900字范文 > 输沙 sediment transport英语短句 例句大全

输沙 sediment transport英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-08 08:43:46


输沙 sediment transport英语短句 例句大全

输沙,sediment transport

1)sediment transport输沙

1.Influence of forest vegetation on runoff andsediment transport of watershed in loess area;黄土区森林植被对流域径流和输沙的影响

2.From data analysis of field survey and numerical model,wave and wave inducedsediment transport of Gwadar Harbor is studied.通过资料分析、现场勘察和数学模型 ,对瓜达尔港的波浪及波浪输沙问题进行了研究。

3.Based the surveys of the flow characteristics in plate region by in a physical model, and thesediment transport test in a integral model with mudflow, the paper reveals the intrinsic causes how the two storied intake of the hanged plate diverts clear water with its high efficientsediment transport.通过物理模型对悬板区流场的测试分析,以及整体模型的浑水输沙试验,揭示了悬板分层式引水渠首“引清”及高效输沙的内在原因,是悬板的设置改变了悬板区水流结构,即悬板水平分割水流,引上层清水,下层由明流生成为有压流,提高了底部流速及流速梯度,获得较高输沙能量,使其高效输沙。


1.Influence of Total Sand Transport Rates on the Vertical Distribution of Different Sand Grain Sizes in Wind-sand Flow on the Coastal Dune输沙量对海岸沙丘表面风沙流中不同粒径沙粒垂向分布的影响

2.on semi-fixed sandy land, wind velocity has a power function to the sand transport;半固定沙地风速与输沙率为幂函数关系;

3.The Test Research of Hydrolic and Sediment Trans-Porting Property for the Auto-Desilting Gallery;自排沙廊道水力学特性及输沙特性试验研究

4.Flow Field Simulation and Sand Flux Computation of Complex Terrain;复杂地形下的风沙流场模拟及输沙率的计算

5.Study on Sediment Delivery Ratio,Rate of Silting and Characteristic of Sediment Transport of the Lower Yellow River Channel黄河下游河道排沙比、淤积率与输沙特性研究

6.Verification on formulas of bed-load sediment transport rate at the upstream of Yangtze River长江上游推移质泥沙输沙率公式的检验

7.Preliminary Study on Formulae of Bed Load Sediment Transport Rate in Downstream of Jinshajiang River金沙江下游支流河段推移质输沙率公式初探

8.Effects of incoming sediment on bed load transport in mountain streams来沙条件对山区河流推移质输沙的影响

9.Characteristics of Grain Sizes for Samples of Different Grades of Transporting Sediment in the Ground Layer during the Course of Sandstorms in the Hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴过程贴地层梯度输沙样粒度特征分析

10.Research on Bed-load Transport under Oscillatory Flow振荡流作用下的推移质输沙规律研究

11.Wavelet characteristics of time series for annual sediment discharge of Longchuang River龙川江年输沙率时间序列的小波特征

12.pipe oil across the desert用管道穿过沙漠输油.

13.Pipes carry oil across the desert.管道将石油输送过沙漠。

14.Sha Tin Licensing Office [Transport Department]沙田牌照事务处〔运输署〕


16.Study on 3D numerical modeling of suspended sediment transport in the deep bay,Shenzhen三维水沙输移模型对深圳深水湾水沙输移的研究

17.Pipes carry oil across the desert to the east.输油管把石油经过沙漠运送到东部。

18.The nominal diameter has little significance in sediment transportation.等容粒径在沉沙输移中意义不大。


sediment discharge输沙

1.Effects of land use/cover change on runoffsediment discharge in typical watershed in Loess gullied-hilly region of China黄土丘陵沟壑区典型流域径流输沙对土地利用/覆被变化的响应

2.Instream sand mining can increase or decrease of the riversediment discharge.河道采砂可能会增加河流的输沙,也可能会减少河流的输沙。

