900字范文 > 选文 Selected Passages英语短句 例句大全

选文 Selected Passages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-17 12:48:54


选文 Selected Passages英语短句 例句大全

选文,Selected Passages

1)Selected Passages选文

1.Research on the Function of theSelected Passages in Chinese Textbooks;我国语文教材的选文功用研究


1.Literary Idea of XIAO Tong and Reinterpretation of the Norms of the Analects;萧统文学观念与《文选》选文标准之重释

2.a collection of excerpts from a literary work.一部文学作品的选文集。

3.Pick a target folder for the selected files.为所选文件挑选一个目标文件夹。

4.Too many files selected, please select fewer files.所选文件太多,请选择较少数量的文件。

5.An anthology used in studying a language.选文集学习语言用的选文集

6.A Deliberation about the Notes to A Letter to Ren An(abridged selection) in Chinese in Senior School;高中语文选文《报任安书》(节选)注释商兑

7.A Study of Classical Texts in High School Chinese Course Books;现行高中语文教材文言文选文的研究

8.4. He is running. He likes to run.读短文选择正确的选项。

9.A Comment on the Narrative Mode of the Parallel Prose--Taking as a Study Case the Tablet Biographies Collected in Literary Selections;从《文选》所选碑传文看骈文的叙事方式

10.Discussion on the Preface of Fu from the Perspective of Genre of Wen Xuan;从《文选》的文体观念论《文选》赋“序”

11.Selected Works of Chen Yun(1926-1949)陈云文选(1926-1949)

12.Criterion of Selection ofYuefu SongsinSelected Literary Writings;论《文选》乐府诗的选取和它的选诗标准

13.A selection of passages from one or more authors;an anthology.文选,文集从一个或一个以上作者的文章中选编而成的选集;选集

14.Files : Lists files in the selected filter.文件:列出选定筛选器中的文件。

15.Failed to recognize the selected file. Please re-select a file.取法识别选定的文件。请重新选择文件。

16.Failed to read the selected file. Please re-select a file.取法读取选定的文件。请重新选择文件。

17.The Dissertation about Zou Si-ming s Critical Works to Wenxuan;邹思明《文选》评点著作——《文选尤》略论

parison of fu Selection Between The Literary Mind And the Carving of The Dragon and Anthology;《文心雕龙》与《文选》的选赋情况比较



1.From theselection,election,and the content of the program set up,layout and make strict checks can be completed within the enterprise by enterprise leaders and staff favorite reading materials.文章阐述了如何将企业内部报纸做"精"做"强",必须正确定好位,紧贴企业发展步伐,并从选文、栏目、版面等方面严格把关,把企业内部报纸办成深受企业领导和员工喜爱的读物。

3)Literary Selections《文选》

1.The Relationship between the Spreading Regions ofLiterary Selections in Song Dynasties and Regional Cultural Differences;两宋《文选》流布地域与地域文化差异之关系

2.On the Evaluation and Acceptance ofLiterary Selections by Scholars of South Song Dynasty;论南宋文人对《文选》的评价与接受

3.On the Evaluation and Acceptance ofLiterary Selectionsby Scholars of North Song Dynasty;论北宋文人对《文选》的评价与接受

4)Wen Xuan《文选》

1.IS THE PROJECT OF COMPILATION OF WEN XUAN (SELECTED LITERARY WORKS) GIGANTIC OR SMALL?——CheckingWen Xuan Against Wen Xin Diao Long;关于《文选》编纂“工程”的大小问题——与《文心雕龙》比较

2.On Comparison of Explaining between Shuo Wen Quoted in Li Shan s Note ofWen Xuan and Da Xu s Shuo Wen;《文选》李善注所引《说文》释义情况与大徐本之比较研究

3.On the Fu about Bird and Beast inWen Xuan;《文选》赋鸟兽类选文刍议


1.Lexical interpretations in the teaching ofanthology of classic Chinese;古汉语文选教学中的词语训释

2.On Types of "Jian" in the Anthology《文选》“笺”文的类型解读

6)Wen Xuan文选

1.Difference Between Today’s Guang Ya and of Citing Guang Ya inWen Xuan of Hu Kejia’s Block-printed and Li Shan’s Annotated Edition;胡刻本李善注《文选》引《广雅》考异

2.Liu Shipei and his research onWen Xuan;刘师培与《文选》学研究

3.A Stylistic Study ofWen Xuan——With reference to Guangya;胡刻本李善注《文选》引字书体例考——以引《广雅》为例


