900字范文 > 非黄金时段 non-prime time英语短句 例句大全

非黄金时段 non-prime time英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-19 18:32:03


非黄金时段 non-prime time英语短句 例句大全

非黄金时段,non-prime time

1)non-prime time非黄金时段

1.Seizing prime time having not to say, the development ofnon-prime time has been more and more paid attention.面对决定存亡发展的市场份额,省级卫视竞争日益白热化,抢占黄金时段自不必多说,非黄金时段的开发也越来越受到重视。


1.Thinking about Developing Radio & TVProgramme on Non-prime Time;关于开发非黄金时段广播电视节目的思考

2.All of their favorite programs are in the prime time.他们喜欢的节目都是在黄金时段放映。

3."The prime time for TV channels is also the prime time for us to do our homework.“电视台的黄金时段正是我们做功课的时间。

4.Bill: Week one includes media play on airwaves and TV during prime time broadcasts.第一周要在电台和电视台的黄金时段播出。

5.The movie was broadcast during prime time, and many families watched it.这部电影在黄金时段播出, 有很多家庭在收看。

6.Cindy, how come nearly all the prime-time TV shows are comedies?辛蒂,为什么几乎所有的黄金时段都是喜剧片呢?

7.at peak hours, we often fight over which channel to have on.在黄金时段,我们经常会为了看哪一台而争吵。

8.Jim Rogers: I would prefer gold to oil in that time period.吉姆·罗杰斯:我在这段时间倾向黄金多过石油。

9.gold ,unrefined or refined in unwrought forms, non-monetary (excl. blanks of articles)提炼或未提炼的黄金,未段造形态,非货币(不包括制品坯料)

10.prime-time shows are an hour long and most of them aren"t comedies.黄金时段的节目长度是一小时,而且大多数都不是喜剧片。

11.`For the cats, my lord?"“猫的黄金时代?”

12.TV stations cannot broadcast nudity during prime time,since so many kids are watching.电视频道不能在黄金时段播出裸体画面,因为有许多小孩正在观看。

13.Published every Thursday, it mainly targets the golden period of weekends for recreation and consumption.我们每周四出版,主打周末这一娱乐和消费的黄金时段。

14.Last year, the ten most saturated prime-time shows displayed 9,000 brands.去年十大最饱和的黄金时段电视剧 展示了9000个品牌

15.But their latest action film might have trouble finding a place on prime time TV.然而,他们一起合作的新片却恐怕很难在黄金时段放映。

16.The violent films are forbidden to be shown between 7 pm and 9 pm the prime time.禁止暴力影片在晚间7点至9点的黄金时段放映。

17.launched the new perfume with prime-time commercials on the major networks.依靠在主要的电视台播出黄金时段的广告来推出这种新型香水

18.We got a real ratings boost when the show was moved to primetime.当这个节目挪到黄金时段后,我们的收视率有了显著的提高。


The gold period of time黄金时段

3)prime athletic period黄金竞技时段

4)prime time programme黄金时段节目

5)prime time slot黄金时间;黄金时段;黄金档

6)in dusk黄昏时段

1.Children s emotion would be unstable and irritablein dusk and more problems would appear in this period.幼儿交往主动性相对较差是我们这个日托、寄宿混合幼儿园普遍存在的一个问题,而在黄昏时段幼儿的情绪波动最大,在交往方面存在的问题尤为突出。


