900字范文 > 师生行为 teacher-student action英语短句 例句大全

师生行为 teacher-student action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-24 05:14:12


师生行为 teacher-student action英语短句 例句大全

师生行为,teacher-student action

1)teacher-student action师生行为

2)teacher-student interpersonal behavior师生人际行为

1.In the present study the various correlates ofteacher-student interpersonal behavior were explored through measurement of 347 teachers.以347名中小学教师为被试,采用问卷法从多方面探讨了师生人际行为的影响因素。

3)the interaction of teacher and student师生互动行为

1.The research on teaching behavior in class focuses on the behavior of teacher andthe interaction of teacher and student,and adopts process-product method prevalently.课堂教学行为的研究,内容主要集中在教师行为和师生互动行为上,方法以“过程———结果法”尤为盛行,但也表现出对象理解的片面、方法使用的不恰当等问题。


1.School Geography Teacher-student Interaction of the Classroom Observation and Analysis;中学地理课堂师生互动行为观察与分析

2.A Study on Teachers" Behavior in Teacher-Student Interaction in Sports Technique Classes体育院系术科课师生互动中教师行为的研究

3.Analysis of Interactive Synchrony of Non-verbal Behavior Between Teachers and Students in Classroom Teaching;课堂教学中师生非言语行为互动的同步性分析

4.Influence of Seating Arrangements on Classroom Problem Behavior and Teacher-Student Interaction of Junior School Students;座位安排对初中生课堂问题行为、师生互动的影响

5.Some Thoughts on Teacher Behavior in the Interaction of College P. E. Teaching;高校体育教学互动中教师行为的研究

6.The Investigation and Study on the Teacheres Interactive Behaviorto Cultivate Middle School Students Innovative Spirit;教师互动行为对培养初中生创新精神的调查研究

7.An Empirical Study on Classroom Speech Act Based on Flanders Interaction Analysis SystemFlanders课堂教学师生言语行为互动分析系统的实证研究

8.The Relationships between Kindergarten Teachers Interpersonal Behaviors and Children s Social Development;教师互动行为与幼儿社会性发展关系研究

9.The Effect of Occupational Stress on The Class Interaction of Middle and Primary School Teachers;职业压力对中小学教师课堂互动行为的影响

10.On Increasing the Interaction Between Students and Teachers in English Classes--An Action Research Report;提高教师和学生在英语课堂上的互动性——一份行动研究报告

11.The Effect of Teachers Questioning Strategies on EFL Classroom Interaction;教师提问策略对课堂师生互动的影响

12.Student-centered teaching is interactive teaching in the classroom.以学生为中心的教学是一种在课堂上师生双向互动的教学方法。

13.A Study on Relationship between Occupational Stress, Coping Styles and Class Interaction of Middle and Primarily School Teachers;中小学教师职业压力、应对方式与课堂互动行为关系的研究

14.The Interaction among Deaf Students Mental Health,Achievement Motivation and Behavioral Mode;聋生心理健康与成就动机、行为方式的相互影响

15.Interactive Analysis of the Construction of Cross-region Ecological Industrial Park跨区域生态工业园区建设行为互动分析

16.Creation of Functional Mechanism in the Ideology and Politics Classes of Physical Education Institutes and Colleges;体育院校思想政治理论课师生互动运行机制的构建

17.Research on the Relationship between Gender and Using Behavior of Internet Interactive Services among University Students大学生性别因素与互联网互动服务使用行为的关系研究

18.Case Discussion-based Teaching to Enhance Teacher-Student Interaction in Obstetrics and Gynecology Teaching;以病例讨论为中心 增强妇产科学教学中的师生互动


teacher-student interpersonal behavior师生人际行为

1.In the present study the various correlates ofteacher-student interpersonal behavior were explored through measurement of 347 teachers.以347名中小学教师为被试,采用问卷法从多方面探讨了师生人际行为的影响因素。

3)the interaction of teacher and student师生互动行为

1.The research on teaching behavior in class focuses on the behavior of teacher andthe interaction of teacher and student,and adopts process-product method prevalently.课堂教学行为的研究,内容主要集中在教师行为和师生互动行为上,方法以“过程———结果法”尤为盛行,但也表现出对象理解的片面、方法使用的不恰当等问题。

4)teacher behavior教师行为

1.A study on the correlation between theteacher behaviors and the nurse behaviors among nursing students in advanced nursing professional education;高职护理专业教师行为与护生护士行为相关性的调查

2.In order to find out the situation of the implementation of The New Curriculum in distressed mountainous areas,the author designed a questionnaire,and investigated teaching assessment,changes ofteacher behavior and teaching methods,view of teaching materials,teacher quality,and students learning methods in Xinzhou City.为准确了解贫困山区义务教育阶段实施新课程的情况,通过自行设计的调查问卷,以山西省忻州市部分中小学校领导、教师、学生为调查对象,从教学评价、教师行为及方式的转变、教材观、教师素质及培养、学生学习方式等方面进行了调查,在分析结果的基础上,既指出了存在的问题,又针对性地提出巩固、提高义务教育质量的对策。

3.utilitarism in theteacher behavior is explained from the angle of humanity,sociology, ecomomy and psychology.教师行为中的功利性可以从人性的角度、社会学角度、经济学角度以及心理学角度得以解释。

5)teachers behavior教师行为

1.By analyzing the problems and deficiency existing in web-based education, the paper proposes the humanistic view on web-based education, and discusses in depth the content of humanistic teaching model, resources, teaching support model, andteachers behavior.文章在分析基于Web网络教育发展过程中出现的一些问题和不足的基础上,提出了网络教育中的人性化观点,并就人性化教学模型的内涵、资源、教学支持模式及教师行为等要素进行了较深入论述。

6)Teachers Action教师行为

1.The class is the main place for giving rise to teachers action,establishing the teacher-student relationship and carrying out teacher-student interaction.课堂是引发教师行为、建立师生关系、进行师生互动的主要场所,也是使师德规范对教师的激励、指导和约束作用切实体现于实践的主要场所。


师生1.老师和学生的合称。 2.科举时代考官与考试中选者亦称师生。
