900字范文 > 环境监测指标 environmental monitoring index英语短句 例句大全

环境监测指标 environmental monitoring index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-15 10:09:59


环境监测指标 environmental monitoring index英语短句 例句大全

环境监测指标,environmental monitoring index

1)environmental monitoring index环境监测指标


1.Construction of the Supervision Index of Tourism Ecological Environment Based on Ecological Footprint Theory;基于生态足迹理论的旅游地生态环境监测指标的构建

2.Eco-environment Monitoring Index and Monitoring Methods in the Ecotourism Area;生态旅游区生态环境监测指标体系和监测方法——以广西花坪国家级自然保护区为例

3.Pound monitoring includes the parameter of entironment monitoring and guarding against theft.鱼塘监测包括水产养殖生态环境指标监测及防盗监测。

4.Dynamic Monitor Indexes and Information System Frame of Forest Environment Resources;森林环境资源动态监测指标及信息系统框架

5.Study on Monitoring and Evaluation Indicator System Based on the Pastoral Living Environment基于牧区生存环境的监测与评价指标体系研究

6.Research of Rural Environmental Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Index System农村环境质量监测与评价指标体系研究

7.Inspection and Improvement of Water Environment Index System in the Central Region of China中原城市群水环境指标体系监测及改进对策

8.Opinion on the Application the Environmental Index Correlation Analysis on Monitoring Data Auditing浅论环境指标的相关性分析在监测数据审核中的应用

9.Discusses on Application of the Environment Standard in the Environmental Monitoring浅议环境标准在环境监测工作中的应用

10.guidelines on environmental pollution monitoring systems环境污染监测系统指导方针

11.Nosocomial Infection in Intensive Care Unit with Target and Environmental Monitoring:A Correlation Analysis重症监护病房医院感染目标性监测与环境监测结果相关性分析

12.Global Environment Radiation Monitoring Network全球环境辐射监测网(环境辐射监测网)

13.The applying RS vegetation indexes in monitoring agricultural environment遥感植被指数在农业生态环境监测中的应用

14.Design and Implementation of Environmental Quality Monitoring and Emergency Command System;环境质量监测与应急指挥系统的设计与实现

15.The Application of Diatom Indices in Aquatic Environment Biomonitoring and Water Quality Assessment硅藻指数在水环境监测与评价中的应用

16.Standard testing conditions: Officially specified conditions under which paper is tested: 50%relative humidity and 23 degree Celsius.标准测试环境:正式指定的测试纸张环境;相对湿度50%,温度摄氏23度。

17.Preparation of Gas Reference Material of Carbon Dioxide in Air For Environmental Monitoring环境监测用空气中二氧化碳标准气体的研制

18.Study of Electromagnetic Environment Evaluation Index and Evaluation Software Model about the Electricity Net;电网电磁环境评价指标及预测模型的研究


Environmental monitoring indicator system环境监测指标体系

3)detection of environmental indicators环境指标检测

4)environmental monitoring环境监测

1.Implementation of determination of total sulfur in Coal atenvironmental monitoring;煤中全硫含量的测定在环境监测中的应用

2.Macromolecule biomarker detection used inenvironmental monitoring;生物大分子标记物检测在环境监测中的应用

3.On the developing strategy ofenvironmental monitoring in China;论中国环境监测发展战略

5)environment monitoring环境监测

1.Factors Afecting the Quality of the Environment Monitoring;影响环境监测质量的几大因素

2.Discussion on application of RS and GIS in portenvironment monitoring and management;遥感与GIS技术在港口环境监测与管理中的应用初探

3.Digital measurement ofenvironment monitoring;大气环境监测的数字化测量

6)environmental monitor环境监测

1.Theenvironmental monitoring system based on GSM;基于GSM的环境监测系统

2.The application of HPLC in chemical ecology andenvironmental monitor;HPLC在化学生态学和环境监测中的应用

3.Applications of chemical modify electrode inenvironmental monitor;化学修饰电极在环境监测中的应用


