900字范文 > 非常规工期 period of non-conventional situation英语短句 例句大全

非常规工期 period of non-conventional situation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-24 17:06:02


非常规工期 period of non-conventional situation英语短句 例句大全

非常规工期,period of non-conventional situation

1)period of non-conventional situation非常规工期

1.In receipt years,the General Assembly Railway with the rapid development of the war,under theperiod of non-conventional situation,project construction how to deal with the relationship of progress,quality, security is particularly important.工程项目在非常规工期的形势下如何正确处理进度,质量、安全三者的关系尤为重要。


1.The Relationship of Progress,Quality,Security Under the Period of Non-Conventional Situation非常规工期形势下的进度、质量、安全三者之间关系

2.unconventional heat treatment of mould模具非常规热处理工艺

3.Exploration in Non-conventional Process ofNon-oriented Silicon Steel Sheet;无取向硅钢片非常规处理工艺的探讨

4.The raising or keeping a standing army in time of peace is illegal.在和平时期征集和保持常规武装是非法的。

5.Clinic Investigations of the Unconventional Operations for the Advanced Lung Cancer中晚期支气管肺癌非常规手术切除的临床研究

6.Research on Working Capacity of the Double Circular Arc Gear Drive under the Abnormal Working Conditions;非常规条件下双圆弧齿轮传动工作能力研究

mon Problems and Standardized Processing for Table-setting in Sci-tech Journals;科技期刊表格常见编排问题及规范加工

mon Problems and their Standardizing Process in Illustration-setting of Sci-tech Journals科技期刊插图常见编排问题及规范加工

9.I slog my guts out and get paid only a hundred pounds a week.我工作非常努力,但每星期只有100英镑的报酬。

10.The explanation could be, that the soil was extremely dry during the field campaign in 1935.这可能是由于1935年野外工作期间土壤非常干。

11.Analysis of Unusual Behavior of University Students and the Work of the Communist Youth League in SARS Period;“非典”时期大学生异常行为分析与共青团工作

12.College students some abnormal behaviors during "SARS period and the work of youth league;“非典”时期大学生异常行为与共青团工作

13.However, unconventional construction scheme has often to be taken in actual construction.在实际施工中,往往由于工期紧张,不得已而采取超常规的施工方案。

14.Take for example a lady who is irregularly contracting at 32 weeks gestation.举个例子,一名女子非常规性地,在怀孕期32周出现了早产现象。

15.Radiotherapy for Early Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer:from Conventional to Stereotactic早期非小细胞肺癌放射治疗:从常规放疗到立体定向放疗

16.The Clinical Research on Irradition with Conventional Field or Involved Field for Patients with Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer(NSCLC)常规设野与累及野照射局部晚期非小细胞癌的临床研究

17.The bus service is very irregular.公共汽车非常无规律。

18.conventional unguided projectile常规非制导式投射物


Abnormal processing非常规加工

3)nonconventional machining processes非常规机械加工

4)Unconventional developing technique非常规开发工艺

5)process of unconventional heat treatment of mould模具非常规热处理工艺

6)stereotyped expectations常规期待

1.Presumptive meanings such as I-implicature and Q-implicature arestereotyped expectations which could be formally captured by default logic of some sort.言语中的信息I含义和量Q含义是两种假定意义,即语言使用时在无特殊情况下对交际意图的常规期待,这种从语言表达直接推得含义的过程可用缺省逻辑来描述。


