900字范文 > 师范高校 Normal Universities英语短句 例句大全

师范高校 Normal Universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 02:53:03


师范高校 Normal Universities英语短句 例句大全

师范高校,Normal Universities

1)Normal Universities师范高校

1.Research on the Humanities Quality Education inNormal Universities;师范高校人文素质教育研究

2)Advanced normal institution高师范校

3)normal university students高校师范生

1.Therefore,normal university students must be strengthened by vocational skills development and training,elementary and practical training,and establish self-confidence and orientate themselves to enhance overall quality development and faculty building.高校师范生应具备多种职业技能,包括教学技能、班主任工作技能、语言文字和计算机技能。

Advanced normal institution高师范校

3)normal university students高校师范生

1.Therefore,normal university students must be strengthened by vocational skills development and training,elementary and practical training,and establish self-confidence and orientate themselves to enhance overall quality development and faculty building.高校师范生应具备多种职业技能,包括教学技能、班主任工作技能、语言文字和计算机技能。

4)teachers colleges高等师范院校

1.Research work inteachers colleges contributes greatly to the promotion of the construction and development of their disciplines and specialities and to the renovation of their teaching means and content.高等师范院校的科研工作有利于促进学科和专业的建设与发展,有利于更新教育手段和教学内容,是学校与社会的重要连接点,也是直接育人的手段。

2.This essay has discussed the educational function of libraries inteachers colleges in three aspects:1.文章从三个方面分析了普通高等师范院校图书馆的教育职能问题。

3.This article analyses about the factors which influence the girl students interest of physical education ofteachers colleges,to help the girl students increase their interest,enthusiasm and initiative.通过对影响高等师范院校女生体育课学习兴趣的因素分析,提出提高女生对体育的认识,营造良好的学校体育气氛,改革体育教学内容、改进体育教学方法等措施来增强高等师范院校女生学习体育的兴趣,领悟到体育课带来的无穷乐趣。

5)normal university高等师范院校

1.Thinking of Establishing Literature Theory Curriculum System of Normal University;关于高等师范院校文学理论课程体系建设的一些思考

2.Try to dissicuss physical education innormal university;试论高等师范院校的体育教学

3.Research on Some Problems of Subject Construction in Normal University;高等师范院校学科建设若干问题研究

6)normal universities高等师范院校

1.On the Tactic Development of the Subject Curricula in Normal Universities;高等师范院校学科课程发展战略研究

2.Talent cultivation model for physical education innormal universities;高等师范院校体育教育专业人才培养模式的研究

3.The new thinking nonnormal universities in Henan Province about physical education culture construction;河南省高等师范院校体育文化建设的新思考


