900字范文 > 人均国民收入 national income per capita英语短句 例句大全

人均国民收入 national income per capita英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-15 00:27:18


人均国民收入 national income per capita英语短句 例句大全

人均国民收入,national income per capita

1)national income per capita人均国民收入


1.Consequently, income per capita stagnates.其结果,人均国民收入停滞不前。

pared with the developed countries, China still has a very low per capita national income.比起发达国家来,人均国民收入还是很低的。

3.per capita national income按人口平均的国民收入

4.The regions" per capita income of the farmers was also increasing at a far quicker pace than the country"s average.城乡居民收入大幅度增加,农民人均收入增幅超过全国平均水平。

5.average national income estimates国民平均收入估计数

6.Tax Influence on Per Capita Income Gap between Chinese Urban and Rural Residents;政府税收对中国城乡居民人均收入差距的影响

7.the total national income divided by the number of people in the nation.本国公民平均每人分得国家总收入的部分。

8.His income is 3000 above the national mean.他的收入高于国民收入平均数3000美元。

9.Cointegration Test of Rural Credit on Farmers Revenue;我国农业信贷与农民人均纯收入:一个协整分析

10.Analysis of the Income and Consumption of Chinese Countryside from 1985 to on Cointegration Theory;1985-中国农村居民人均消费与收入协整分析

11.The correspondence analysis for the per capita income ofChinese city and country residents;我国各地区城乡居民人均收入的对应分析

12.Cluster Analysis on Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households in China中国农村居民家庭人均纯收入的聚类分析

13.Urban residents" disposable income per capita and the farmers and herdsmen"s income per capita increased by 62.9 percent and 93.6 percent, respectively;城镇居民人均可支配收入和农牧民人均收入分别增长62.9%和93.6%;

14.The per-capita disposable income of urban residents and the per-capita net income of rural people should rise by about 4 percent in real terms.城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入实际增长4%左右。

15.In 1997 in ethnic-minority autonomous areas, the net income per peasant had reached 1,633.11 RMB yuan, or 21.5 times the 1980 figure;1997年,全国民族自治地方农民人均纯收入1633.11元,是1980年的21.5倍;

16.The Relation Between Per Capita Household Electricity Consumption and Income Per Head;居民生活人均用电量与人均收入的关系

17.The subsidies are provided to regions in China where annual income per capita is less than RMB 400.补贴提供给中国人均年收入低于400元人民币的地区

18.the annual growth of urban residents" disposable income per capita should reach around 7% and farmers" net income per capita should increase by 150 yuan each year;全区城镇居民人均可支配收入年均增长7%左右,农民人均纯收入年均增加150元左右;


GNI per capita人均国民收入总值

3)the level of personal national income in different regions地区人均国民收入水平

4)proportionable national income均衡国民收入

5)peasant income per person in a year农民年人均收入

6)mean inhabitant income居民人均收入


