900字范文 > 人均纯收入 Per capita net income英语短句 例句大全

人均纯收入 Per capita net income英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-03 07:53:51


人均纯收入 Per capita net income英语短句 例句大全

人均纯收入,Per capita net income

1)Per capita net income人均纯收入

1.With Lorentz curve,this paper probes the proportionate factor of the per capita net income to the per capita living space.针对目前影响村镇人均住房面积均衡性因素的看法,应用洛伦茨曲线,探讨人均纯收入对村镇居住区人均住房面积均衡性的影响。

2.This paper studies the per capita net income of rural residents of 10-year period in 18 cities of Henan province.本文以河南全省18个地市,期间农民人均纯收入为研究对象,通过检索1997一间河南农民纯收入数据资料,在自然地理分区和收入等级分区的条件下,采用3种评价指标体系对不同时段、不同区域的河南农民人均纯收入数据进行比较,分析河南区域之间的农民收入差异,探讨河南农民收入变动的趋势、结构特征及收入增长支撑点的变化。


1.The per capita net income for farmers increased by 4.2% in real terms.农民人均纯收入实际增长4.2%。

2.the net income per peasant grew by 3.6 times;农民人均纯收入增长了2.6倍;

3.This year, the per-capita net income of farmers is expected to rise by 4 percent.今年力争使农民人均纯收入增长4%。

4.The per capita net income of rural households was 2,160 yuan, a real growth of 4.3 percent.农村居民人均纯收入2160元,实际增长4.3%。

5.The per capita net income of rural households was 2,476 yuan, a real increase of 4.8 percent.农村居民人均纯收入2476元,实际增长4.8%。

6.Statistical Analysis of Peasant Per Capita Net Income of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古农牧民人均纯收入的统计分析

7.and the net income per peasant increased from 648 yuan to 1,337 yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 12.8 percent.农民人均纯收入从648元增加到1337元,年均增长12.8%。

8.and the per-capita net income of farmers jumped from 648 yuan to 1,337 yuan, representing an annual increase of 12.8 percent.农民人均纯收入从648元增长到1337元,年均增长12.8%。

9.The per-capita disposable income of urban residents and the per-capita net income of rural people should rise by about 4 percent in real terms.城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入实际增长4%左右。

10.The Impact of the Per Capita Net income on the Proportion of Per Capita Living Space in Terms of Lorentz Curve;基于洛伦茨曲线的人均纯收入对人均住房面积均衡性影响分析

11.The average per capita disposable income reached 5160 yuan for city dwellers. The average per capita net income of rural residents rose to 2090yuan.城镇居民人均可支配收达到5160元。农村居民人均纯收入达到2090元。

12.the annual growth of urban residents" disposable income per capita should reach around 7% and farmers" net income per capita should increase by 150 yuan each year;全区城镇居民人均可支配收入年均增长7%左右,农民人均纯收入年均增加150元左右;

13.In 1990 the average yearly income for peasants and herders was 546 yuan. It was 944 yuan in 1994.农牧民人均纯收入1990年为546元,1994年为944元。

14.In 2001, the average net income per capita in the rural areas of Xinjiang was 1,710.44 yuan, which was more than what was needed for food and clothing.2001年农民人均纯收入达到1710.44元,实现温饱有余;

15.the net income per rural resident reached 2,253 yuan, or a growth of 2.1 percent over that of the previous year, in real terms.农村居民人均纯收入2253元,比上年实际增长2.1%。

16.Between 1990-2001 the per-capita net income of rural households increased by 62 percent in real terms.1990-2001年,农村居民家庭人均纯收入实际增长62%。

17.Analysis of Per Capita Income Structure of Farmers in County of Ji an Ciry in ;吉安市县域农民人均纯收入结构分析

18.Cointegration Test of Rural Credit on Farmers Revenue;我国农业信贷与农民人均纯收入:一个协整分析


net income per capita人均纯收入

1.Relationship between mode of agricultural production andnet income per capita in new irrigation area pumping water from the Huanghe River宁夏扬黄新灌区农业生产模式与人均纯收入关系研究

2.Thenet income per capita of the farmers in Liaoning province increased by 20 times from 143 yuan in the early 1980s(1981) to 2900 yuan towards the end of the twentieth century(1999).辽宁农民人均纯收入 ,在 2 0世纪末期 (1 999年 )比 2 0世纪 80年代初期 (1 981年 )增长了 2 0倍 ,由 1 4 3元增长到 2 90 0元。

3)net income per capita农民人均纯收入

1.Taking 108 counties and cities in Henan Province as the research units andnet income per capita as an indicator of farmer s income,the rural socio-economic development of the whole province was divided into three regions.以河南108个县(市)为研究单元,利用县域农民人均纯收入指标,将河南农村社会经济发展状况划分为3大经济区域。

4)Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents农民人均纯收入

1.With the aim of probing the laws of spatio-temporal evolution for per capita net income of rural residents in Henan Province,and based on all the county-level statistical data from 1999 to ,spatial autocorrelation analysis method and GIS technology which can well reflect the regional economy disparities are used in this paper.以县级区域为研究单元,采用空间自相关分析方法,利用1999-时间序列数据,对河南省农民人均纯收入的时空演变过程进行分析,结果表明:1)收入相似的县域空间集聚始终非常显著,总体空间相关程度基本呈增加趋势;2)农村经济高收入核心区分布较稳定,以焦作、郑州、许昌为中心集中分布,在全省农村经济发展势能最高;3)农村经济塌陷核心区在空间上从豫西中部迁移到了豫东中部;4)呈现显著空间异质性的县域主要位于高收入核心区和低收入核心区的边缘,一直未形成明显的空间集聚;5)高收入核心区和低收入核心区始终呈现明显的空间分异,宏观空间分异表现为北高南低、中部高东西部低的总体空间分布特征。

5)net income of each rural resident农村居民人均纯收入

6)net income of rural households农民人均年纯收入

1.In spite of the great achievement in overall economy,there is a huge disparity in per capitalnet income of rural households(PCNIRH) in 16 cities in this area.以长三角地区为研究对象,根据该地区的行政区划将其划分为16个区域,分别从绝对差异、相对差异以及收敛性等多个角度实证研究该地区内各区域1978年到27年间农民人均年纯收入增长差异的变动趋势,其结果表明:尽管长三角地区农民人均年纯收入的绝对差异(标准差值和极差值两项指标)逐年扩大,且阶段性明显,但就相对差异而言,总的趋势是逐年减少,并且在进入21世纪后趋于稳定,该地区农民人均纯收入之间已经进入了"高度平均"的阶段;同时,该地区农民人均年纯收入在研究期间总体上存在δ-收敛,并存在着明显的绝对β-收敛。


