900字范文 > 城郊农民 suburban farmer英语短句 例句大全

城郊农民 suburban farmer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-14 18:07:53


城郊农民 suburban farmer英语短句 例句大全

城郊农民,suburban farmer

1)suburban farmer城郊农民

1.Urbanizingsuburban farmers has been put on the agenda accompanied by the development of urban industrialization and countryside urbanization.城郊农民市民化是伴随着城市工业化和农村城市化的发展而被提上议事日程的。


1.The Village Study on the Non-farm Transferring of the Suburb Farmers in Chang Chun;长春市城郊农民非农化转移的村级研究

2.Problems of Suburban Peasants" Urbanization城郊农民非农化进程中存在的问题研究

3.The Transformation from Peasants to City Residents Analyzed on the Uxorilocal Marriage:A Case Study of Village R;从招赘婚姻看城郊农民市民化:以萧山R村为例

4.Loss and Protection of the Suburban Farmers rights in"Citizenization";城郊农民市民化过程中的权益缺失与保护

5.URBANIZING SUBURBAN FARMERS:PROGRESS,OBSTACLE AND A WAY OUT--Taking Zhengzhou as an example城郊农民市民化:进展、阻碍与出路——以郑州市为例

6.Why Farmers in J City Refuse to Be Citizens: Security economics of suburban farmers;J市农民为什么不愿做市民——城郊农民的安全经济学

7.Research on the Educational Invesment s Behavior Choice of Suburb Peasants in the Course of Social Transformation;社会转型期城郊农民教育投入行为选择的研究

8.Empowerment,Interaction and Identity:Suburban farmers" urbanization under the perspective of role theory赋权、互动与认同:角色视角中的城郊农民市民化问题

9.The Empirical Study on Sub-alienation of Land-lost Peasant in Suburb of Hebei Province河北省城郊失地农民分异化实证研究

10.An Analysis of the Investigation into the Status Quo of Land-lost Pensants in the Large and Medium-sized Cities;大中城市城郊失地农民的现状调查分析(I)

11.Formerly when the peasants from the vegetable farms on the outskirts of Changsha entered the city to sell their produce, they used to be pushed around by the police.长沙近郊菜园农民进城卖菜,老被警察欺负。

12.The Urbanization and the Replacement of the Rural Residential Land in the Suburb of Shanghai;上海市郊农民宅基地置换与城市化再推进

13.Research on Psychological Condition of Land-Expropriated Farmers in Suburb Districts, Nanning City;南宁市城郊结合部失地农民心理状况探析

14.The Research on the Problem of Lost-land Peasant of Wenzhou Suburb;温州城郊失地农民问题的公共政策研究

15.A Survey of Life Satisfaction of the Landless Farmers in Nanjing Suburb;南京城郊失地农民生活满意度调查与思考

16.Research on the Problem of the Farmers" Concentrated Living in the Process of Urbanization城镇化进程中近郊区农民集中居住问题研究

17.Migration Desire of Peasants during Process of Urbanization in Guangzhou Suburb:The Diagnoses of 10 Villages广州城市化进程中郊区农民迁移意愿分析

18.Health Risk of Suburb Residents and New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme:Empirical Study Based on Suburb Residents from Chaoyang District in Beijing我国城郊居民的健康风险与新型农村合作医疗——基于北京市朝阳区城郊居民的实证研究


suburban peasants who lost their lands城郊失地农民

3)Suburb Agriculture城郊农业

1.The paper analyzed suburb agriculture from four advantages and functions.城郊农业具有四大优势和四大功能,不仅有利于实现农业产业化、生态化和现代化,还有利于城市经济建设和市民生活质量的保障。

4)suburb rural dwellings城郊农居

5)Suburban peasant城郊农户

6)suburb farm城郊农场

1.Thesuburb farm, as an important strength of our country agriculture system, is facing the good development opportunity and the challenge during the city expansion.城郊农场是我国农垦系统的一支重要力量,在城市化进程中面临着良好的发展机遇和挑战。


