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文风 Style of Writing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-29 19:36:29


文风 Style of Writing英语短句 例句大全

文风,Style of Writing

1)Style of Writing文风

1.Attempt on the Selection of the Academic PeriodicalStyle of Writing;刍议学术期刊的文风选择

2.The style of writing in math education research should avoid neo-eight-part essay.数学教育研究的文风要防止新八股,创新要注意“新”未必就好,数学教育的研究课题、研究方式应提倡百花齐放。

3.Deng Xiaoping created his unique style of writing,featuring "new","extractive" and "real",through his extraordinary courage in theory,unremitting spirit in pursuing the truth and divine foresight in knowledge.邓小平以其非凡的理论勇气、唯真的求实精神和超人的远见卓识,铸就了他独具特色的“新”、“精”、“真”的文风。


1.The style of study and the style of writing are also the Party"s style of work.学风和文风也都是党的作风,都是党风。

2.Influence of the Wisdom Fashion of Weijin Culture on the Style of Writing论魏晋文化的尚智风尚对文风的影响

3.On the Forceful Character and the Style of Writing in Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literatureby LiuXie文风与文章风格——刘勰《文心雕龙》释读一得

4.a florid prose style.See Synonyms at ornate华丽的散文风格参见

5.Overwrought prose style.过份华丽的散文风格

6.A deadly prose style.冗长乏味的散文风格

7.A highly derivative prose style.毫无创意的散文风格

8.His style still repelled readers.他的文风仍使读者厌恶。

9.a pretentious writer, book, style自我炫耀的作家、 书、文风.

10.He is admired for the elegance of his writing.他文风高雅令人钦佩.

11.He has a style of writing of his own.他创立了自己的文风。

12.The occupation or style of a writer.文风作家的风格或作家的职业

13.a humourless person, style of writing无幽默感的人、 无风趣的文风.

14.a style without much snap不很生动的文章风格

15.The wind disheveled the papers on the desk.风吹乱桌上的文件。

16.his gentle demeanor他那温文有礼的风度

17.This article is wicked and clever.这篇文章既尖刻又风趣。

18.a literary style full of elegance and wit涉笔典雅风趣的文学风格.


writing style文风

1.Transformation ofwriting style during the early Song Dynasty:a study mainly based on the Gushan Zhiyuan s thought of ancient literature;宋初文风转变之探析——以孤山智圆为中心的考察

2.Exploring and Seeking the Ways of Two styles, by Way of Performing Practice, Extensively Observing and Approximately Taking——Preliminary Exporetion about improving conference style andwriting style;履践博观约取 探寻两风之道——关于改进会风文风之初探


1.The following will illustrate the close contacts between temperament andstyle.文章试就曹丕的“文气说”来论述一下文人的气质和文风之间存在着的密切联系。

2.Through reading these proses,we can feel the sagacity of these writers and their analyses of the situation,as well as thestyle of high spirits and boundless vigor.从这些文章中,我们感受最多的是这些文士们权衡形势,分析厉害之睿智,以及昂扬向上、气势磅礴之文风。

4)literary style文风

1.Since the Song Dynasty,the genre of legends lacked the nourishment of the soil of social culture on one hand;the evolution ofliterary styles resulted in the decline of the genre of legends on the other hand.一方面,晚唐五代以后,唐传奇体已逐步失去其存在的社会文化土壤;另一方面,从文学发展内部来看,唐传奇体在宋代的衰落应归因于唐宋文风的嬗变。

5)the style of writing文风

1.He also made lots of comments onthe style of writing during different, which reached the height of Party conduct and the style of study.毛泽东为报刊撰写了大量的新闻作品和政论 ,他的文章旗帜鲜明、尖锐泼辣、形象生动 ,富有民族气派 ,是中国无产阶级革命文风和战斗风格的典范。

2.The learned journals are the carriers of research papers and the quantity of information contained in the papers is inseparably related tothe style of writing.学报是学术论文的载体,学报的信息量与学术论文的文风紧密相关。

3.Scientific attitude inthe style of writing should be a reference during our research of The Capit.马克思的《资本论》给后人展示了独特的求是文风:用形象比喻阐释抽泉概念,通俗易懂;用事实材料支撑 逻辑结论,论据充分;用格言名句强调自己观点,言简意赅。

6)Writing type and style文体文风


文风1.文章的风格。 2.使用语言文字的作风。 3.学文的风气。 4.文德教化之风。
