900字范文 > 地区税负差异 difference of tax rate in regions英语短句 例句大全

地区税负差异 difference of tax rate in regions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 21:34:39


地区税负差异 difference of tax rate in regions英语短句 例句大全

地区税负差异,difference of tax rate in regions

1)difference of tax rate in regions地区税负差异

1.When the Gini coefficient reflecting thedifference of tax rate in regions goes over 0.反映地区税负差异程度的税收基尼系数超过0。


1.The Positive Analysis of the Interregional Tax Burden Gap and Its Decisions;我国地区税负差异及其影响因素的实证分析

2.An Analysis of Impacts of Implementation of New Enterprise Income Tax on Regional Tax Differences: A Case Study of Listed Companies in Guangdong, Jiangxi and Guizhou新企业所得税实施对地区税负差异的影响分析——以广东、江西、贵州上市公司为例

3.Study on Disparity of Regional Tax Burden and Disparity of Regional Economy in China;我国地区间税负差异与地区间经济差异

4.The Experimental Analysis of Causes of Regional Difference of Tax Burden;中国地区间税负差异原因的实证研究

5.Study on Taxation Burden Differences and Economy Development Among Areas;地区间税负差异与地区经济的非均衡发展

6.An Empirical Research on Difference of Macro Tax Burden of Central China;中部地区各省宏观税负差异的实证分析

7.Empirical Analysis of Regional Difference of Rural Resident s Agriculture Tax;我国农村居民税负地区性差异的实证分析

8.Analysis on Influence Effect of Tax Burden Differences among Regions on Coordinative Development of Regional Economy;地区间税负差异对区域经济协调发展的影响效应分析

9.An Approach to the Differences in Ecological Burdens and Compensation Payments between Different Areas;地区间生态负担差异及补偿分摊方式

10.The Analysis on the Regitional Tax Burden in China and the Corresponding Policy Choices;我国区域性税负差异的实证分析及均衡发展政策选择

11.A Positive Research on Variances of Tax Elasticity Coefficients;我国各地区税收弹性系数差异的实证研究

12.Duty rates, customs clearance and taxes can differ greatly between countries.各个国家或地区之间的税率、通关和课税会有巨大差异。

13.An Empirical Analysis on the Regional Disparity and Its Changes of the Compulsory Education Disbursement before and after the Reform of Taxes and Administrative Charges税费改革前后义务教育投入地区差异及其变化的实证分析

14.spatial variation in rainfall雨量分布的地区性差异

15.Study on Disparity of Regional Fiscal Investment Effect and Disparity of Regional Economy in China;我国地区财政投资效应差异与地区经济差异

16.An equilibrium analysis between the regional tax burden and economic development;地区税收负担与经济发展的均衡分析

17.Fiscal Disparity among Regions in China--Comparative Analysis between Local Tax System and Transfer Payment System;我国地区间的财力差异——基于地方税体系与转移支付体系的比较分析

18.The amount of tax varies greatly in different places.地区不同,购物税也有很大差别。


difference of tax burden among regions地区间税负差异

1.Since economic restructuring,the regional value and the tax burden oppositely run between the mid-west region and the eastern region because of the drawback of market mechanism and the deviation of finance and tax policies,forming thedifference of tax burden among regions.经济体制改革以来,由于市场机制缺陷和财税政策偏差,导致中西部与东部地区价值和税负逆向运行,形成地区间税负差异,中西部地区承受着税收牺牲。

3)taxation burden difference税负差异

1.No matter whether factors flow or not,taxation burden difference influence the development of area economy through its effect on some factors.地区间税负差异是地区经济差异扩大的一个重要原因。

2.This paper introduces the concept of tax burden of value-added tax, analyzes some factors that reduce the tax burden ratio, discusses some reasons that cause thetaxation burden difference, and expounds how to enrich and perfect the evaluation of value-added tax under current conditions.介绍了增值税税负的概念,分析了造成税负率降低的因素,论述了产生税负差异的原因,阐述了如何在现有条件下丰富和完善税负评价。

4)local tax burden地区税负

1.Based on the relationship betweenlocal tax burden and macro tax burden,this article discusses internal and external factors influencinglocal tax burden and proposes some approaches in economy,tax system and legislation tolocal tax burden optimization.在分析地区税负与宏观税负同异关系的基础上,从内部与外部两个方面探讨了地区税负的影响因素,进而从经济、税制、执法等方面对地区税负的提升路径提出了几点思考。

5)economic develop宏观税负差异

6)regional difference地区差异

1.Strategic urban distribution andregional difference in the process of urbanization in China;设市的战略布局与我国城市化的地区差异

2.Study on the Regional Difference of TVEs;乡镇企业发展的地区差异研究

3.Analysis on Regional Difference of R&D Efficiency of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Industry电子及通信设备制造业R&D效率的地区差异分析


太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASCTa iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。
