900字范文 > 心理调控能力 ability to control the state of mind英语短句 例句大全

心理调控能力 ability to control the state of mind英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-04 04:05:15


心理调控能力 ability to control the state of mind英语短句 例句大全

心理调控能力,ability to control the state of mind

1)ability to control the state of mind心理调控能力


1.Developing College Students Ability of Psychological Regulation in P.E Class;体育课教学中培养大学生的心理调控能力

2.A Study on How to Improve the Psychological Regulating Ability for Shooters in Competitions提高射击运动员比赛心理调控能力的研究

3.How to Improve the Capabilities of Archers to Cope With the Stress in Competition;如何提高射箭运动员应对应激反应的自我心理调控能力

4.Analysis and Regulating of Influence Mental Factors of Pitcher Control Ability in Baseball Game;对棒球比赛中影响投手控制球能力的心理因素的分析及调控方法

5.The Diagnosis of Information Processes of China National Fencing Athletes and Individual Mental Control Strategy;中国击剑队运动员大脑处理信息能力诊断及个性化心理调控对策

6.Exploration on Regulation of Pre-competition Mental Status by Stress Theory;运用压力理论调控赛前心理状态新探

7.Six, ability of mental adjustment, a person"s ability to adapt to their social environment.六,心理调节能力,人对社会环境的适应能力。

8.Analysis on the ability of mental control of high jumpers;跳高运动员心理自控能力的训练方法

9.Advance Psychology Adjusting Ability,Improve Administrative Efficiency;提升心理调试能力 提高行政效率

10.A Research on an Evaluating Method to the Government Office Worker s Psychology Adjustment Ability;公务员心理调适能力测评方法的研究

11.The Adjustment Of The Psychological Pressure Of Gymnastic Athletes During The Training And Matches;体操运动员训练控制中的心理压力调节

12.A Multi-center Survey on Professional and Emotional Competence and Related Factors among Counselors and Psychotherapists心理咨询和治疗师的专业能力和情感能力的多中心调查


14.Investigation on Self-monitoring Ability in Physics Learning of High School Students in Tai an.;泰安市高中生物理学习自我监控能力调查

15.Strengthening the state"s macro-control and regulatory capability增强国家宏观调控能力

16.How to improve the capability of psychological self-control of adolescent atheletes如何提高青少年运动员的心理自我控制能力

17.Construction and Supervision on the Characteristic Mental Ability Index of the Fencers;击剑运动员个性化心理能力指标建构及监控

18.Establishing Mental Control Ability Indices for Fencers and the Relative Training;击剑运动员心理控制能力的指标构建及训练


mind regulate and conrol心理调控力

3)psychological adjustment ability心理调适能力

1.Thepsychological adjustment ability of civil servants mainly means that the civil servants adopt diverse strategies to acclimatize themselves to the changes of work, study and living environment.公务员心理调适能力,是指公务员自对其工作、学习和生活环境中的诸种变化采取心理和行为上的调整策略,使公务员能够适应这些变化,从而达到有利于所从事的实践活动及自身身心健康的能力。

4)mental control ability心理控制能力

1.Based on the cognitive psychological theory and sports control theory and in line with the characteristics of fencing,the paper discusses the establishment of the indices of fencers"mental control ability and the relative training.以认知心理学理论和运动控制理论为基础,根据击剑运动项目特点,运用文献资料调研和理论分析等方法对击剑运动员心理控制能力的构建及训练进行了分析与讨论,认为击剑运动员的剑感、距离感和时机感是制胜的关键,而速度素质在现代训练中占有重要地位。

5)psychological control心理调控

1.Basketball players on-the-spot anxiety and the coachespsychological control;篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控

2.ObjectiveTo observe the effect ofpsychological control over termparturient during delivery by midwife company.目的通过助产士一对一陪伴分娩服务 ,对产妇出现一系列心理问题进行心理调控 ,降低产妇分娩并发症。

3.The psychological quality and mental control of athletes can be improved by psychological training andpsychological control.心理训练和心理调控可以提高运动员的心理素质和心理自控能力。

6)psychological adjustment心理调控

1.On stimulating evaluation andpsychological adjustment of freshmen;激励评价与大学新生心理调控

2.This paper analyses patterns and characteristics of the psychological changes among college students with aggressive behavior,and puts forward strategies forpsychological adjustments from the perspectives of attention to education of self-awareness,pers.文章分析了大学生过激行为产生的心理变化规律及特点,并从重视大学生自我意识教育,促进建立合理的认知方式;指导大学生正确应对压力,合理宣泄过激性情感;加强大学生意志力培养,增强抗压耐挫能力;优化大学生个性心理品质,提高行为理智水平等方面阐述了大学生过激行为的心理调控策略。

3.Because of speciality of indoor Futsal football game s rule,the playerspsychological adjustment is becoming very important,how to adjust their mood to reduce the numbers of untechnology fouls,even power to make decision of the game.由于室内"五人制"足球比赛竞赛规则的特殊性,使得运动员在比赛中心理调控显得格外重要,如何通过调控运动员自身情绪来减少非技术性犯规次数,已经成为现代室内"五人制"足球比赛获胜的关键,通过对比赛的观察分析,心理调节方法的选择要根据运动员的个性和习惯,因人而异,不能统一规定。


基本心理能力测验基本心理能力测验Primary Mental Abilities Tests,PMA基本心理能力测验(primary MentalAbilities Tests,PMA)L.L.瑟斯顿采用因素分析法研究能力结构的直接成果,发表于1941年,是第一个成套的多重能力测验。包括五个水平,适用于幼儿园到高中毕业。主要测量言语意义、数字敏度、知觉速度、逻辑推理、空间关系五个因素,用于了解学生对学习的准备情况。(郑日昌撰林传燕审)
