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选集 selected works英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-26 16:00:45


选集 selected works英语短句 例句大全

选集,selected works

1)selected works选集


1.To compile or publish an anthology.编纂选集,出版选集

2.An anthology, as of ballads or poems.选集民歌选集或诗歌选集

3.the collected/complete works of Shakespeare莎士比亚选集[全集]

4.An item in such a collection.选集条目选集中的一个条目

5.A selection of passages from one or more authors;an anthology.文选,文集从一个或一个以上作者的文章中选编而成的选集;选集

6.Selected Documents of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee《中共中央文件选集》

7.A Selection from Lamb"s Works.兰姆作品选集 (书名)。

8.Selected Porcelain Objects from the Collection of thePalace Museum《故宫博物院藏瓷选集》

9.His new collection of poems is unlike his previous anthologies.他的新诗集和他以前的选集不一样。

10.A collection of literary pieces, such as poems, short stories, or plays.选集文学作品集,如诗歌、短篇小说或戏剧

11.An anthology used in studying a language.选文集学习语言用的选文集

12.To assemble or canvass(members of a caucus).集合选票,拉选票集合或拉(组织委员会成员)选票

13.They packed the ballot with dummy candidates to split the vote.他们立假后选人纠集选票以分裂选票。

14.diversity receiver-voter system分集接收-选择系统

15.Gather information about alternatives为备选方案收集信息

16.Shade Selected Mode Toggle着色选择集模式开关

17.a collection of excerpts from a literary work.一部文学作品的选文集。

18.The set of seleced dates for use when range selection is enabled.当启用范围选择时使用的选定日期集。



3)selective collective集选

4)candidate sets selection候选集选取

5)high throughput mass screening群集筛选

6)Collective choice集体选择

1.In my opinion,equilibrium is also a kind of illusion,namely,endogenous uncertainty is the natural character of the collective choice.而文章认为,均衡也是一种错觉:集体选择的结果存在内生的不确定性。

2.Then according to the theory of collective choice, the enterprises will choose to make whether the private action or the collective action in the method of cost analysis.从商会的起源来看,商会是有机辈生的一种制度安排,而从商会集体选择的行动来看,商会的经济运行空间或边界就在于市场失灵和政府失灵而出现的领域。

3.This paper regards community participation as a collective choice and act, questions some important theoretical problems and makes a more in depth analysis by using some forward theories such as collective choice and welfare economics.本文将社区参与视为一种集体选择和集体行动 ,运用集体选择、福利经济学等经济学前沿理论 ,对社区参与旅游发展的动力、社区参与如何形成最终意见、社区参与如何实现收入公平分配等理论问题进行了质疑和较深入的分析。


选集1.集中选拔。 2.选录一个人或若干人的著作而成的集子。
