the Diverse Distribution Patterns of Zhejiang Rural Residential Environments论浙江乡村聚居环境的多元分布形态

8.Adaptive Morphology Edge Detection Based on Multi-structural Elements自适应多结构元形态学边缘检测方法

9.Adaptive Edge Detection Based on MorphologyMulti-Structuring Elements and Multi-Scale基于形态学多结构元多尺度的自适应边缘检测

10.the phenomenon of an element existing in two or more physical forms.一个元素有两种或更多的物理形态的现象。

11.Ideological Discourse in Literary Translation: A Polysystem Perspective;从多元系统理论看文学翻译中意识形态话语

12.On Brief Analysis of Relationship Between Ideology and Diversity of Translation Standards;浅谈意识形态与多元化翻译标准的关系

13.The Diverse Harmonious Ethnicity Map--the Analysis of Singapore Race Appearance;多元和谐的族群地图——新加坡民族形态透视

14.Influences of multiculturalism on ideological education at universities and countermeasures;多元文化对高校意识形态教育的影响与对策

15.Multivariate regression analysis on the interrelationship of functional growth patterns of Tianjin students;学生形态机能发育关系的多元回归分析

16.A Parallel-Composed Morphological Filter with Multiple Structure Elements Based on Binary Sampling基于二抽取的多结构元素并行复合形态滤波器

17.Image edge detection algorithm based on multi-structural elements morphology基于多结构元的形态图像边缘检测算法

18.On Plural Value Orientation in the Development of Current Pattern of Literature Criticism论当前文学批评形态发展的多元价值取向



1.The culturalpluralism of science and technology is the basic element and internal power for its own development.科技文化的多元形态是自身发展的基本要素和内在动力。


1.It is necessary to analyze the supply efficiency of public goods from the angle ofmulti-tendencies.从产权结构多元态势这一视角分析公共产品的供给效率,不同产权安排形式在公共产品供给中存在着效率条件及非效率解,树立产权结构多元态势的经济发展观是实现公共产品有效供给的最佳路径选择。

4)format diversification业态多元

5)ecology diversity生态多元

1.While the Guo Xuebo s novels are diligently advocating to protect environment andecology diversity,they also pay great attention to the protection of national culture ecology and the multiculturality,in order to achieve a healthy interaction between theecology diversity and the cultural diversity.郭雪波的小说在极力倡导保护环境、保护生态多样性的同时,也注重保护民族文化生态,维护文化多元性,以期实现生态多元和文化多元的健康互动。

6)different phase dynamically多元动态

1.Therefore the construction of learning support system indifferent phase dynamically is the tendency.因此,构建优化的多元动态的学习支持服务体系是远程教育未来发展的趋势,也是远程教育得以持续发展的重要方面。