3.Variation regularities of hydrological factors,such as precipitation,evaporation,runoff andsediment discharge were analyzed in detail according to the long-term observation data between 1980 and in Wuqi County,Shaanxi Province.本研究根据该县1980~水文站的观测资料,经过统计计算,对降水、蒸发、径流、输沙量等因子的变化规律进行了详细分析。

3)sediment transportation输沙

1.Firstly,the characteristics of debris-flowsediment transportation such as intensity,granule gradation and space-time variation were discussed on the base of continuous observation data.在连续观测资料的基础上,对泥石流输沙的强度、级配和时空分布特征进行了分析。

2.Results showed that thesediment transportation ratio increased with the discharge of flow increased and changed in parabola form with the slope gradient.结果表明径流输沙率随径流流量的增加而增加,径流输沙率随坡度呈抛物线形式变化,当坡度在21°~24°之间时输沙率最大;径流剪切力也具有类似变化。


1.The Beiluo River basin is one of main source regions to produce coarsesediment for the Yellow River.基于北洛河流域头水文站1950-逐年降水量、径流量和输沙量数据,分析了北洛河径流与输沙变化特征。

5)sediment load输沙

1.The measured runoff andsediment load exhibited a decreasing trend over the period.根据无定河控制水文站实测水沙资料,采用定量分析的方法,分析了无定河流域年降水量、及河道径流量和输沙量的变化趋势及其发生显著变化的临界年份。

6)water and sediment transporting输水输沙

1.The characteristics ofwater and sediment transporting in a compound canal is discussed and there is also a comparison of sediment transport capacity between trapezoid canal and compound canal.探讨了复式断面渠道的输水输沙特性,比较了梯形断面与复式断面的输水输沙能力,典型算例计算结果表明复式断面形态具有小水过小断面、大水过大断面的特点:小流量引水时复式断面水流归槽,提高了水流挟沙力,能够减轻渠道泥沙淤积;同时也能够满足大流量的要求。


年输沙量年输沙量annual sediment yieldn旧n shush0J10ng年输沙.(annual sediment yield)一年内通过河道某断面的输沙总量,以万t或亿t计。年输沙量包括慈移质泥沙及推移质泥沙两部分,它是工程规划设计中计算水库淤积及引水防沙设计的基础资料。悬移质泥沙的愉沙量G一般占年翰沙量的9。%左右。G.除以年水量为年平均含沙量P,以kg/m,计。一条河流的Gs及P与流域的面积、坡度、地表土坡、植被、年水量及基雨强度有关。黄河中游山西、陕西两省分布大片黄土高原,土城松散,植被稀少,暴雨强度大,因此黄河三门峡站多年平均年翰沙量达16亿t,多年平均含沙量37·skg/m3,在世界大河中首屈一指。中国南方河流长江、珠江及其支流多为土石山区,植被好,年平均含沙量一般小于Ikg/m3。长江宜昌站多年平均悬沙年摘沙量为5.22亿t,相当黄河的l/3;南方其他大河悬沙年输沙量一般小于1亿t。世界及中国主要河流的年愉沙量及含沙量见河流泥沙。推移质泥沙一般为粗沙、砾石或卵石。推移质一般占年箱沙量的比例较小,在平原地区河流约占1%~5%,丘陵地区河流约占5写~15写,山区河流约占15%一30%或更大。翰沙量年内分布很不均匀,主要集中在汛期〔南方5~9月,北方7~10月)约占年输沙量的90%,汛期几次洪水过程的输沙量可占年输沙量的40写~50%。输沙量年际变化也很大,主要与流域各年降水t及暴雨强度有关。一般河流丰沙年与枯沙年的年输沙量可差几倍甚至十几倍.工程设计中统计多年平均年愉沙量,需要较长的实测泥沙系列资料,其中应包括丰、平、枯沙年。如果实测泥沙资料年限短(3~5年),系列代表性不够,计算的多年平均年翰沙量可能偏大或偏小。
