900字范文 > 产业经济 industrial economy英语短句 例句大全

产业经济 industrial economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-11 02:42:26


产业经济 industrial economy英语短句 例句大全

产业经济,industrial economy

1)industrial economy产业经济

1.The countermeasure analyses of the development of the regional economy in Jiangsu supported byindustrial economy;用产业经济支撑江苏区域经济发展的对策分析

2.Developmental strategies for hybrid riceindustrial economy in China;中国杂交水稻产业经济发展战略

3.The article reviews main conditions of international and domestic petroleum & petrochemicalindustrial economy development in ,analyzes its characteristics and then briefly forecasts development prospect for the year of .回顾了国际国内石油石化产业经济发展的主要情况并分析了其特点,进而对的发展前景进行了简要的展望。


1.See Clearly Jujube Industry’s Characteristic for Advance Development of Industry s Economy;认清枣业发展特点 推进产业经济发展

2.Industrial Economics Analysis of Chinese Architectural Coatings Industr;中国建筑涂料行业的产业经济学分析

3.Enterprises in traditional industry should set foot in the new economic industry;传统产业企业应积极涉足新经济产业

4.Industrial Reforming and Taiwan Straits West Bank Economic Zone Economy Development;产业转型与海峡西岸经济区经济发展

5.The electronics and information manufacturing industry has become one of the pillar industries in the country.电子信息产业成为国民经济支柱产业。

6.Housing Industry:the Main Point of Economy Growth,or Pillar Industry;住宅产业:经济增长点,还是支柱产业

7.Operation of Agricultural Industrialization & County Economy Development;农业产业化经营与县域经济发展研究

8.Economic and Theoretical Cognition of the System of Agricultural Industrialization Managing;农业产业化经营的制度经济理论认识

9.Sutdy on agricultural industrialization through the evolution of the institution and economic performamce;制度变迁、经济绩效与农业产业化经营

10.Feed industry is one of the most important industries in agricultural economy.饲料行业是农业经济中的支柱产业。

11.Industrialization of Agriculture:the Only Way to Develop the Agricultural Economy;农业经济发展的必然选择——农业产业化

12.Forest Eco-economic Productivity and the Development of Forestry Produce;森林生态经济生产力与林业生产发展

13.Economic Features and International Experience of Port-vicinity Industry Clusters;临港产业集群的经济特征与国际经验

14.Developing Grain Economy by Agri-industrialization;以产业化经营推动我省粮食经济发展

15.Developing Agricultural Cooperative Economy and Promoting Agricultural Industrialization;发展农业合作经济 推进农业产业化经营

16.A Study on Service-sector Productivity and Its Economic Growth;服务业生产率与服务业经济增长研究

17.Economy development strategic of China technical textiles industry;中国产业用纺织品行业经济发展战略

18.Innovate Rural Economy Organization Promote the Agriculture Industrial Upgrading;创新农村经济组织 促进农业产业升级


industry economy产业经济

1.To confirm and use the policies of the government is the important assurance of regional economy andindustry economy development.政府的政策制定与实施是区域经济和产业经济发展的重要保证,在对东北老工业基地现状分析的基础上,对国内外老工业基地调整改造政策进行了比较分析,在基于现实和理论分析基础上,提出了调整改造东北老工业基地政策体系设计的基本构建。

2.At last brings forward the main industry and developing plan on marine economy in terms of strategic view of marine economy development usingindustry economy theory.本文分析了世界和中国海洋经济理论和实践发展的概况,比较了江苏与其它省市在发展海洋产业方面取得的经验以及存在的问题,剖析了江苏海洋经济发展的实践,应用产业经济学理论,从海洋经济发展的战略高度,提出了江苏发展海洋经济的支柱产业和发展对策。

3)industrial economics产业经济

1.From angles of the economic development, a phenomena that mineral resourcesindustrial economics is apt to be damaged, i.从经济发展的角度,提出了矿产资源产业经济易于受到损害的现象即易损性,分析了矿产资源产业经济易损性的影响因子,总结了我国矿产资源产业经济易损性的表现形式。

2.The aim is to sum up someindustrial economics theory to benefit others whom analysis some subjects in this field.通过分析李嘉图的比较优势理论中有关市场绩效和产业结构方面的产业经济思想,为当前的产业经济思想的总结工作,提供一些可供参考和借鉴的资料。

4)economical industry经济产业

1.The sports is oneeconomical industry.体育是一种经济产业,我们应当在体育产业的发展过程中加以解决和完善,坚持正确方向,深化改革,从而促进我国体育事业健康有序发展。

5)industrial economics产业经济学

1.General discussion on research method ofindustrial economics;产业经济学研究方法综述

2.Industrial Economics under Organization Evolution Perspective;组织演化观点下的产业经济学

3.Depending on the features of construction industry, we evaluate it with theories ofindustrial economics.从建筑业的产业特点出发,应用产业经济学相关理论,进行建筑业评价,具体内容包括:运用投入产出分析,研究建筑业在国民经济中的重要地位;通过区域产业结构分析和均衡度分析,计算相关指标,对比分析所选省市建筑业发展情况,进而对辽宁省建筑业发展现状进行客观评价。

6)industry economics产业经济学

1.So it is necessary that further defining the guiding ideology ofindustry economics, strengthening research of subject position, and on this basis, designing details of core theories frame in order to define the main attack direction and emphasis of this subject鉴于产业经济学已有长足发展,学科内容与兄弟学科比较确有些重复,而事物本质是由其主导方面和主要方面决定的。


