900字范文 > 非常规装饰材料 non-conventional decoration materials英语短句 例句大全

非常规装饰材料 non-conventional decoration materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 02:07:43


非常规装饰材料 non-conventional decoration materials英语短句 例句大全

非常规装饰材料,non-conventional decoration materials

1)non-conventional decoration materials非常规装饰材料


1.Inexhaustible Creativity--Non-conventional Decoration Materials Used in Interior Design;创意无限——室内设计中的非常规装饰材料

2.Changzhou Jiaerli Coating Co., Ltd.常州佳尔利装饰材料有限公司

3.The Relationship between Usual Decorative Technologies and Different Tree Species木质饰品常用装饰技法与不同树种材料属性间的关系

4.decorative finish带有彩色线的装饰材料

5.Material used for such a lining or decoration.用于陪衬或装饰的材料.

6.The Introduction of Non-conventional Material and Innovative Use of Conventional Material in Contemporary Architecture当代建筑中非常规材料的引入与常规材料的创新使用

7.ornamental article of vegetable carving materials, for interior decoration植物质雕刻材料装饰品,用于室内装饰

8.These are the first-chosen apparel sources for fashion, underclothes, bras, shoes and decorating materials.是时装、衣裤、装、胸、类、饰材料的首选面料。

9.Sundials on houses and in gardens are a very popular decoration today.如今把日规当作装饰品装在屋上和花园中是非常时髦的。

10.A strip of decorative, usually gathered or pleated material attached by one edge, as on a garment or curtain.荷叶边装饰一种通常把材料收拢或折叠在一条边上的装饰性花边,如在一件衣服或一张窗帘上

11.The decorating materials shop of our company offers a complete range of specifications. Your presence is cordially requested.本公司附设有一家规格齐全的装饰材料商店,请君光临。

12.Control Non-production materials and operate General store.采购非生产性材料并且进行常规仓储的操作。

13.A piece of material set into a garment as decoration or trim.装饰或点缀镶在衣物中作为装饰或点缀的材料

14.Materials,Spirit and Design--Analysis of the Decorative Material Configuration in Interior Design材料 精神 设计——浅析室内设计中的装饰材料配置

15.Shanghai Jiayi Building Materials Co., Ltd.上海佳宜装饰材料有限公司

16.Shenzhen Motion Tech Fournitures Co., Ltd.深圳市动能装饰材料有限公司

17.Shanghai Fomica Decorative Material Co., Ltd.上海富美家装饰材料有限公司

18.Shanghai Meigao Building Decoration Co., Ltd.上海美高装饰材料有限公司


nonmetallic decorative materials非金属装饰材料

1.This paper analysed the limitation of standard method on surface metallizing ofnonmetallic decorative materials.:分析了传统非金属表面金属化工艺的局限性 ,探讨了采用真空镀膜法实现低密度非金属装饰材料表面金属化的主要工艺环节 。

3)decoration material装饰材料

1.Initial analysis on the pollution and prevention of housing indoordecoration material浅析住宅室内装饰材料的污染与防治

2.For commondecoration materials,such as window s curtain,three-ply,five-ply and wood block,their combustion characteristics,including heat release rate, mass loss rate,and igniting time,are effected by their shape and dimension,as well as heating source intensity.对实际火灾过程中可燃性装饰材料(窗帘布、三合板、五合板和木板块)燃烧时的热释放速率、质量损失速率和着火时间与材料的几何尺度、外界加热辐射热流强度之间的关系进行了研究。

3.This article is mainly expounding the present situation of automobile interiordecoration materials and the tendency of its further research and development from the point of fibres and fabrics.本文主要从纤维与织物的角度 ,阐述汽车内装饰材料的现状和进一步研究与发展的趋

4)decorative material装饰材料

1.Architecturaldecorative material and indoor air pollution;建筑装饰材料与室内空气污染

2.Application of environmental-protection-orienteddecorative materials to environmental art design;环境艺术设计与环保装饰材料的发展应用

3.The introduction of Fe element will apparently decrease the corrosion rate, and the annealed decorative copper alloys is of optimum corrosion resistance, and it can be used for variousdecorative materials and art ware materials.装饰铜合金退火后腐蚀性能最佳,可做为各种装饰材料和工艺品材料。

5)decoration materials装饰材料

1.Ecological adjusting control and sustainable utility ofdecoration materials;装饰材料的可持续利用与生态调控

2.The author mainly states that qulity and colour ofdecoration materials produce an affect on building effect and points out that result the walls and surfaces is influenced by the material fuction.阐述了装饰材料的质感、线型、色彩及装饰材料的选择对建筑装饰效果的影响,装饰材料的功能对内、外墙饰面及地面的影响。

3.The decoration technology consists of design, decoration technique, decoration technics,decoration materials and machines, e.装饰技术的总体水平包括设计、装饰技法、装饰工艺、装饰材料和装饰机械装备等几大方面,其中设计是龙头,它应包括产品的图案设计、造型设计、色彩的搭配、产品的应用及展示设计等多个方面;装饰技法包括平面装饰和立体装饰、平铺和点缀、多种装饰材料的交替和组合应用等;装饰工艺包括布料(多管布料、多次布料、随机布料、微粉和干粒布料),丝网印刷(平面丝网印刷、辊筒印刷、胶辊印刷),各种施釉工艺, 抛光,柔抛,釉抛和半釉抛工艺,磨边和水刀切割,拼花工艺等;装饰材料有各种色料、成釉、金属釉、干粒、印油、渗花液、喷墨印刷用耗材等;装饰机械装备包括各种装饰机械和工模具。

6)Decorative materials装饰材料

1.Study on decorative materials of wet-progress fiberboard;湿法纤维板装饰材料的研究

2.Design Expression and Artistic Creativity of Decorative Materials;略议装饰材料的设计表现与艺术创新

3.Objective] The aim of this study was to reveal indoor air pollution and health adverse effect of formaldehyde in the decorative materials.[目的 ]探讨装饰材料中主要污染物—甲醛对室内空气污染及其危害。


