900字范文 > 增值税改革 reform in value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

增值税改革 reform in value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-12 14:31:58


增值税改革 reform in value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

增值税改革,reform in value-added tax

1)reform in value-added tax增值税改革

1.The author points out thatreform in value-added tax will lead to the decrease of government revenue,overheated demand for investment and the mountion pressure on employment.在我国进行增值税改革试点的背景下,本文以江苏省的实际情况为例,分析了增值税改革对财政收入、投资和就业等方面可能产生的负效应,认为增值税改革短期内会导致财政收入减少,引发投资需求过旺,增加劳动就业的压力。


1.It is a tendency to change the category of added- value tax for the reform ofadded- value tax, and the added- value tax of consumption is the best way for the reform of addded- value tax.转换增值税的类型是增值税改革的必然趋势,消费型增值税是增值税改革的最佳选择。

2.Study on the Value-added Tax Reform of Our Country from the Angle of Tax Shifting;税负转嫁视角下我国增值税改革研究

3.The added- value tax of consumption is the beat choise for the reform.消费型增值税是增值税改革的最佳选择。

4.On Value-Added-Tax Transition from VAT Reform Effectiveness in Three Provinces in Northeast of China;从东北三省增值税改革成效论增值税转型

5.Economic Development and Reform of Tax System-a discussion of VAT reform in new era abstract;经济发展与税制改革——浅议新时期增值税改革

6.From the northeast area increment duty reforming effect discussed our country s increment duty reforms;从东北地区增值税转型效果谈我国的增值税改革

7.Advice on Reform and Improvement of Land Value Increment Tax System in China;我国土地增值税改革与完善的对策建议

8.Analyzing Some Relevant Problems in the Process of VAT Reform增值税改革过程中的部分相关问题分析

9.Research on Current Incremental Tax Burden Unfairness and the Reform of Chinese Incremental Value Tax System;现行增值税税负不公及增值税制改革研究

10.Transforming the Types of the Value-added Tax--theNecessity of Chinese Taxation Reformation;转变增值税类型——我国税制改革的必然

11.Therefore, reform and consummation increment duty system imperative.因此,改革和完善增值税制度势在必行。

12.Shortcomings of China’s Land Value Increment Tax System and Countermeasures;中国土地增值税制的缺陷与改革对策

13.On the Reform of Value-Added Tax Transformation at Present China现阶段增值税转型改革若干问题研究

14.Problem in value-added tax reform at present and its countermeasures现阶段增值税转型改革的问题与对策

15.Elementary discussion on development and perfect of value-added tax system reformation in our country;浅析我国增值税税制改革的发展与完善

16.Challenges of VAT Transformation Reform on Tax Administration增值税转型改革对税收管理带来的挑战

17.About the Measures to lmprove the Added Value Tax System--about the effactive measures to strength the management of added value tax system增值税的改革与完善措施——采取有效措施,强化增值税管理

18.The additional increase of tax revenue has provided good conditions for the reform.近年税收收入的快速增长也为增值税转型改革创造了良好的条件。


value added tax system tranform增值税转型改革

3)On the Reformation of Valueadded Tax谈增值税改革

4)On the Reform of AVT浅谈增值税的改革

5)tax and fee reform税费改革

1.The influences oftax and fee reform in rural areas on rural health service;农村税费改革对农村卫生事业的影响

2.The total report of research ontax and fee reform and adjustment of health funds raising policies in rural areas: part three;农村税费改革与卫生筹资政策调整研究总报告(三)

3.Positive analysis oftax and fee reform s impact on township finance: a case study of 11 towns of Taizhou in Jiangsu Province;农村税费改革对乡镇财政影响的实证分析——以江苏泰州4市1区11镇为例

6)tax reform税费改革

1.The Change in the Functions of the Rural after the Tax Reform:Problems and Trend;税费改革后乡村组织的职能转变:问题与走向

2.Ruraltax reform: analysis through double-level interaction evolutionary game model;农村税费改革:基于双层次互动进化博弈模型的分析

3.Report on Rural Compulsory Education Investment in Shanxi Province——An investigation intotax reform in five experimental counties in Shanxi province;山西省农村义务教育投入调查报告——对山西省5个税费改革试点县的调查


