900字范文 > 城郊森林 suburban forest英语短句 例句大全

城郊森林 suburban forest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-19 07:44:44


城郊森林 suburban forest英语短句 例句大全

城郊森林,suburban forest

1)suburban forest城郊森林

1.Based on the status ofsuburban forest of Harbin, 49 well-grown afforesting tree species including 32 species arbor, 16 species shrub and only 1 species vine which are mainly Pinus sylvestris var.本论文根据树种选择的依据,针对城郊环境特点和城郊森林的功能需求等,以树种的特征、生态习性以及功能(生态功能、景观功能、经济功能)三大要素中的31项单因素指标为研究内容,针对不同林种的功能需求选择适宜的树种。


1.Study on Forest Leisure Theory and Peri-urban Forest Leisure Opportunity Spectrum Classification森林休闲理论与城郊森林休闲机会谱分级研究

2.Study on the Construction of Suburban Forest of Building Henan Forestry Ecological Province河南林业生态省建设之城郊森林构建的探讨

3.Study on Tourism Planning of Forest Park in City and Its Suburb基于休闲旅游的城郊森林公园旅游规划研究

4.Study on Relationship between Recreation in Suburban Forest Park and Tourists" Health城郊森林公园游憩与游人身心健康关系的研究

5.Study on Tree Species Selection of Suburban Forest Eco-network System Construction in Harbin;哈尔滨市城郊森林生态网络体系建设中树种选择的研究

6.Analysis of Land-use in Suburban Forest Park Based on 3S Technique--A Case Study on Forest Park of Ma anshan Mountain in Wuhan;基于“3S”技术的城郊森林公园土地利用问题分析——以武汉市马鞍山森林公园为例

7.Environment Assessment and Landscape Planning of Suburban Forest Park--A Case Study of Yiling Forest Park,Yichang城郊型森林公园环境评价及研究——以宜昌市夷陵森林公园为例

8.Research on Tourism Development and Planning of Forest Park in City Suburb;城市郊区森林公园旅游开发与规划研究

9.Near-surface atmospheric properties along an urban center-suburban-urban forest gradient in summer in Nanjing City夏季南京市中心-郊区-城市森林梯度上的近地层大气特征

10.Approaches to the Planning and Construction of Forest Park for Suburb Water Resource Conservation Area--Taking Jinxi Forest Park in Jiangle County as an Example城郊水源保护地森林公园规划建设探索——以福建将乐县金溪森林公园为例

11.This is a town environed by/with forests.这是个森林环抱的城镇。

12.Study on the Construction Theory and Comprehensive Assessment of Urban Forests;城市森林建设理论及城市森林综合评价的研究

13.Creating Urban Forests to Promote Construction of National Forest City in China;营造城市森林以促进“国家森林城市”的建设

14.The vast outreach of technology;the outreach of a forest fire from mountains to suburbs.知识的广阔领域;从高山蔓延至市郊的森林火灾

15.I start from my home in the quiet little suburb of Forest Hills, Long Island.我从我在长岛森林岗静静的小郊区的家出发,

16.Shing Mun Fung Shui Woodland Special Area [within the Shing Mun Country Park]城门风水树林特别地区〔位于城门郊野公园内〕

17.The Reforestation Techniques and Early-stage Benefit Evaluation of Outskirt Forest Parks in Guangzhou;广州市近郊森林公园林分改造技术及初期效益评价

18.Status Quo on Forest Resources and Development Suggestion in Chengdong District;城东区森林资源现状和林业发展建议


suburban forest park城郊森林公园

1.Thesuburban forest park developed quickly in recent years,but analysis of land-use insuburban forest park was seldom.近年来城郊森林公园发展很快,然而城郊型森林公园的土地利用问题的研究却很少。

3)close hillsides to facilitate afforestation城郊森林绿化

4)Suburb Forest Park城郊型森林公园

1.Research on Planning of theSuburb Forest Park Recreation System;城郊型森林公园游憩系统规划研究

5)peri-urban forest leisure opportunity spectrum城郊森林休闲机会谱

6)suburb forest近郊森林


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
