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校时 timing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-06 21:51:49


校时 timing英语短句 例句大全




1.She was no longer president of the university in my time.我在校时她已不担任这所大学的校长。

2.She was no longer president of the university in my time我在校时她已不担任这所大学的校长

3.The school expects its pupils to be on time.学校要求学生准时到校

4.Reporter for high school newspaper @School Days校报“校园时光”的记者

5.Temporary Accommodations (On- and Off-Campus).临时住处(校内外)

6.When the head master is away, the deputy head master looks after the school for him.校长不在时副校长为他照顾学校。

7.When does school commence?学校什么时候开学?

8.migrated time sectio偏移校正的时间剖面

9.a critical time in the school"s history.学校历史的关键时期。

10.Sometimes we work on the college farm.有时去校办农场劳动。

11.She" s a regular attender at evening classes.她上夜校一贯按时出席.

12.pedagogical seminary(帝俄时的)师范学校

13.The school bus leaves at six sharp and won"t wait.校车六点开车,过时不候。

14.Our School Newsletter我们学校的时事通讯

15.regulate a clock, radiator, etc校准时钟、 调节散热器

16.A Brief Talk on the University Spirit Construction and Class Construction in the New Period;浅谈新时期高校校风建设与高校班级建设

17.The Building of Campus Culture in New University Sites in New Period新时期高校新校区校园文化建设的探索

18.The information is stored in tape or disc which can be used to set the printing machine ink keys for make-ready.校机时,用它调校印刷机上的供墨钥匙。


Clock Timing时钟校时

1.Design ofClock Timing System Based on Microcontroller基于单片机的时钟校时系统设计

3)Time-adjust and time-mark标时与校时

4)real-time correction实时校正

1.Probe into the Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Hydrologic Real-time Correction;人工神经网络在水文实时校正中应用的探索

2.The difficulty problem of image deform in multi-speed security verification system is discussed in the paper, and areal-time correction algorithm is provided.方法:提出了在线的实时校正算法;结果:经仿真试验表明,该算法性能可靠,适合多种传输速度安检系统的图像实时校正。

3.Thereal-time correction algorithm based on Kalman filter technique was proposed to improve the accuracy of real-time hydrological forecasting under the circumstances that the nonlinearity of flow concentration of river channels is evident.基于卡尔曼滤波的河道汇流实时校正算法,采用非线性马斯京根矩阵解法,将河道汇流表达为一个时变线性系统,满足了卡尔曼滤波状态空间表达的要求。

5)space-time correction时空校正

1.Static correction in mountainous area usingspace-time correction method;利用时空校正方法做山区地震勘探静校正

6)timing correction定时校正


时发时散翳时发时散翳 时发时散翳 病证名。见《一草亭目科全书》。即聚开障。详该条。
