900字范文 > 史学主体性 subjectivity of historiography英语短句 例句大全

史学主体性 subjectivity of historiography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-17 01:43:11


史学主体性 subjectivity of historiography英语短句 例句大全

史学主体性,subjectivity of historiography

1)subjectivity of historiography史学主体性

2)historiographic subjectivity史学主体


1.To search for the outlet for historiography, we should lay emphasis on historiography itself.要为史学寻找“出路” ,着力点应当在史学主体本身。

2.Historical anthropology: from historical text to meaning subject;历史人类学:从历史文本到意义主体

bination of Historical Objectivity and Researchers’ Subjectivity: A Proper Research Perspective on the Journalism History of China;历史客体性和学者主体性:新闻史研究之两翼

4.On the Issue of Students as Main Body in High School History Teaching;高中历史教学中学生主体性问题探析

5.The Discussion on Diversification of the Valuators of History Study in High School;中学历史学习评价主体多元化的探讨

6.Social Function of History Teaching and Students Subjective Function;历史教学的社会功能与学生的主体性

7.The Coverage of the Present Main Body--A Reflection on the Definition of the Main Body of Literary History;不在场主体的遮蔽——关于文学史主体界定的思考

8.The Relation between Historian s Subjective Consciousness and the Prosperity and Development of Historiography;史家主体意识及其与史学繁荣和发展的关系

9.On the Essential Feature of Historical Materialism and the Main Body Consciousness in History Studies唯物史观的本质特征与史学研究的主体意识

10.The Students s Principal Part and the Teachers?Directing Role in History Teaching;历史教学中学生的主体地位和教师的主导作用

11.Bright Spring Day:the Literary Imagination of the Subjects in History;《艳阳天》:历史“当下”的主体性文学想象

12.From Objectivity to Subjectivity to Inter-Subjectivity --The Historical Changes of Western Aesthetics;从客体性到主体性到主体间性——西方美学体系的历史演变

13.The Practical Research of Cultivation of Students Self-development Ability in Inquiry Learning in History;在历史探究学习中培养学生主体性的实践研究

14.How to Outstand the Students Dominance in History Class after the Lesson Reform;课改后历史教学中怎样突出学生主体性

15.Experimental Research into the Student-oriented Teaching Pattern in History Class;发展学生主体性的历史课堂教学模式实验研究

16.Hainan Literature from 1949 to 1979;以琼岛革命史和建设史为主体的文学叙事——1949-1979年的海南文学

17.From Subjectivity to Intersubjectivity--A Postmodernist Investigation of the History of Development of Western Philosophy;从主体性到主体间性——对西方哲学发展史的一个后现代性考察

18.Brief Discussion on Soft-restriction upon History Writers- on the Internal Resistance in Rewriting the Literary History;论文化对写史主体的软性制约——兼谈重写文学史的内在阻力


historiographic subjectivity史学主体

3)the main body of literary history文学史主体

1.The definition of the main body or subject of literary history can be started with the followings:first,an understanding of the double connotations of literary history;secondly,a cognition of its research characteristic of process;thirdly,based on the above characteristic,giving an elaboration of the features aboutthe main body of literary history.对文学史主体及主体性的界定,可从以下几点入手:首先认识到文学史内涵的双重性特征;其次认识到文学史研究的过程性特点;再次从文学史研究的过程性特点出发来阐述文学史主体的特性。

4)Subjectivity of Historian史家主体性

5)the main body of the research for literary history文学史研究主体

6)the main body of historiography史学活动主体


史学1.研究﹑编纂人类社会和各个民族﹑各个国家的历史的学问。 2.唐代科举考试科目之一。参阅《唐会要.贡举中》。
