900字范文 > 增值税转型 value-added tax transformation英语短句 例句大全

增值税转型 value-added tax transformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-12 16:28:00


增值税转型 value-added tax transformation英语短句 例句大全

增值税转型,value-added tax transformation

1)value-added tax transformation增值税转型

1.Impact of thevalue-added tax transformation on the tax burden of oil-gas enterprises;增值税转型对油气田企业税负的影响

2.The paper, from the dynamic point of view, analysizes the influence of the Value-added Tax transformation on whole burden of taxation of listed companies in SSE of Jiangsu with public disclosure data, considering the time value of money factor.本文利用江苏沪市上市公司公开披露资料,考虑资金时间价值的因素,从动态角度分析了增值税转型对江苏沪市上市公司整体税负的影响情况。

3.1st, on,thevalue-added tax transformation will be performed in all industries all over the country.1月1日起,在全国所有地区、所有行业推行增值税转型改革,因此本文在对增值税类型及改革实践进行回顾的基础上,对我国增值税转型背景进行了分析,并指出增值税转型的全面实施对不同类型企业的影响。


1.Discussion on the change from production value-added tax to consumption value-added tax;对生产型增值税到消费型增值税转型的认识

2.On Value-Added-Tax Transition from VAT Reform Effectiveness in Three Provinces in Northeast of China;从东北三省增值税改革成效论增值税转型

3.Implementing the Transition of Value-added Tax to Strengthen the Development Potential of Enterprise实施增值税转型 增强企业发展后劲

4.On Negative and Positive Effects of Added Value Tax"s Transformation upon Economic Growth论增值税转型对经济增长的正负效应

5.On the Change of Added-value Tax增值税转型:投资指标变动模型及分析

6.Mathematical model of impact of value-added tax s transition on real burden of taxation of enterprises;增值税转型对企业实际税负影响的数理模型

7.Research on the Value Added Tax Transformation to Economic Influence in Jilin Province;增值税转型政策对吉林省经济的影响

8.Problems and Measures in Value-added Tax Transformation;增值税转型所面临的问题及应对措施

9.Several Problems in the Transition of VAT;增值税转型过程中应注意的几个问题

10.Transformation of Value Added Tax and Revitalization of Liaoning Industrial Base;增值税转型与辽宁老工业基地的振兴

11.Actively Create Favorable Environment to Advance the Transformation of Value-added Tax;积极创造有利环境 推进增值税转型

12.Discussion on value-added tax transformation under deflation condition;论我国通货紧缩条件下的增值税转型

13.Study on transformation of value-added tax under method ofdepreciation about dynamic straight line;动态直线法折旧下增值税转型的研究

14.On the Reform of Value-Added Tax Transformation at Present China现阶段增值税转型改革若干问题研究

15.Problem in value-added tax reform at present and its countermeasures现阶段增值税转型改革的问题与对策

16.Value-added Tax Transformation on Wujiang City, the Regional Economy and Tax Impact Analysis增值税转型对吴江市区域经济税收影响分析

17.The Influence of Value Added Tax Transition on Entrepreneurial Finance and Tax Payment Tactics增值税转型对企业财务的影响及纳税筹划

18.Challenges of VAT Transformation Reform on Tax Administration增值税转型改革对税收管理带来的挑战


VAT transition增值税转型

1.China began a new round of tax reform in ,VAT transition is one of focuses.本文以上市公司为样本,就增值税转型对上市公司净利润及现金的影响进行了实证分析,结果发现,增值税转型对上市公司整体获利能力及现金流的影响相对较小,但对个别上市公司的影响较为明显,其主要原因来自两个方面,一方面,某些上市公司当年新增固定资产比例相对较高,且本身的获利能力较好;另一方面是对某些行业的过多投资而引起的。

2.This article analyses the necessity of VAT reform in our country and points out the deficiencies in the existent VAT policy and the unfavorable influences of ourVAT transition.本文分析了我国增值税改革的必要性,针对现有生产型增值税税收政策中存在的不足,及增值税转型过程中可能对我国造成的负面影响,提出应当坚持循序渐进、从实际出发和中性原则,在增值税改革中注意营造完善的市场体系,分阶段扩大增值税的征收范围,加强税收征收管理,综合配套,综合实施,争取把增值税改革成本控制在最小。

3.VAT transition in the Northeast region pilot has already a positive impact,and this work has been expand to the scope of the pilot project in China s central region in .增值税转型在东北地区试点已经产生了积极的影响,我国在中部地区扩大了试点范围。

3)transformation of value-added tax增值税转型

1.Study ontransformation of value-added tax under static model;增值税转型的静态模型研究

2.Study ontransformation of value-added tax under method ofdepreciation about dynamic straight line;动态直线法折旧下增值税转型的研究

3.Analysis of effects oftransformation of value-added tax on investment of fixed assets of enterprises;增值税转型对企业固定资产投资的影响

4)VAT transformation增值税转型

1.The reasons are that the burden of every trade is influenced by trade periodictity and the tax revenues is influenced byVAT transformation.本文用制度经济学的制度变化的供求分析框架,对我国增值税转型的目标模式进行了研究。

2.This paper introduces the reasons ofVAT transformation and the changes of enterprise afterVAT transformation,analyzes the influences ofVAT transformation on entrepreneurial finance,and puts forward some countermeasures for entrepreneurial finance afterVAT transformation.介绍了增值税转型的原因和增值税转型后企业的变化,分析了增值税转型对企业财务的影响,提出了增值税转型后企业财务的对策。

5)Transformation of VAT增值税转型

1.Study on the Issues ofTransformation of VAT in China;关于中国增值税转型问题的探讨

2.Transformation of VAT in the Northeast China in the second half of the year started its reform,which is expected to popularize in the whole country very soon after accumulating enough experience.我国自下半年开始在东北试点增值税转型的改革拉开了增值税转型的序幕,并有望近期在全国推广。

6)value-added tax增值税转型

1.The impact and countermeasures ofvalue-added tax transformation on investment in fixed assets增值税转型对固定资产投资的影响与对策


