900字范文 > 文学主体性 subjectivity of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学主体性 subjectivity of literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-27 13:43:19


文学主体性 subjectivity of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学主体性,subjectivity of literature

1)subjectivity of literature文学主体性

1.The significance of emergence of the “subjectivity of literature” at that time resulted from the progressiveness and rationality of the theory in the context of the relevant historical reality in addition to the impact of political factors.新时期,刘再复的“文学主体性”理论一经提出就在文论界引发了论争,赞扬声与反对声此起彼伏,掀起了80年代中期的主体性热潮。


1.the Evolvement of 20th Century Romantic Literary Subject;二十世纪浪漫主义文学主体性的演变

2.A Study of the “Subjectivity of Literature” in the New Era;新时期“文学主体性”话语弥漫深层探析

3.The Trends Carding in "Literary Subjectivity" and Deep Reflection文学主体性理论趋势梳理和深层反思

4.A Deconstructional Exploration of Translator s Subjectivity in Literary Translation;从解构主义看文学翻译的译者主体性

5.The Electronic Subjectivity,New Literature Style and Poetic Self-Discipiline of Internet Literature;网络文学的电子主体性、文学新样式与诗性自律

6.On Inter-subjectivity in Literary Translation from the Perspective of Hermeneutics;从阐释学视角论文学翻译的主体间性

7.Research on Principal and Active Chinese-teaching Classes;主体、活动性语文学科课堂教学研究

8.The Main-body Training on Teaching of Classical Chinese Reading to High School Students;中学文言文阅读教学中学生主体性培养

9.On the Translator"s subjectivity in the Perspective of Literary Translation Dimension从文学翻译目的层次性谈译者主体性

10.The Predominant Role of Teachers in Middle School Subjectivity Composition Teaching;中学主体性作文教学中教师的主导作用

11.On Feminist Translation Subjectivity from the Perspective of the Cultural Study Schools;从文化学派角度看女性主义翻译主体性

12.Principal Differences Between Mass Literature and Folk Literature to Common People;从平民主体性看大众文学与民间文学的差异

13.On the Intersubjectivity of Literatureand the Methodolgical Change in the Theory of Literature;论文学的主体间性——兼谈文艺学的方法论变革

14.FROM SUBJECTIVITY TO INTER-SUBJECTIVITY--Awareness of Audience of Research on Literature in Multiculturalism;从主体性到主体间性——多元文化语境中文学研究的受众指向

15.Loss of Students" Subjectivity and Its Reshape in Cyber Culture;网络文化中学生主体性的迷失与重塑

16.On Literary Reception in the Respective of Intersubjective Thinking;论交互主体性思维视域下的文学接受

17.A Tentative Analysis of the Influence of Translator s Subjectivity on Literary Translation;浅析译者的主体性对文学翻译的影响

18.The Main Methods of Language Learning Strategy Research Training;语文学习主体性培养的方法策略研究


Literature Subjectivity文学主体性

1.On Development of theLiterature Subjectivity Ideology in 1970s and 1980s;试论七八十年代文学主体性思潮的发展历程

3)Literature Subjectivity Ideology文学"主体性"理论

4)Main body literature theory主体性文学理论

parison of Hufeng, Liu Zaifu "Main body literature theory";胡风、刘再复主体性文学理论之比较

5)literary intersubjectivity文学交互主体性



