900字范文 > 最小差误法 the method of minimal change英语短句 例句大全

最小差误法 the method of minimal change英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-03 09:15:33


最小差误法 the method of minimal change英语短句 例句大全

最小差误法,the method of minimal change

Minimum Error最小误差法

1.In this paper by selecting the minimum error as an experimental method,compare the QPSO s ability in threshold-computation with the standard PSO,experiment results show that this method can completely satisfy the acc.文章中把图像分割问题看成一个最优化问题,以最小误差法为例,对比了所提算法和标准粒子群算法在阈值处理中的性能,并用实验证明了所提算法的可行性。

3)the minimum error method最小误差分割法

1.First,to get rid of the repeated part between ordinal border upon images,image joint algorithm is adopted,and then,use a series of pretreating methods,such as gray transformation and image smoothing,to take off the yawp,segment the image with gray image binary transformation based onthe minimum error method,by th.首先,对顺序采集的胶球图像进行图像拼接,去除重复部分;然后采用灰度变换、图像平滑等一系列预处理算法去噪,去噪后结合基于最小误差分割法的灰度图二值化变换对图像进行分割,得到目标明确的分割图像;最后,利用二值图像投影变换,进行胶球位置定位,获得胶球的数量及磨损状况。

4)method of minimum erratum excitation最小误差激励法

1.Then themethod of minimum erratum excitation is extended to solve this problem and find the feedback gain matrix.首先基于信息结构的概念,将控制器的设计转化为特定信息结构下的最优控制问题,然后将推广的最小误差激励法用于该问题的求解,从而求出反馈增益矩阵。

5)minimal square error method最小平方误差法

6)the least burst error最小脉组误差法


最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)minimum-brightness and minimum-irradiancezuixiao fuliangdu yu zuixiaofu乙haodu最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(minimum-brightness and而nimum一irradianee)见核爆炸火球。
