900字范文 > 工业经济 industrial economy英语短句 例句大全

工业经济 industrial economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-21 03:09:52


工业经济 industrial economy英语短句 例句大全

工业经济,industrial economy

1)industrial economy工业经济

1.The Analysis of Panel Data on the Relationship between Pollution Treatment Investment and the Growth of Industrial Economy;污染治理投资与工业经济增长关系的面板数据分析

2.Evaluating and analyzing the development nf Shanghaiindustrial economy with cluster analysis;上海工业经济集约化特征聚类分析

3.Survey of Operation of Industrial Economy in Xinjiang in ;新疆工业经济运行情况分析


1.industry-wide econometric model全工业经济计量模型

2.The industrial economy is developing with a high speed.工业经济持续高速增长。

3.The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures机械和制造工业经济学

4.Economic efficiency of industry declined to some extent.工业经济效益有所下滑。

5.Speed up Informationalization of Industrial Economy Progress and Promote Industrial Economy Development;加快工业经济信息化进程 促进工业经济再发展

6.Making Car Industry the Leading Industry of Beijing Industrial Economy;把汽车工业发展成为北京工业经济的主导产业

7.The coordinated development of industrial economy and environment:An econometric analysis in China;中国工业经济与环境协调发展的经济计量研究

8.The Improvement of Private Sector s Weak Position in Northeast old Industrial Economy;论东北工业经济中民营经济“软肋”地位的改变

9.The Comparison of Elements of Financial Reporting: Knowledge Economy and Industrial Economy;知识经济与工业经济下会计要素的比较

10.Skandia Navigator" A Financial Milestone from Industrial Economy to Knowledge Economy;Skandia导航器——工业经济转向知识经济的财务里程碑

11.From industry economy to experience economy of the Guangzhou consumption demand从工业经济到体验经济的广州消费需求

12.Main Indicators of industrial enterprises工业企业主要经济指标

13.the importance of industry to the economy工业对经济的重要性

14.Ministry of Economy,Finance and Industry经济、财政和工业部

15.newly industrializing economies新兴工业化经济(体)

16.revitalize industry, the economy, education, etc振兴工业、 经济、 教育等

17.Intellectual Economy: Surpassing Roundly Industrialized Economy;知识经济:对工业化经济的全面超越

18.Evaluation of Economical Benefit of Metrological Operationin Industrial Enterprise;工业企业计量工作经济效益评定初探


industry economy工业经济

1.The Comparative Analysis on Industry Economy benefit in West Region based on TOPSIS;基于TOPSIS法的西部地区工业经济效益比较分析

2.Fromindustry economy to experience economy of the Guangzhou consumption demand从工业经济到体验经济的广州消费需求

3.Our notion should adopt special strategy which is different frow the development ofindustry economy.2 1世纪是知识经济占主导地位的世纪 ,我国必须采取与发展工业经济不同的非常战略。

3)industrial economy,industrial economics工业经济,工业经济学

4)industrialized economy工业化经济

1.Food safety forindustrialized economy was analyzed in this paper.分析结果表明,开放的工业化经济,如果其他条件不变,一旦获得好的“供奉”条件,或者说获 得工业的经济优势,便可以得到更加有利的农产品供给条件,使粮食安全更有保障。

5)industrial and commercial economy工商业经济

1.On the Flourish and Decline of Reich and Middle-European"s Industrial and Commercial Economy in the 14-17th Century论14-17世纪德意志和中欧工商业经济的繁荣与衰弱

pared with oriental civilization,the ancient Greek civilization was unique basing on flourishingindustrial and commercial economy,democratic politics and legal system tradition,and bright science-literature-art culture.与东方文明相比较,古希腊文明以它发达的工商业经济、民主政治和法制传统、灿烂的科学文艺为特色,显示出其与众不同的独特性,且此三者之间相辅相成。

3.It also analyzes his thought on agricultural economy and the protection of theindustrial and commercial economy in cities and towns.通过对毛泽东江西时期有关经济思想的探讨 ,从宏观上分析了毛泽东关于在国家政权建设中必须重视经济建设的思想 ,并且分析了毛泽东关于农业经济以及保护城镇工商业经济的思

6)Post Industrial Economy后工业经济


工业经济效益综合指数工业经济效益综合指数是综合衡量工业经济效益各方面在数量上总体水平的一种特殊相对 数,是反映工业经济运行质量的总量指标。
