900字范文 > 输沙平衡 equilibrium sediment transport英语短句 例句大全

输沙平衡 equilibrium sediment transport英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-21 14:53:51


输沙平衡 equilibrium sediment transport英语短句 例句大全

输沙平衡,equilibrium sediment transport

1)equilibrium sediment transport输沙平衡

1.At present,the equations used to estimate the general scour are mainly based on the following concepts at home and abroad:one is according to discharge per unit width and stopping velocity;and another is the law ofequilibrium sediment transport.目前,国内外的一般冲刷计算公式的建立主要是基于两种概念:一个是根据单宽流量和冲止流速的概念;再一个就是输沙平衡原理。


1.Analysis on Sediment Transport Balance of Huaihe River Main Stream from Lutaizi to Wujiadu淮河干流鲁台子至吴家渡河段输沙平衡分析

2.The theoretical expression of saturation recovery coefficient under the strong equilibrium and nonequililrium has been obtained.建立了恢复饱和系数的表达式,包括了强平衡输沙和不平衡输沙两种情况。

3.Improved method for non-equilibrium sediment transport equations with confluence含侧向入流一维不平衡输沙方程解法的改进

4.A Nonequilibrioum Transformation Forecasting Model of Sediment Concentration with Discharge Distribution along Channel流量沿程变化的不平衡输沙含沙量过程预报方法

5.The equations for the total carrying capacity and the size distribution of carrying capacity and effective bed material have been presented.进而论述不平衡输沙时总挟沙能力、挟沙能力级配及有效床沙级配的方程。

6.symmetrical [balanced] output对称[平衡] 输出

7.symmetrical [balanced] input对称[平衡] 输入

8.Automatic pivoting sand scraper with counterweight, cement loading manual or with silo, and screw conveyor.自动链板刮沙机,带平衡块,水泥人工加入或水泥筒仓和螺旋输送机。

9.Study on the Change Law of Sediment-Transport Water Volume in the Lower Yellow River during the Silt Stable Period黄河下游河道冲淤平衡时输沙水量变化规律研究

10.Calculation for Equilibrium Silt Concentration,Equilibrium Depth and Seabed Evolution平衡含沙量、平衡水深与海床冲淤计算

11.cylinder output balance monitoring单缸输出功率平衡监测

12.On Improving English Oral Proficiency by Balance of Input and Output;平衡输入与输出 提高英语口语能力

13.On Balanced "Input" & "Output" in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中“输入”与“输出”的平衡

14.eddy transfer of the sensible beat is closely related to the transfer of the momentum in the large-scale quasi-geostrophic motion.在准地转运动中,大尺度涡动输送可分解为平衡输送和不平衡输送.

15.Wine Equity and Export Expansion Act(美国) 酒类平衡与扩大输出法;酒类平衡与扩大输出法

16.Differential operation( one suction and two discharges per cycle) keeps the discharge fluctuations Very Low.差动式操作令输出的波动很小,输出压力平衡。

17.Psychological Factors Influenced Un-balance Between Language Input and Output影响语言输入与输出不平衡的心理因素

18.Unbalanced loads do not carry easily.不平衡的货物不容易运输.


non-equilibrium sediment transport不平衡输沙

1.Study onnon-equilibrium sediment transport in the sandy river erosion;沙质河道冲刷不平衡输沙机理及规律研究

2.In consideration of the characteristics of wind waves,water flow,topography,and sediment in this area,formulas for calculation of the sudden deposition in the waterway were derived from thenon-equilibrium sediment transport equations for suspended loads,and the main parameters were determined by numerical simulation of tides and field data.崖门航道位于黄茅海海域,针对该水域风浪、水流、地形及泥沙特点,从悬移质不平衡输沙方程出发,导出估算挖槽回淤的计算公式;根据实测资料和潮流数值计算决定其中主要参数;根据1990年崖门试挖槽回淤资料确定公式中待定的综合系数。

3.Based on the characteristics of flow, topography and sediment of the sea area where Yamen waterway is located, the formula for assessment of the waterway s sediment deposition is derived from the equation ofnon-equilibrium sediment transport of suspended material.针对崖门航道所在海域水流、地形及泥沙特点,从悬移质不平衡输沙方程出发,导出估算挖槽回淤的计算公式,根据实测资料和潮流数值计算确定其中主要参数,并用1990年崖门试挖槽回淤资料确定公式中待定的综合系数。

3)non equilibrium sediment transport不平衡输沙

1.Previous investigations of non equilibrium and equilibrium sediment transport are analyzed and a two dimensional mathematical model ofnon equilibrium sediment transport in river channels with non uniform bed material is presented.在分析前人的不平衡输沙研究成果的基础上 ,针对非均匀沙河床 ,提出了床沙交换速率的新物理概念 ,计算研究了不同床沙交换速率时表层床沙的粗化过程及非均匀沙含沙量恢复饱和过程。

4)nonequilibrium sediment transport非平衡输沙

5)non-equilibrium transport不平衡输沙

1.Study onnon-equilibrium transport of suspended material in unsteady flow;非恒定悬移质不平衡输沙的研究

6)principle of sediment transport equilibrium输沙平衡原理


科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦药物名称:洛沙坦英文名:Losartan别名: 科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦外文名:Losartan, Cozaar, Novartis成分: 氯沙坦钾 适应症: 高血压。 用量用法: 通常剂量为50mg,qd,治疗3-6周后达到最大抗高血压效应。在部分病人中,每天剂量可增加到100mg。血容量不足的病人(例如应用大量利尿剂)起始剂量应该为25mg,qd。 禁忌: 儿童,妊娠和哺乳妇女。 不良反应: 轻微而短暂的头晕,剂量相关性体位性低血压。罕见皮疹、荨麻疹,血管神经性水肿(包括面、唇和/或舌肿胀)。腹泻及偏头痛。偶有高血钾,罕见ALT升高。敏感个体和动脉狭窄的病人可出现肾功能异常。 注意事项: 血容量不足的病人应先补充血容量,减少起始剂量。有肝功能损害病人应使用较低剂量。 规格: 片剂 50mg x 7片。 类别:抗高血压药
