900字范文 > 地区差异 regional difference英语短句 例句大全

地区差异 regional difference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-11 10:31:14


地区差异 regional difference英语短句 例句大全

地区差异,regional difference

1)regional difference地区差异

1.Strategic urban distribution andregional difference in the process of urbanization in China;设市的战略布局与我国城市化的地区差异

2.Study on the Regional Difference of TVEs;乡镇企业发展的地区差异研究

3.Analysis on Regional Difference of R&D Efficiency of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Industry电子及通信设备制造业R&D效率的地区差异分析


1.Empirical Research on the Real Estateprice in Different Provinces of China;中国房地产价格地区差异的实证研究

2.Empirical Study on the Convergence of Difference in Economic Development between Regions in China;中国经济增长地区差异的收敛性分析

3.The Research of China s Higher Education Cost-sharing Regional Disparities;我国高等教育成本分担地区差异研究

4.Study on Regional Development Difference of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises in China;中国中小企业发展地区差异成因分析

5.Unevenness of Higher Education Development among Different Regions in China;我国高等教育发展水平地区差异研究

6.Human Capital, Marginal Productivity of Factors and Regional Inequality;人力资本、要素边际生产率与地区差异

7.Analysis of Farmer’s Income Structure in Jiangxi and Regional Difference;江西省农民收入结构及地区差异分析

8.Analysis of the Regional Differences of Yunnan Property Insurance Market;云南省财产保险市场的地区差异分析

9.Quantification Analysis of Farmers Income Difference in Different Area;对我国农民收入地区差异的定量分析

10.spatial variation in rainfall雨量分布的地区性差异

11.Study on Disparity of Regional Tax Burden and Disparity of Regional Economy in China;我国地区间税负差异与地区间经济差异

12.Study on Disparity of Regional Fiscal Investment Effect and Disparity of Regional Economy in China;我国地区财政投资效应差异与地区经济差异

13.A Study of the Regional Difference and Regional Coordination in the Western Area;试论西部地区的区域差异与区域协调

14.Regional Differences of Local Banking Systems in China;中国地区银行业金融系统的区域差异

15.Fourth, the infra-regional difference of the east should be greater than the intra-regional difference in the Midwest.四、东部地区内部差异要大于中西部地区内部差异。

parative Advantages: Differences, Changes and Their Impact on Regional Disparity;比较优势差异、变化及其对地区差距的影响

17.Many of the variations in American public be-haviour are regional.美国公众举止的差异多为地区性的。

18.Convergence Research on Regional Economic Difference in Our Country;我国地区经济增长差异的收敛性分析


regional differences地区差异

1.Chinese agricultural mechanization efficiency and itsregional differences during the Tenth Five-Year Plan;“十五”期间中国农机化效率及其地区差异

2.Regional Differences in the Relations between Trade Openness and China s Economic Growth;贸易开放度与中国经济增长关系的地区差异研究

3.The Regional Differences of Regional Innovation Milieus and the Influence on Innovation Performance;区域创新环境的地区差异及其对创新绩效的影响

3)regional disparity地区差异

1.Impacts of Human Capital on Economic Growth and Regional Disparity;人力资本对经济增长和地区差异的影响

2.Regional Disparity in Changes of Healthy Life Expectancy of Chinese Elderly:Expansion or Compression?中国老年人健康预期寿命变化的地区差异:扩张还是压缩?

3.Analysis on Regional Disparity of Social Security Expenditures in China中国社会保障财政支出的地区差异问题分析

4)regional diversity地区差异

1.Theregional diversity of susceptibility of striped flea beetle(SFB),Phyllotreta striolata(Fabricius),to insecticides in Fujian Province;福建省黄曲条跳甲药剂敏感性的地区差异

2.Finally,based on the result of factor analysis and cluster analysis,we synthetically analyzeregional diversity analysis of Chinese inhabitants latent domestic emissive.最后根据因子分析和聚类分析的结果,对中国居民潜在国内出游力的地区差异进行综合分析,提出了政策和营销方面的建议。

3.How to roundly and scientifically measure the station of tourism economic in national economic, and how to accurately realizeregional diversity of tourism economic in Guangdong province and its influence factors and mechanism will optimize the regional tourism economic impact and elevate the tourism economic station and promote tourism harmonious development.广东省旅游业发展水平在全国处于领先水平,全面、科学地度量广东省旅游经济在国民经济中的地位与作用,正确认识和了解广东省内旅游经济影响的地区差异及其原因与内在机制,必将对优化广东旅游经济的地区影响、全面提高旅游业的地位、促进旅游业的地区整体协调发展具有重要意义。

5)regional disparities地区差异

1.Theregional disparities of basic education investment in China receives extensive attentions in recent years.中国基础教育投入的地区差异问题近年来受到广泛关注。

6)regional difference地区性差异

1.Regional differences of methylation of metallothionein-3 gene in tissues of esophageal cancer食管癌组织中金属硫蛋白3基因甲基化的地区性差异

2.In this article,first,the reasons forregional difference in rice production costs in China were analyzed.该文对中国水稻生产成本地区性差异的原因进行了分析,并提出相关的政策建议,以期为降低中国水稻生产成本,促进水稻主产区农民增收,提高中国水稻生产的国际竞争力提供参考。


太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASCTa iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。
