900字范文 > 机械制造 Machinery Manufacture英语短句 例句大全

机械制造 Machinery Manufacture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-28 20:49:44


机械制造 Machinery Manufacture英语短句 例句大全

机械制造,Machinery Manufacture

1)Machinery Manufacture机械制造

1.Application of NC Cutting Machine inMachinery Manufacture;数控切割机在机械制造系统中的应用

2.Duscussion on Characteristic of AdvancedMachinery Manufacture Technology and Trend of Chinese Machuinery Manufacture Technology;浅谈先进机械制造技术的特点及我国机械制造技术的发展趋势

3.The producing management is the hardcore of producing information systems in machinery manufacture industry.针对管理和生产部门比较集中,用户单位相应比较分散,机修行业产品变化大、工艺过程繁杂的状况,研究如何能更好提高劳动生产率、市场占有率和竞争力,开发出具有行业特点的制造业信息化软件,为机修机制行业的发展提供适用的管理工具,建立起与市场经济条件相适应的企业信息管理系统,是本课题机械制造业生产管理信息系统的主要目标。


puter Control in Mechanical Manufacture机械制造中计算机控制

2.Automation of Mechanical Manufacture System机械制造系统自动化

3.Manufacturing Technique for Hydraulic Machinery水力机械制造工艺学

4.Modern Theory of Mechanical Manufacturing Process ?现代机械制造工艺理论

5.AMT and Teaching Design of Machine Building Speciality;独立制造岛与机械制造专业课程设计

6.Advanced Manufacturing Technology and China"sModern Machinery Manufacturing先进制造技术与我国现代机械制造业

7.Research on Advanced Manufacturing Technology基于先进制造技术的机械制造业研究

8.Mechanical manufacturing engineering development and practice of mechanical engineering vocational teaching机械制造工程发展与高职机械类专业实践教学

9.Development of a MCAI System for the Basisof Manufactring Technique;机械制造技术基础MCAI系统的研制

10.Modeling Research on Manufacturing System of a Combined Make-to-stock and Make-to-order Mechanical EnterpriseMTS/MTO混合型机械制造企业制造系统建模研究

11.Advanced Measurement and Testing in Mechanical Eng ?机械制造中的现代测试技术

12.Manufacturing Technique & Structure Analysis of Hydraulic Machinery水力机械制造工艺及结构分析

13.ACIMIT(Associazione Construttori Italiani di Macchinario per 1"Industria Tessile )意大利纺织机械制造商协会

14.engineering-based core industries以机械制造为基础的核心工业

15.Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing (Meta机械制造基础(金属工艺学)

16.Wenzhou Hongchang Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.温州市鸿昌机械制造有限公司

17.The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures机械和制造工业经济学

18.Design, construction, and use of machinery or mechanical structures.机械学机器或机械工具的设计、制造和使用


mechanical manufacturing机械制造

1.Key of Implementing ERP in Medium and Small Sized Mechanical Manufacturing Enterprises;中小型机械制造企业实施ERP之关键

2.LINGO model language of linear programming and its application tomechanical manufacturing;求解机械制造中线性规划问题的LINGO模型语言算法

3.Fuzzy Evaluation on Technique Quality of Mechanical Manufacturing;机械制造工艺质量的模糊评价

3)mechanical manufacture机械制造

1.Machine vision technique and its application to automation ofmechanical manufacture;机器视觉技术及其在机械制造自动化中的应用

2.The application and prospect for CAD/CAM technology inmechanical manufacture enterprise;CAD/CAM技术在机械制造业中的应用及展望

3.Evaluation of Mechanical Manufacture Human Capital Investment Risk and Software Development;机械制造企业人力资本投资风险评测与软件开发

4)machinery manufacturing机械制造

1.Current situation of the modernmachinery manufacturing technology and its development;现代机械制造技术的现状和发展方向

2.Research and Develop on the Human-machine Management Information System of Machinery Manufacturing Industry;机械制造行业人机管理信息系统研究与开发

3.In China, computer technology in the application ofmachinery manufacturing enterprises just beginning to take off, despite a certain effect, but in the application of the scale, scope and the developed countries there are still greater than the distance.在我国,计算机技术在机械制造企业的应用刚刚开始起步,虽然取得了一定的效果,但在应用规模、范围上与发达国家相比还存在较大的距离。

5)machine manufacturing机械制造

1.The paper introduced characteristics, connotation meaning and application situation of advancedmachine manufacturing technology .介绍了先进机械制造技术的特征和内涵及其应用状况 ;提出了关于发展先进机械制造技术的几点建

2.This paper pointed out under the new technique term that the course ofmachine manufacturing foundation teaching methods must be reformed with the orientation of our country higher education s development and the demands of national economy development, then we gave the teaching methods of the course ofmachine manufacturing foundation.指出了在新技术条件下《机械制造基础》的教学必须改革,以适应我国高等教育的发展和国民经济建设的需要,并具体阐述了改革后《机械制造基础》课程的教学方法。

3.This paper outlines the working technology in nanometer scale related tomachine manufacturing, and introduces its key technologies and its device, and so on.本文简介了与机械制造有关的纳米加工技术,讨论了纳米加工技术的物理实质,介绍了与之相关的关键技术及其元器件等。

6)machine manufacturing industry机械制造业

1.With the rapid development ofmachine manufacturing industry, talents with advanced manufacturing skills as digital control and process skill are in great and urgent need by enterprises.随着机械制造业(包括汽车工业)的快速发展,企业急需大量掌握以数控加工技术为代表的先进制造技术方面的人才。


