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学会 society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 20:34:39


学会 society英语短句 例句大全



1.The paper puts an emphasis on how thesociety will play its role in implementing the "Decision" from the following aspects: energetically publicize investigate and study the key contents and major issues involving in " Decision";sum up the experience of the reform and development of geological institutions;and the situation about carrying out the .能否贯彻落实好《国务院关于加强地质工作的决定》是地质工作能否得以加强的首要任务,中国地质矿产经济学会一定要在加大宣传,开展《决定》重点内容、重大问题的调查与研究,总结地勘单位改革与发展经验以及贯彻落实《决定》措施执行情况等方面充分发挥桥梁纽带作用。

2.The aim of the 20th anniversary conference is to summarize the development of thesociety,share the experiences in urban transport,ITS,transport construction and planning,and the training of the high-level professionals.创办于1986年的交通运输系统工程专业委员会是中国系统工程学会下设的一个全国性的综合交通学术团体。

3.At the time of the 25 th anniversary of Chinese Society for Nondestructive Testing (ChSNDT) and the 8 th Conference on NDT of ChSNDT, the work and activities of thesociety were reviewed including the academic activities, international exchanges, education, training, qualification and certification, as well as editorial and publishing work.学会成立 2 5周年和第 8届全国无损检测会议召开之际 ,总结了学会工作 ,包括各专业、工作委员会及各省市地方学会的学术活动、国际交流、资格认证、教育培训及编辑出版等 ,并对今后的工作进行了展


1.a corresponding member (of a society)(学会的) 通信会员

2.alumni association[美]校友会, 同学会

3.ACA (Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants)特许会计师学会准会员

4.Associate of the Institution of Chartered Accountants租船人会计学会协会

5.Institute of Air Transport航空运输学会(航运学会)

6.Federation of European Chemical Societies欧洲化学学会联合会

7.Federation of Asian Chemical Societies亚洲化学学会联合会

8.AMIChemE (Associate Member of the Institutionof Chemical Engineers)化学工程学会准会员

9.International Congress of Ecology国际生态学会(生态学会)

10.International Institute for Peace国际和平学会(和平学会)

11.International Theatre Institute国际戏剧学会(戏剧学会)

12.International Society of Limology国际湖沼学会(湖沼学会)

13.International Iron and Steel Institute国际钢铁学会(钢铁学会)

14.African-American Institute美国非洲学会(美非学会)

15.IFORS (International Federation of Operational Research Societies)国际运筹学学会联合会

16.Pan-African Institute for Development泛非发展学会(发展学会)

17.ARSL (Associate of the Royal Society of Literature)皇家文学学会准会员

18.World Population Society世界人口学会(人口学会)



1.Using the advantage ofassociation and developing CME actively;发挥学会优势 积极开展继续医学教育

2.Exploit New Fields in Association Works to Create Favorable Condition,for Transformation of Scientific and Technical Achievements;谈“学会”在推进科技成果转化中的作用

3.As a social group organized by academic workers of their own will,an academicassociation plays an important role in promotion of the scientific progress and social development.学会作为科学工作者自愿组成的社会团体,对促进科技进步和社会发展具有十分重要的作用。


1.Promoting the Work of Huangshi City Mechanical EngineeringAcademy to Quicken the Development of Huangshi Mechanical Manufacturing Industry;推进学会工作 加快黄石市机械制造业发展

2.Reformation is the great power and road of the academy’s building and evolution.改革是学会建设与发展的强大动力,也是学会建设与发展的出路所在。


1.Shallow theory about social and political function of newspaper periodicals andinstitute during the period of Reform Movement浅论戊戌维新时期报刊、学会的社会政治功能

2.The funds are essential condition that theinstitute exist and develop.经费是学会赖以生存、发展的必备条件。

3.100 years before,the idea to initiate people s wisdom and to useinstitute,papers and libraries mainly to improve the whole nation s ability had played an very important role,and it has made a great foundation of Chinese culture which come up to modern society.100多年来,维新思想家“开民智”的思想,及重视利用学会、报纸、图书馆推动变法,为提高全民素质,起到了积极的推动作用,为中国文化进入现代转型期奠定了有力的基础。

5)learned society学会



