900字范文 > 工业社会 industrial society英语短句 例句大全

工业社会 industrial society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-11 22:14:28


工业社会 industrial society英语短句 例句大全

工业社会,industrial society

1)industrial society工业社会

1.It has been neglected by the academia for a long period that Chinese intellectuals have ever interpreted definitely industrialization as three aspects: mechanization,industrial economy andindustrial society during 1930s and 1940s.所谓工业化,是指人类社会由农业社会向工业社会的转化过程,包括三个层面:机械化生产、工业经济、工业社会。

2.This paper discusses the forest culture of before the agricultural society,the agricultural society and theindustrial society.本文论述和确证了农耕社会之前、农耕社会和工业社会森林文化的历史性存在。

3.,the existing plight over theindustrial society,starting .对马克思的异化理论、韦伯的理性化理论及其深受二人影响的社会理论进行了简要梳理,倾向于认为以韦伯理性化为代表的西方现代性理论与马克思异化理论并非截然对立的两极,它们从不同的出发点、不同的理论维度对同一目标即工业社会的现实困境进行了深刻的剖析与激烈的批判。


1.postindustrial state工业社会以后发展阶段

2.Discussing on"Post-Industrial Society Theory"and the Construction of A New Industrialization Society;论“后工业社会理论”与“新型工业化社会”的构建

3.On the "Theory of Post-Industrial Society" and the Construction of Harmonious Society;论“后工业社会理论”与和谐社会的构建

4.Industrial Social Work:American Experience and Indigenous Exploration;工业社会工作:美国经验与本土探索

5.The Macroscopical Character of the Development of the Vocational Education in Post-industrial Society;后工业社会职业教育发展的宏观特征

6.post industrialized society后工业化社会 後工业化社会

7.(of societies) not industrial.(指社会)不是工业的。

8.handicraft in chinese primitive society中国原始社会的手工业

9.Oki Electric Industry冲电气工业株式会社

10.GOO Chemical Co. Ltd.互应化学工业株式会社

11.an industrial country, society, etc工业发达的国家、 社会等

12.Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society and Promotion of the Professionalization of Social Work;构建社会主义和谐社会与社会工作职业化

13.Professional Service of Social Work in the Social Welfare System;社会福利体系中的专业社会工作服务

14.On Teaching Social Medical Course to Students of Social Work Major;社会工作专业社会医学课程教学探讨

15.The Functions of Industrial Social Work from the Perspective of Building a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会中企业社会工作的功能

16.Social Work as a Discipline: an Analysis of its social and historical conditions;社会工作专业化的社会历史条件论析

17.Migrant Workers and Enterprise Social Work in Private-owned Enterprises;私营企业农民工问题与企业社会工作

18.On the Professionalization and Socialization and Specialization of the Chinese Trade Unions;论我国工会的职业化、社会化和行业化


post-industrial society后工业社会

1.Bell,claiming to be a post-Marxist,takes social development as the starting point and adopts the model of knowledge and technology as the axis for his constructing the theory ofpost-industrial society.自诩为后马克思主义者的贝尔,以同马克思讨论社会发展问题为起点,运用知识与技术中轴原理的范式,构建了后工业社会理论。

2.And thepost-industrial society can be regarded as a knowledge-based society,in which the creation and consumption of knowledge can be said to be the central issue of the society.在农业社会中,土地是社会的主要资源,在工业社会则是以能源和资本作为社会的主要资源,而后工业社会可以看作是知识社会,知识的创建和知识的消费可以说是这个社会的中心问题。

3.In some developed countries,post-industrial society h as displayed its inchoate form.后工业社会在某些发达国家已显雏形。

3)Postindustrial society后工业社会

1.In the science and technology based postindustrial society,the relationships are complicated,taking on a new look,between the costumes on movie & television screen and dresses of daily life,art of movie & television and pop culture.在以科学技术和信息为基础的后工业社会,影视服装与生活服装、影视艺术与流行文化的关系错综复杂,呈现新特色。

4)post-industry society后工业社会

5)pre-industrial society前工业社会

1.In thepre-industrial society,as a result of the improvement of productivity and foreign trade,the authority of the nobles was clasped,whereas the local judiciary and industrial policies were constructed.在前工业社会,由于生产力水平的提高和对外商业的发展,古代贵族权威瓦解,地方司法及其产业政策得以合理构建。

6)industrial and commercial society工商业社会


